The Penn State Engineering Alumni Society and the Penn State Civil and Environmental Engineering Alumni Society sponsor numerous initiatives throughout the year and we encourage alumni to volunteer to make these events and programs successful.
Department opportunities
- Student Mentoring: Volunteer to be paired as an alumni mentor to an undergraduate student.
For more information on how to get involved with the mentoring program, visit our mentoring page here or contact Michelle Hill, Department Head Staff Assistant, at mvm3@engr.psu.edu or 814-863-3084.
College Opportunities
- Resumania: Held in conjunction with Penn State's Career Fair each fall, Resumania provides students with access to alumni who can review resumes and provide valuable career guidance.
- PSEAS Faculty/Staff Awards: Help PSEAS in the annual selection process to recognize outstanding teachers, advisers, researchers, and support staff in the College of Engineering.
- Penn State Regional Rube Goldberg Machine Contest: Held in February, this annual "Olympics of Complexity" challenges students to move beyond traditional problem solving. Alumni volunteers are needed to help with judging, timekeeping, program distribution, and other tasks.
For more information on how to get involved, please contact the College of Engineering Alumni Relations Office at alumni@engr.psu.edu.