Majors, Minors, and Certificates
Undergraduate Program
Bachelor of Science (B.S) in Civil Engineering
Undergraduate technical areas include:
- Construction Engineering focuses on managing large-scale construction projects and ensuring that they are scheduled and built in accordance with plans and specifications.
- Environmental Engineering focuses on the treatment of water, air, soil, solid and hazardous wastes, and the production of renewable energy.
- Geotechnical and Materials Engineering includes the characterization and improvement of civil engineering materials and soils, foundation engineering, geotechnical design and modeling, materials testing and development, pavement design and asset management, and design of sustainable infrastructure.
- Structural Engineering and Mechanics deals with the design or rehabilitation of large public structures, such as bridges, dams, or buildings.
- Transportation Engineering considers the engineering aspects of highways and streets, air transport, fixed guide way systems (e.g., railroad, monorail, or maglev), and ports and waterways.
- Water Resources Engineering includes the areas of hydrology, water resource management, eco-hydraulics, and fluid mechanics.
Many U.S. states and territories require professional licensure/certification to be employed. If you plan to pursue employment in a licensed profession after completing this program, please visit the Professional Licensure/Certification Disclosures by State interactive map.
Graduate Programs
Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) in Civil Engineering
The following specializations are available:
- Infrastructure
- Transportation Systems
- Water and Environment
Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) in Environmental Engineering
Master of Science (M.S.) in Civil Engineering
The following specializations are available:
- Geotechnical and Materials Engineering
- Structural Engineering and Mechanics
- Transportation Engineering
- Water Resources Engineering
Master of Science (M.S.) in Environmental Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Civil Engineering
The following specializations are available:
- Geotechnical and Materials Engineering
- Structural Engineering and Mechanics
- Transportation Engineering
- Water Resources Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Environmental Engineering
Minors and Certificates
Environmental Engineering Minor
Graduating seniors must add the minor by the University’s deadline during the semester in which they intend to graduate (refer to the registrar’s academic calendar).
Program Description: Penn State’s Environmental Engineering Minor is an interdisciplinary program administered by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. This minor is designed to provide students in engineering, science, and other majors with a comprehensive study of environmental issues and the skills necessary to solve problems associated with environmental pollution. A certificate is awarded to students who complete the requirements of the minor.
Prerequisites: For entrance into the minor, students must be:
- at least fifth-semester standing
- have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher
- have completed CHEM 110 GN(3), MATH 141 GQ(4), PHYS 211 GN(4) with a grade of “C” or better in each course
Requirements: To complete the minor, students must complete 18 credits in approved courses. At least 6 credits must be in 400-level courses and 6 credits that apply toward the minor must be unique from credits used to earn any other major or minor. A grade of C or better is required for all courses in the minor. *For students entering Penn State after Spring 2016, at least six (6) credits of the minor must be unique from the Prescribed Courses required by the student’s major program(s). For a complete list of requirements, see the University Bulletin.
Adding the Minor: To add the minor, log into LionPath and select “Update Academics” from the academic drop-down menu and click the double arrow “Go” icon. Read the following page instructions, then click the “Continue” button. Use the tool to add the minor.
More Information: Specific questions regarding the minor may be directed to Nathaniel Warner, environmental engineering minor adviser, nrw6@psu.edu.
Residential Construction Minor
The objective of the Residential Construction Minor is to provide an opportunity for students to gain an understanding of residential building construction topics and issues with an emphasis on sustainable land development, design, and construction of residential buildings, as well as construction management of residential projects.
Residential building construction is a unique interdisciplinary field that draws upon civil and architectural engineering, architecture, real estate, management, finance, and marketing disciplines, and design principles including economical, safe, and serviceable structural design, green building systems design, sustainable land development, and construction management.
This minor is expected to be primarily of interest to student from civil and environmental engineering, architectural engineering, and architecture majors, but students from other majors can also enroll in this minor. This minor will help students to increase their competitiveness for employment in the residential market and construction industry.
Minor Requirements: The minor consists of 22 credits – 10 required credits and 12 additional credits. The 12 additional credits are based on four (4) tracks: architectural engineering, architecture, civil engineering, and all other majors. A grade of C or better is required in all courses in the minor. Students must also maintain at least a 2.0 GPA.
Application Form: Download the application form here: Residential Construction Minor Application Form
Specific questions regarding the minor may be directed to Mindy Boffemmyer, PHRC, mub21@psu.edu or Jaymes Dunlap, architectural engineering, jad6832@psu.edu.
For more information about the minor, click here.
Housing Certificate
Program Description: This program is designed to provide undergraduate students with a means of developing some basic knowledge of housing and preparing for a career in the housing industry.
Housing, from low-rise detached houses to multi-unit, multi-story apartment buildings, from motels to high-rise hotels, from student residences to rural housing, is a major and vital component of the built environment. New single-family housing represents at least 4 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP), and housing and its consequences account for about 12 percent of the GDP. With a national housing stock in excess of 110,000,000 units, the maintenance, operation, repair – and especially the upgrading, retrofit, and remodeling of the existing stock – are a very important component of the national economy. Engineers have many important roles to play in the housing business, especially with the developmental, economic, and technical aspects of housing.
The certificate program consists of courses that already exist, but the objective is to ensure that a minimum program of related courses is completed. It is recommended that the student take a set of complementary courses in the technology of housing, and/or the development process, and/or the design and the delivery processes and/or the real estate process. A certificate is to be awarded to students who complete the requirements. For entrance into the certificate program, students must be at least fifth-semester standing. The GPA considered for admission will be consistent with or equivalent to the GPA required for entrance to any major in the student’s department. To continue in the program, students must earn a C grade or better in each required course. A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for certification.
Requirements: Students must complete AE 470 and choose 9 credits from the following: AE 432, BE 462, AE 471, CE 410W, CE/AE 542, RM 303, RM 450 totaling 12 credits.
Adding the Certificate Plan: To add the certificate, log into LionPath and select “Update Academics” from the academic drop-down menu and click the double arrow “Go” icon. Read the following page instructions, then click the "Continue" button. Use the tool to add the certificate.
Specific questions regarding the certificate may be directed to Dr. Ali Memari, Bernard and Henrietta Hankin Chair of Residential Building Construction, memari@engr.psu.edu
- Bachelor of Science (B.S) in Civil Engineering
- Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) in Civil Engineering
- Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) in Environmental Engineering
- Master of Science (M.S.) in Civil Engineering
- Master of Science (M.S.) in Environmental Engineering
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Civil Engineering
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Environmental Engineering
Minors and Certificates