Photo of Jay Regan

Jay Regan

Professor of Environmental Engineering


  • Civil and Environmental Engineering

277 ECoRE Building


Personal or Departmental Website

Research Areas:

Environmental Engineering

Interest Areas:

Biological treatment processes, molecular microbial ecology, bioenergy production.





Journal Articles

  • Katie L Duggan DiDominic, James P Shapleigh, Michael T Walter, Y. Samuel Wang, Matthew C Reid and John M Regan, 2024, "Microbial diversity and gene abundance in denitrifying bioreactors: a comparison of the woodchip surface biofilm vs. the interior wood matrix", Journal of Environmental Quality, pp. 1-12
  • Caitlin Hodges, John M Regan, Brandon Forsythe, David Oakley, Andrew A Nyblade, Susan L Brantley and P Kaye, 2023, "Using fixed potential electrodes to quantify iron and manganese redox cycling in upland soils", Biogeochemistry, 162, pp. pages 25–42
  • Ryan L Sebring, Sjoerd W Duiker, Robert Berghage, John M Regan, Joshua Lambert and Ron B Bryant, 2022, "Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus Inoculation of Two Lettuce Cultivars Affects Leaf and Root Growth under Hydroponic Conditions", Applied Sciences, 12, (3)
  • Ignacio T Vargas, Natalia Tapia and John M Regan, 2022, "Rumen Inoculum Enhances Cathode Performance in Single-Chamber Air-Cathode Microbial Fuel Cells", Materials, 15, (1)
  • Sheila Saia, Hunter Carrick, Anthony Buda, John M Regan and Michael T Walter, 2021, "A Review of Polyphosphate and Polyphosphate Accumulating Organisms for Agricultural Water Resources Management", Environmental Science & Technology, 55, (5), pp. 2722-2742
  • Kyung-Yeol Kim, Ruggero Rossi, John M Regan and Bruce E Logan, 2021, "Enumeration of exoelectrogens in microbial fuel cell effluents fed acetate or wastewater substrates", Biochemical Engineering Journal, 165, pp. 107816
  • Kathryn Lawson, Ruggero Rossi, John M Regan and Bruce E Logan, 2020, "Impact of cathodic electron acceptor on microbial fuel cell internal resistance", Bioresource Technology, 316, pp. 123919
  • Ruggero Rossi, Derek Hall, Xu Wang, John M Regan and Bruce E Logan, 2020, "Quantifying the factors limiting performance and rates in microbial fuel cells using the electrode potential slope analysis combined with electrical impedance spectroscopy", Electrochimica Acta, 348, pp. 136330
  • Enzo Leiva-Aravena, Eduardo Leiva, Vasty Zamorano, Claudia Rojas, John M Regan and Ignacio T. Vargas, 2019, "Organotrophic acid-tolerant microorganisms enriched from an acid mine drainage affected environment as inoculum for microbial fuel cells", Science of the Total Environment, 678, pp. 639-646
  • S Saia, H J Carrick, A. R Buda, John M Regan and M. T. Walter, 2018, "A Cross-Disciplinary Review of Microbial Phosphorus Cycling for Landscape-Scale Water Quality Management", EarthArXiv Preprints
  • Claudia Rojas, I. T. Vargas, Maryann V Bruns and John M Regan, 2017, "Electrochemically Active Microorganisms from an Acid Mine Drainage-Affected Site Promote Cathode Oxidation in Microbial Fuel Cells", Bioelectrochemistry, 118, pp. 139-146
  • H Yu, H Kashima, John M Regan, A Hussain, E Elbeshbishy and H-S Lee, 2017, "Kinetic study on anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled to denitrification", Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 104, pp. 47-55
  • L Zhang, X Zhu, J Li, H Kashima, Q Liao and John M Regan, 2017, "Step-feed strategy enhances performance of unbuffered air-cathode microbial fuel cells", RSC Advances, 7, pp. 33961-33966
  • Sheila M. Saia, Patrick J. Sullivan, John M Regan, Hunter J Carrick, Anthony R. Buda, Nicholas A. Locke and M. Todd Walter, 2017, "Evidence for polyphosphate accumulating organism (PAO)-mediated phosphorus cycling in stream biofilms under alternating aerobic/anaerobic conditions", Freshwater Science, 36, (2), pp. 284-296
