
Your company has the opportunity for exposure to the students and alumni of one of the largest engineering programs in the country through sponsorship programs. Some examples:

  • Create a fellowship, professorship, or scholarship
  • Give an in-kind gift that benefits research and education programs
  • Name a facility, building, or lab
  • Assist a student organization or competition team 
  • Sponsor a student program, such as Women in Engineering or the Multicultural Engineering Program

There are so many ways to support the education and research initiative in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. For more information on the best opportunity for your company, please contact the Director of Development at giving@engr.psu.edu or 814-865-0173.




The Penn State Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, established in 1881, is internationally recognized for excellence in the preparation of undergraduate and graduate engineers through the integration of education, research, and leadership.

Penn State University

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

208 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education (ECoRE) Building 

556 White Course Dr 

University Park, PA 16802-1408

Phone: 814-863-3084