Journal Articles
- Cameron K Takemori and Jeffrey A Laman, 2018, "TUNED MASS DAMPER EFFECTS ON THE DYNAMIC RESPONSE OF PEDESTRIAN SUSPENSION BRIDGES", International Journal of Bridge Engineering, 6, (1), pp. 35-62
- Brandon Newpher, Jeffrey A Laman and Thomas E Boothby, 2017, "Dynamic Response of Three Historic Through-Truss Bridges", Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering, pp. 26
- Yi Mao and Jeffrey A Laman, 2017, "PEDESTRIAN SUSPENSION BRIDGE NUMERICAL MODEL RESPONSE TO LOAD SIMULATIONS", International Journal of Bridge Engineering, 5, (3), pp. 22
- Jennifer Kearney and Jeffrey A Laman, 2016, "Suspension Footbridge Dynamic Response to Pedestrian Loading and Corresponding Human Comfort", International Journal of Bridge Engineering, 4, (3)
- Ashutosh Srivastava, Jeffrey A Laman and A J Schokker, 2016, "Detection of Subsurface Voids in Soil Media using Seismic Wave Methods", Global Journal of Earth Science and Engineering, pp. 16
- WooSeok Kim, Jeffrey A Laman and Yoseok Jeong, 2016, "Comparative Study of Integral Abutment Bridge Structural Analysis Methods", Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering
- Alireza Farzampour and Jeffrey A Laman, 2015, "BEHAVIOR PREDICTION OF CORRUGATED STEEL PLATE SHEAR WALLS WITH OPENINGS", Journal of Steel Constructional Research, 114, pp. pg 258 - 268
- J R Wright, F Rajabipour, J A Laman and T E Boothby, 2014, "Causes of Early Age Cracking on Concrete Bridge Deck Expansion Joint Repair Sections", Advances in Civil Engineering, 2014, pp. 10
- W S Kim and J A Laman, 2014, "Reliability-Based Design for Prestressed Girders in Integral Abutment Bridges for Thermal Effects", Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 50, (3), pp. 40
- David Leaf and Jeffrey A Laman, 2013, "Testing and Analysis of Composite Steel-Concrete Beam Flexural Strength", International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research, 2, (3), pp. 90-103
- W. S. Kim and Jeffrey A Laman, 2013, "Integral Abutment Bridge Behavior under Uncertain Thermal and Time-Dependent Load", Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 46, (1), pp. 53-73
- S. Atamturktur, F. Hemez and Jeffrey A Laman, 2012, "Verification and Validation Applied to Finite Element Models of Historic Masonry Monuments", Engineering Structures, 43, pp. 221-234
- R. C. Guyer* and Jeffrey A Laman, 2012, "Distortion-Induced Stress Investigation of Double Angle Stringer-to-Floorbeam Connections in Railroad Bridge", Engineering Structures, 38, pp. 104-112
- W. S. Kim*, Jeffrey A Laman and D. G. Linzell, 2012, "Prediction of Concrete Integral Abutment Bridge Unrecoverable Displacements", American Concrete Institute SP-284, Andy Scanlon Symposium on Serviceability and Safety of Concrete Structures: From Research to Practice, 284, pp. 1-20
- S. Atamturktur and Jeffrey A Laman, 2012, "Finite Element Model Correlation and Calibration of Historic Masonry Monuments: Review", Journal of Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 21, (2), pp. 96-113
- Jeffrey A Laman and J. M. Porte*, 2012, "Investigation of a Cable Retrofit System for Improving the Progressive Collapse Resistance of Steel Buildings", Journal on Structural Engineering, 1, (3), pp. 1-14
- R. C. Guyer* and Jeffrey A Laman, 2012, "Short-Line Railroad Management System for Bridge Prioritization", Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 2, (1), pp. 25-40
- W. S. Kim* and Jeffrey A Laman, 2012, "Seven-Year Field Monitoring of Four Integral Abutment Bridges", ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 26, (1), pp. 54-64
- K. T. Baptiste, Jeffrey A Laman and W. S. Kim, 2011, "Length Limitations of Prestressed Concrete Girder Integral Abutment Bridges", IABSE Structural Engineering International, SEI, 21, (2), pp. 151-156
- P. C. Johnson and Jeffrey A Laman, 2010, "LRFD Crane Girder Design Procedure and Aids", AISC Engineering Journal, 4, (47), pp. 261-268