  • Siqi Oh, Hiroyuki Kashima, Douglas Aaron, John M Regan and Matthew Mench, 2017, "Full Cell Simulation and the Evaluation of the Buffer System on Air-Cathode Microbial Fuel Cell", Journal of Power Sources, 347, pp. 159-169
  • Sheila M Saia, Patrick J Sullivan, John M Regan, Hunter J Carrick, Anthony R Buda, Nicholas A Locke and Michael Todd Walter, 2017, "Evidence for polyphosphate accumulating organism (PAO)-mediated phosphorus cycling in stream biofilms under alternating aerobic/anaerobic conditions", Freshwater Science, 36, (2), pp. 284-296
  • Shiqi Ou, Yi Zhao, Douglas S. Aaron, John M Regan and Matthew M Mench, 2016, "Modeling and validation of single-chamber microbial fuel cell cathode biofilm growth and response to oxidant gas composition", Journal of Power Sources, 328, pp. 385-396
  • Shiqi Ou, Hiroyuki Kashima, Douglas S. Aaron, John M Regan and Matthew M Mench, 2016, "Multi-variable mathematical models for the air-cathode microbial fuel cell system", Journal of Power Sources, 314, pp. 49-57
  • Gulsad Uslu, Ali Demirci and John M Regan, 2016, "Disinfection of synthetic and real municipal wastewater effluent by flow-through pulsed UV-light treatment system", Journal of Water Process Engineering, 10, pp. 89-97
  • Nicholas D. Rose and John M Regan, 2015, "Changes in phosphorylation of adenosine phosphate and redox state of nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide (phosphate) in Geobacter sulfurreducens in response to electron acceptor and anode potential variation", Bioelectrochemistry, 106, pp. 213-220
  • Gulsad Uslu, Ali Demirci and John M Regan, 2015, "Efficacy of pulsed UV-light treatment on wastewater effluent disinfection and suspended solid reduction", Journal of Environmental Engineering (United States), 141, (6)
  • G. Usla, Ali Demirci and John M Regan, 2015, "Efficiency of Pulsed UV-Light Treatment on Wastewater Effluent Disinfection and Suspended Solid Reduction", J. Environmental Engineering, 141, (6), pp. 1-10
  • L Zhang, X Zhu, H Kashima, J Li, D D Ye, Q Liao and John M Regan, 2015, "Anolyte recirculation effects in buffered and unbuffered single-chamber air-cathode microbial fuel cells", Bioresource Technology, 179, pp. 26-34
  • H Kashima and John M Regan, 2015, "Facultative Nitrate Reduction by Electrode-Respiring Geobacter metallireducens Biofilms as a Competitive Reaction to Electrode Reduction in a Bioelectrochemical System", Environmental Science & Technology, 49, (5), pp. 3195-3202
  • H. Yan, M. D. Yates and John M Regan, 2015, "Effects of Constant or Dynamic Low Anode Potentials on Microbial Community Development in Bioelectrochemical Systems", Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99, (21), pp. 9319-9329
  • N. D. Rose and John M Regan, 2015, "Changes in adenosine phosphorylation and nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide (phosphate) reduction in Geobacter sulfurreducens due to electron acceptor and anode potential variation", Bioelectrochemistry, 106, pp. 213-220
  • E. D. Leiva, C. D.P. Rámila, I. T. Vargas, C. R. Escauriaza, C. A. Bonilla, John M Regan, G. E. Pizarro and P. A. Pasten, 2014, "Natural Attenuation Process via Microbial Oxidation of Arsenic in a High Andean Watershed", Science of the Total Environment, 466-467, pp. 490-502
  • J H Hwang, H C Kim, J A Choi, R AI Abou-Shanab, B Dempsey, J M Regan, J R Kim, H Song, I H Nam, S N Kim, W Lee, D Park, Y Kim, J Choi, M K Ji, W Jung and B H Jeon, 2014, "Photoautotrophic Hydrogen Production by Eukaryotic Microalgae under Aerobic Conditions", Nature Communications
  • I. T. Vargas, I. U. Albert and John M Regan, 2013, "Physical Distribution of Bacterial Communities on Volumetric and Planar Anodes in Single-Chamber Air-Cathode Microbial Fuel Cells", Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 110, (11), pp. 3059-3062
