Photo of Jeffrey A. Laman

Jeffrey A. Laman

Professor Emeritus


  • Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Areas:

Structural Engineering and Mechanics

Interest Areas:

Steel design; bridge engineering; nondestructive bridge evaluation; bridge dynamics, load models, and field testing; optical sensor system development





Journal Articles

  • Cameron K Takemori and Jeffrey A Laman, 2018, "TUNED MASS DAMPER EFFECTS ON THE DYNAMIC RESPONSE OF PEDESTRIAN SUSPENSION BRIDGES", International Journal of Bridge Engineering, 6, (1), pp. 35-62
  • Brandon Newpher, Jeffrey A Laman and Thomas E Boothby, 2017, "Dynamic Response of Three Historic Through-Truss Bridges", Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering, pp. 26
  • Yi Mao and Jeffrey A Laman, 2017, "PEDESTRIAN SUSPENSION BRIDGE NUMERICAL MODEL RESPONSE TO LOAD SIMULATIONS", International Journal of Bridge Engineering, 5, (3), pp. 22
  • Jennifer Kearney and Jeffrey A Laman, 2016, "Suspension Footbridge Dynamic Response to Pedestrian Loading and Corresponding Human Comfort", International Journal of Bridge Engineering, 4, (3)
  • Ashutosh Srivastava, Jeffrey A Laman and A J Schokker, 2016, "Detection of Subsurface Voids in Soil Media using Seismic Wave Methods", Global Journal of Earth Science and Engineering, pp. 16
  • WooSeok Kim, Jeffrey A Laman and Yoseok Jeong, 2016, "Comparative Study of Integral Abutment Bridge Structural Analysis Methods", Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering
  • Alireza Farzampour and Jeffrey A Laman, 2015, "BEHAVIOR PREDICTION OF CORRUGATED STEEL PLATE SHEAR WALLS WITH OPENINGS", Journal of Steel Constructional Research, 114, pp. pg 258 - 268
  • J R Wright, F Rajabipour, J A Laman and T E Boothby, 2014, "Causes of Early Age Cracking on Concrete Bridge Deck Expansion Joint Repair Sections", Advances in Civil Engineering, 2014, pp. 10
  • W S Kim and J A Laman, 2014, "Reliability-Based Design for Prestressed Girders in Integral Abutment Bridges for Thermal Effects", Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 50, (3), pp. 40
  • David Leaf and Jeffrey A Laman, 2013, "Testing and Analysis of Composite Steel-Concrete Beam Flexural Strength", International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research, 2, (3), pp. 90-103
  • W. S. Kim and Jeffrey A Laman, 2013, "Integral Abutment Bridge Behavior under Uncertain Thermal and Time-Dependent Load", Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 46, (1), pp. 53-73
  • S. Atamturktur, F. Hemez and Jeffrey A Laman, 2012, "Verification and Validation Applied to Finite Element Models of Historic Masonry Monuments", Engineering Structures, 43, pp. 221-234
  • R. C. Guyer* and Jeffrey A Laman, 2012, "Distortion-Induced Stress Investigation of Double Angle Stringer-to-Floorbeam Connections in Railroad Bridge", Engineering Structures, 38, pp. 104-112
  • W. S. Kim*, Jeffrey A Laman and D. G. Linzell, 2012, "Prediction of Concrete Integral Abutment Bridge Unrecoverable Displacements", American Concrete Institute SP-284, Andy Scanlon Symposium on Serviceability and Safety of Concrete Structures: From Research to Practice, 284, pp. 1-20
  • S. Atamturktur and Jeffrey A Laman, 2012, "Finite Element Model Correlation and Calibration of Historic Masonry Monuments: Review", Journal of Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 21, (2), pp. 96-113
  • Jeffrey A Laman and J. M. Porte*, 2012, "Investigation of a Cable Retrofit System for Improving the Progressive Collapse Resistance of Steel Buildings", Journal on Structural Engineering, 1, (3), pp. 1-14
  • R. C. Guyer* and Jeffrey A Laman, 2012, "Short-Line Railroad Management System for Bridge Prioritization", Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 2, (1), pp. 25-40
  • W. S. Kim* and Jeffrey A Laman, 2012, "Seven-Year Field Monitoring of Four Integral Abutment Bridges", ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 26, (1), pp. 54-64
  • K. T. Baptiste, Jeffrey A Laman and W. S. Kim, 2011, "Length Limitations of Prestressed Concrete Girder Integral Abutment Bridges", IABSE Structural Engineering International, SEI, 21, (2), pp. 151-156
  • P. C. Johnson and Jeffrey A Laman, 2010, "LRFD Crane Girder Design Procedure and Aids", AISC Engineering Journal, 4, (47), pp. 261-268
  • W. S. Kim and Jeffrey A Laman, 2010, "Numerical Analysis Method for Long-term Behavior of Integral Abutment Bridges", Engineering Structures, 32, (8), pp. 2247-2257
  • W. S. Kim and Jeffrey A Laman, 2010, "Integral Abutment Bridge Response under Thermal Loading", Engineering Structures, 32, (6), pp. 1495-1508
  • Kongsak Pugasap and Jeffrey A Laman, 2009, "Integral Abutment Bridge Hysteresis Model for Long Prediction", Institute of Civil Engineers, Bridge Engineering, 162, pp. 35-47
  • Jeffrey A Laman, 2009, "Integral Abutment Monitoring and Design"
  • W. S. Kim and Jeffrey A Laman, 2009, "Closure to Live Load Radial Moment Distribution for Horizontally Curved Bridges", ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 12, (6), pp. 727-727
  • Kongsak Pugasap, W. S. Kim and Jeffrey A Laman, 2009, "Long-Term Response Prediction of Integral Abutment Bridges", ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 14, (2), pp. 129-139
  • Pattarapong Asnachinda, T. Pinkaew and Jeffrey A Laman, 2008, "Multiple Vehicle Axle Load Identification from Continuous Bridge Bending Moment Response", Engineering Structures, 30, (10), pp. 2800-2817
  • W. S. Kim, Jeffrey A Laman and D. G. Linzell, 2007, "Live Load Radial Moment Distribution for Horizontally Curved Bridges", ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, pp. 727-736
  • D. Nevling, D. G. Linzell and Jeffrey A Laman, 2006, "Examination of Level of Analysis Accuracy for Curved I-Girder Bridges Through Comparison to Field Data", ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Journal of Bridge Engineering, 11, (2), pp. 160-168
  • J. L. Fennema, Jeffrey A Laman and D. G. Linzell, 2005, "Predicted and Measured Response of Integral Abutment Bridges", ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 10, (6), pp. 666-677
  • M. Paul, Jeffrey A Laman and D. G. Linzell, 2005, "Thermally Induced Superstructure Stress in Prestressed Girder Integral Abutment Bridges", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, pp. 287-297
  • C. Leighty, Jeffrey A Laman and G. Gittings, 2004, "Heavy Axle Study: Impact of Higher Rail Car Weight Limits on Short-Line Railroad Bridge Structures", Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, 21, (2), pp. 91-104
  • D. Linzell and Jeffrey A Laman, 2004, "Curved and Skewed Bridge Construction Research for I-99"
  • K. Pugasap, C. Leighty and Jeffrey A Laman, 2004, "HYSTERESIS PHENOMENON IN INTEGRAL ABUTMENT BRIDGE", pp. 14
  • Meet Shah and Jeffrey A Laman, , "Development of Highway Bridge Design Permit Vehicles", ASCE Performance of Constructed Facilities, pp. 30

