Alumni Society
Connecting CEE Alumni, Faculty, and Students
The Penn State CEE Alumni Society is a subsidiary of the Penn State Engineering Alumni Society. While the latter organization encompasses all engineering disciplines under the College of Engineering, the intent of the CEE Alumni Society is to foster a connection between CEE alumni and current CEE students and faculty.
All graduates of the Penn State CEE program are considered members of the Penn State CEE Alumni Society.
The purpose of the Penn State CEE Alumni Society is to foster a connection between CEE alumni and current CEE students and faculty.
The goals of the Penn State CEE Alumni Society are to provide a platform for alumni to:
- positively influence the educational experience of students
- assist the department in producing world class engineers
- expose students to the world of the practicing engineer
- socially interact and professionally network
More information relating to the key objectives and organizational structure of the Penn State CEE Alumni Society can be found in the organization’s charter.
The Penn State CEE Alumni Society is lead by a Board of Directors consisting of CEE alumni, faculty, and students.