  • B.-H. Jeon, J.-A. Choi, H.-C. Kim, J.-H. Hwang, R.A.I. Abou-Shanab, B. A. Dempsey, John M Regan and R. J. Kim, 2013, "Ultrasonic Disintegration of Microalgal Biomass and Consequent Improvement of Bioaccessibility/Bioavailability in Microbial Fermentation", Biotechnology for Biofuels, 6, (37)
  • H. Yan and John M Regan, 2013, "Enhanced Nitrogen Removal in Single-Chamber Microbial Fuel Cells with Increased Gas Diffusion Areas", Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 110, (3), pp. 785-791
  • H. Tang, Y.-C. Chen, John M Regan and Y. Xie, 2012, "Disinfection By-Product Formation Potentials in Wastewater Effluents and Their Removal in a Model Wastewater Treatment Plant", J. of Environmental Monitoring, 14, (6), pp. 1515-1522
  • H. Yan, T. Saito and John M Regan, 2012, "Nitrogen Removal in a Single-Chamber Microbial Fuel Cell with Nitrifying Biofilm Enriched at the Air Cathode", Water Research, 46, pp. 2215-2224
  • M. D. Yates, P. D. Kiely, D. F Call, H. Rismani-Yadzi, K. Bibby, J. Peccia, John M Regan and B. E. Logan, 2012, "Convergent Development of Anodic Bacterial Communities in Microbial Fuel Cells", The International Society for Microbial Ecology Journal, 6, (11), pp. 2002-2013
  • L. Ren, J. Tokash, John M Regan and B. E. Logan, 2012, "Current Generation in Microbial Electrolysis Cells with Addition of Amorphous Ferric Hydroxide, Tween 80, or DNA", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37, pp. 16943-16950
  • L. Huang, John M Regan and J. Chen, 2011, "Electron Transfer Mechanisms, New Applications, and Performance of Biocathode Microbial Fuel Cells", Bioresource Technology, 102, (1), pp. 316-323
  • Z. Ren, R. P. Ramasamy, S. Red Cloud-Owen, H. Yan, M. M. Mench and John M Regan, 2011, "Time-course correlation of biofilm properties and electrochemical performance in single-chamber microbial fuel cells", Bioresource Technology, 102, (1), pp. 416-421
  • P. Kiely, G. Rader, John M Regan and B. E. Logan, 2011, "Long-term cathode performance and the microbial communities that develop in microbial fuel cells fed different fermentation endproducts", Bioresource Technology, 102, (1), pp. 361-366
  • P. D. Kiely, R. Cusick, D. F. Call, P. A. Selembo, John M Regan and B. E. Logan, 2011, "Anode microbial communities produced by changing from microbial fuel cell to microbial electrolysis cell operation using two different wastewaters", Bioresource Technology, 102, (1), pp. 388-394
  • S. Jung, M. M. Mench and John M Regan, 2011, "Impedance Characteristics and Polarization Behavior of A Microbial Fuel Cell in Response to Short-Term Changes in Medium pH", Environmental Science and Technology, 45, (20), pp. 9069-9074
  • L. M. Steinberg and John M Regan, 2011, "Response of lab-scale methanogenic reactors inoculated from different sources to organic loading rate shocks", Bioresource Technology, 102, (19), pp. 8790-8798
  • P. D. Kiely, John M Regan and B. E. Logan, 2011, "The electric picnic: Synergistic requirements for exoelectrogenic microbial communities", Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 22, pp. 378-385
  • Z. Ren, H. Yan, W. Wang, M. M. Mench and John M Regan, 2011, "Characterization of Microbial Fuel Cells at Microbially and Electrochemically Meaningful Timescales", Environmental Science & Technology, 45, (6), pp. 2435-2441
  • S. Jung and John M Regan, 2011, "External Resistance Influences Electrogenesis, Methanogenesis, and Anode Prokaryotic Communities in MFCs", Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77, (2), pp. 564-571
  • H Tang, John M Regan, Shirley E Clark and Yuefeng F Xie, 2011, "Prediction of clean-bed head loss in crumb rubber filters", Journal of Environmental Engineering, 137, (1), pp. 55-62