Conference Proceedings

  • J A Laman and M L Brannon, 2014, "Integration of Prerequisite Resource Materials in a Structural Design of Foundations Course Using Pencasts", pp. 16
  • B. Swartz, Jeffrey A Laman and S. B. Velegol, 2013, "Three Approaches to Flipping CE Courses: Faculty Perspectives and Suggestions", ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings
  • Jeffrey A Laman and M. L. Brannon, 2012, "Phase-In of Classroom Flip in the Redesign of a Senior-Level Engineering Course and Outcome Comparison to Previous Version of Course", ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings
  • W. S. Kim and Jeffrey A Laman, 2010, "Long-Term Field Monitoring of Four Integral Abutment Bridges", Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, 89th Annual Meeting Compendium, pp. 28
  • Pattarapong Asnachinda, T. Pinkaew and Jeffrey A Laman, 2007, "Multiple Vehicle Axle Load Identification from Dynamic Bridge Response: An Experimental Study", Proceedings of Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures 2007
  • Michael Paul, Jeffrey A Laman and Dan Linzell, 2005, "Thermally Induced Superstructure Stresses in Prestressed Girder Integral Abutment Bridges", 6th International Bridge Engineering Conference, Reliability, Security, and Sustainability in Bridge Engineering

Research Projects

Honors and Awards


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




The Penn State Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, established in 1881, is internationally recognized for excellence in the preparation of undergraduate and graduate engineers through the integration of education, research, and leadership.

Penn State University

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

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