- W. S. Kim and Jeffrey A Laman, 2010, "Numerical Analysis Method for Long-term Behavior of Integral Abutment Bridges", Engineering Structures, 32, (8), pp. 2247-2257
- W. S. Kim and Jeffrey A Laman, 2010, "Integral Abutment Bridge Response under Thermal Loading", Engineering Structures, 32, (6), pp. 1495-1508
- Kongsak Pugasap and Jeffrey A Laman, 2009, "Integral Abutment Bridge Hysteresis Model for Long Prediction", Institute of Civil Engineers, Bridge Engineering, 162, pp. 35-47
- Jeffrey A Laman, 2009, "Integral Abutment Monitoring and Design"
- W. S. Kim and Jeffrey A Laman, 2009, "Closure to Live Load Radial Moment Distribution for Horizontally Curved Bridges", ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 12, (6), pp. 727-727
- Kongsak Pugasap, W. S. Kim and Jeffrey A Laman, 2009, "Long-Term Response Prediction of Integral Abutment Bridges", ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 14, (2), pp. 129-139
- Pattarapong Asnachinda, T. Pinkaew and Jeffrey A Laman, 2008, "Multiple Vehicle Axle Load Identification from Continuous Bridge Bending Moment Response", Engineering Structures, 30, (10), pp. 2800-2817
- W. S. Kim, Jeffrey A Laman and D. G. Linzell, 2007, "Live Load Radial Moment Distribution for Horizontally Curved Bridges", ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, pp. 727-736
- D. Nevling, D. G. Linzell and Jeffrey A Laman, 2006, "Examination of Level of Analysis Accuracy for Curved I-Girder Bridges Through Comparison to Field Data", ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Journal of Bridge Engineering, 11, (2), pp. 160-168
- J. L. Fennema, Jeffrey A Laman and D. G. Linzell, 2005, "Predicted and Measured Response of Integral Abutment Bridges", ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 10, (6), pp. 666-677
- M. Paul, Jeffrey A Laman and D. G. Linzell, 2005, "Thermally Induced Superstructure Stress in Prestressed Girder Integral Abutment Bridges", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, pp. 287-297
- C. Leighty, Jeffrey A Laman and G. Gittings, 2004, "Heavy Axle Study: Impact of Higher Rail Car Weight Limits on Short-Line Railroad Bridge Structures", Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, 21, (2), pp. 91-104
- D. Linzell and Jeffrey A Laman, 2004, "Curved and Skewed Bridge Construction Research for I-99"
- K. Pugasap, C. Leighty and Jeffrey A Laman, 2004, "HYSTERESIS PHENOMENON IN INTEGRAL ABUTMENT BRIDGE", pp. 14
- Meet Shah and Jeffrey A Laman, , "Development of Highway Bridge Design Permit Vehicles", ASCE Performance of Constructed Facilities, pp. 30
Conference Proceedings
- J A Laman and M L Brannon, 2014, "Integration of Prerequisite Resource Materials in a Structural Design of Foundations Course Using Pencasts", pp. 16
- B. Swartz, Jeffrey A Laman and S. B. Velegol, 2013, "Three Approaches to Flipping CE Courses: Faculty Perspectives and Suggestions", ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings
- Jeffrey A Laman and M. L. Brannon, 2012, "Phase-In of Classroom Flip in the Redesign of a Senior-Level Engineering Course and Outcome Comparison to Previous Version of Course", ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings
- W. S. Kim and Jeffrey A Laman, 2010, "Long-Term Field Monitoring of Four Integral Abutment Bridges", Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, 89th Annual Meeting Compendium, pp. 28
- Pattarapong Asnachinda, T. Pinkaew and Jeffrey A Laman, 2007, "Multiple Vehicle Axle Load Identification from Dynamic Bridge Response: An Experimental Study", Proceedings of Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures 2007
- Michael Paul, Jeffrey A Laman and Dan Linzell, 2005, "Thermally Induced Superstructure Stresses in Prestressed Girder Integral Abutment Bridges", 6th International Bridge Engineering Conference, Reliability, Security, and Sustainability in Bridge Engineering