  • D. Xing, S. Cheng, B. E. Logan and John M Regan, 2010, "Isolation of the exoelectrogenic denitrifying bacterium Comamonas denitrificans based on dilution-to-extinction of the microbial community", Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 85, (5), pp. 1575-1587
  • P. D. Kiely, D. F. Call, M. D. Yates, John M Regan and B. E. Logan, 2010, "Anodic biofilms in microbial fuel cells harbor low numbers of higher-power producing bacteria than abundant genera", Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 88, (1), pp. 371-380
  • S. E. Oh, Y. Zuo, H. Zhang, M. J. Guiltinan, B. E. Logan and John M Regan, 2009, "Hydrogen production by Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 and megaplasmid-deficient mutant M5 evaluated using a large headspace volume technique", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34, pp. 9347-9353
  • F. Rezaei, D. Xing, R. Wagner, John M Regan, T. L. Richard and B. E. Logan, 2009, "Simultaneous Cellulose Degradation and Electricity Production by Enterobacter cloacae in an MFC", Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75, (11), pp. 3673-3678
  • L. M. Steinberg and John M Regan, 2009, "mcrA-Targeted Real-Time Quantitative PCR Method to Examine Methanogen Communities", Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75, (13), pp. 4435-4442
  • D. Xing, S. Cheng, John M Regan and B. E. Logan, 2009, "Change in Microbial Communities in Acetate- and Glucose-Fed Microbial Fuel Cells in the Presence of Light", Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 25, (1), pp. 105-111
  • J. R. Kim, Y. Zuo, John M Regan and B. E. Logan, 2008, "Analysis of Ammonia Loss Mechanisms in Microbial Fuel Cells Treating Animal Wastewater", Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 99, (5), pp. 1120-1127
  • L. M. Steinberg and John M Regan, 2008, "Phylogenetic Comparison of the Methanogenic Communities from an Acidic Oligotrophic Fen and an Anaerobic Digester Treating Municipal Wastewater Sludge", Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 74, (21), pp. 6663-6671
  • Z. Ren, L. M. Steinberg and John M Regan, 2008, "Electricity Production and Microbial Biofilm Characterization in Cellulose-Fed Microbial Fuel Cells", Water Science and Technology, 58, (3), pp. 617-622
  • Y. Zuo, D. Xing, John M Regan and B. E. Logan, 2008, "An Exoelectrogenic Bacterium Ochrobactrum anthropi YZ-1 Isolated Using a U-tube Microbial Fuel Cell", Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 74, (10), pp. 3130-3137
  • D. Xing, Y. Zuo, S. Cheng, John M Regan and B. E. Logan, 2008, "Electricity Generation by Rhodopseudomonas palustris DX-1", Environmental Science and Technology, 42, (11), pp. 4146-4151
  • R. P. Ramasamy, Z. Ren, M. M. Mench and John M Regan, 2008, "Impact of Initial Biofilm Growth on the Anode Impedance of Microbial Fuel Cells", Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 101, (1), pp. 101-108
  • R. C. Wagner, John M Regan, S.-E. Oh, Y. Zuo and B. E. Logan, 2008, "Hydrogen Production from Swine Wastewater", Water Research, 43, pp. 1480-1488
  • R. C. Wagner, John M Regan, S.-E. Oh, Y. Zuo and B. E. Logan, 2008, "Hydrogen and Methane Production from Swine Wastewater Using Microbial Electrolysis Cells", Water Research, 43, pp. 1480-1488
  • Z. Ren, T. Ward, B. E. Logan and John M Regan, 2007, "Characterization of the Cellulolytic and Hydrogen-Producing Activities of Six Mesophilic Clostridium Species", Journal of Applied Microbiology, 103, (6), pp. 2258-2266
  • S. Jung and John M Regan, 2007, "Comparison of Anode Bacterial Communities and Performance in Microbial Fuel Cells with Different Electron Donors", Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 77, pp. 393-402
