2025 Women Advancing River Research Seminar Series

a collage of individual headshots

All seminars will be presented online live at 11:00 a.m. ET on the third Thursday of each month. Seminar recordings will be posted later. Please register in advance for all talks.

Co-hosts: Co-hosts: Li Li, Penn State (Li Reactive Water Group; @LiReactiveWater.bsky.social); Rebecca Barnes (@waterbarnes.bsky.social); Bryn Stewart, Caltech; Devon Kerins, University College Dublin

January 16

Hot water: Integrated modeling for watershed fire impacts and in stream thermal habitats

Xingyuan Chen, Pacific Northwestern National Laboratory, U.S.
Alison Appling, U.S. Geological Survey

Abstract and Bios »

February 20

Climate, Water, and Society: Unraveling Complex Interactions Through Decision-Relevant Climate Information

Antonia Hadjimichael, Penn State, U.S.
Penelope Mitchell, University of Alabama, U.S.

Abstract and Bios »

March 20

Navigating smooth and choppy waters: collaboration stories and strategies

Julia Perdrial, University of Vermont, U.S.
Lixin Jin, University of Texas, El Paso, U.S.
Lauren Lowman, Wake Forest University, U.S.

Abstract and Bios »

April 17

(Reverse) Water System Justice

J. (Joyeeta) Gupta, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Marguerite A. Xenopoulos, Trent University, Canada

May 15

Hydrologic extremes and their impacts on water quality

Manuela Brunner, ETH Zurich and SLF, Switzerland
Jenny Druhan, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, U.S.

June 18 

Key Drivers of Carbon Fluxes in Watersheds: Hydro-biogeochemistry, Weathering, and Extreme Events

Bryn Stewart, Caltech, U.S.
Bhavna Arora, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, U.S.

July 17

Collaborating across disciplines and methods to understand non-perennial streams

Margaret Zimmer, U Wisconsin, Madison, U.S.
Amy Burgin, Iowa State University, U.S.

August 21

Water and infectious diseases

Avriel Diaz, Walking Palms Global Health, U.S.
Anna Stewart Ibarra, Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI)

September 18

Dynamic urban streams

Beth Herndon, Oak Ridge National Lab, U.S.
Anne Jefferson, University of Vermont, U.S.

October 16

Geomorphic process drivers in unconfined, alluvial river corridors at varying temporal scales

Sara Rathburn, Colorado State University, U.S.
Anna Marshall, University of Tennessee, U.S.

November 20

Water above- and below-ground

Holly Barnard, University of Colorado, Boulder, U.S.
Theresa Blume, GFZ, Germany

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