  • Z. Ren, T. E. Ward and John M Regan, 2007, "Electricity Production from Cellulose in a Microbial Fuel Cell Using a Defined Binary Culture", Environmental Science & Technology, 41, (13), pp. 4781-4786
  • J. R. Kim, S. H. Jung, John M Regan and B. E. Logan, 2007, "Electricity Generation and Microbial Community Analysis of Ethanol Powered Microbial Fuel Cells", Bioresource Technology, 98, (13), pp. 2568-2577
  • H.-H. Tung, John M Regan, R. Unz and Y. Xie, 2006, "Microbial Community Structure in a Drinking Water GAC Filter", Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 6, (2), pp. 267-271
  • B. E. Logan and John M Regan, 2006, "Electricity-Producing Bacterial Communities in Microbial Fuel Cells", Trends in Microbiology, 14, (12), pp. 512-518
  • B. E. Logan and John M Regan, 2006, "FEATURE ARTICLE: Microbial Fuel Cells - Challenges and Applications", Environmental Science and Technology, 40, (17), pp. 5172-5180
  • L. M. Steinberg and John M Regan, 2006, "Quantification of Methanogen Groups in an Anaerobic Bioreactor", Keystone Water Quality Manager
  • H. Zhang, B. E. Logan, John M Regan, L. A. Achenbach and M. A. Bruns, 2005, "Molecular Assessment of Inoculated and Indigenous Bacteria in Biofilms from a Pilot-Scale Perchlorate-Reducing Bioreactor", Microbial Ecology, 49, (3), pp. 388-398
  • B. Min, J.-R. Kim, S.-E. Oh, John M Regan and B. E. Logan, 2005, "Electricity Generation from Swine Wastewater Using Microbial Fuel Cells", Water Research, 39, (20), pp. 4961-4968
  • John M Regan, G. W. Harrington, H. Baribeau, R. DeLeon and D. R. Noguera, 2003, "Diversity of Nitrifying Bacteria in Full-Scale Chloraminated Distribution Systems", Water Research, 37, (1), pp. 197-205
  • John M Regan, P. S. Oldenburg, H.-D. Park, G. W. Harrington and D. R. Noguera, 2003, "Simultaneous Determination of Bacterial Viability and Identity in Biofilms Using Ethidium Monoazide and Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization", Water Science and Technology, 46, (1-2), pp. 273-280
  • P. S. Oldenburg, John M Regan, G. W. Harrington and D. R. Noguera, 2002, "Kinetics of Nitrosomonas europaea Inactivation by Chloramine", J. American Water Works Association, 94, (10), pp. 100-110
  • John M Regan, G. W. Harrington and D. R. Noguera, 2002, "Ammonia- and Nitrite-Oxidizing Bacteria Communities in a Pilot-Scale Chloraminated Drinking Water Distribution System", Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68, (1), pp. 73-81
  • H.-D. Park, John M Regan and D. R. Noguera, 2002, "Molecular Analysis of Nitrifying Bacterial Populations in Aerated-Anoxic Processes", Water Science and Technology, 46, (1-2), pp. 273-280
  • L. Clapp, John M Regan, F. Ali, J. Newman, J. Park and D. Noguera, 1999, "Activity, Structure, and Stratification of Membrane-attached Methanotrophic Biofilms Cometabolically Degrading Trichloroethylene", Water Science and Technology, 39, (7), pp. 151-162
  • A. Teske, E. Alm, John M Regan, S. Toze, B. E. Rittmann and D. A. Stahl, 1994, "Evolutionary Relationships Among Ammonia and Nitrite-Oxidizing Bacteria", Journal of Bacteriology, 176, (21), pp. 6623-6630
  • B. E. Rittmann, John M Regan and D. A. Stahl, 1994, "Nitrification as a Source of Soluble Organic Substrate in Biological Treatment", Water Science and Technology, 30, (6), pp. 1-8
  • Siqi Oh, Hiroyuki Kashima, Douglas Aaron, John M Regan and Matthew Mench, , "Multi-Variable Mathematical Models for the Air-Cathode Microbial Fuel Cell System", Journal of Power Sources, 314, pp. 49-57
  • Gilsad Uslu-Senel, Ali Demirci and John M Regan, , "Disinfection of Synthetic and Real Municipal Wastewater Effluent by Flow-Through Pulsed UV-Light Treatment System", Journal of Water Process Engineering, 10, (4), pp. 89-97
  • Shayna Taylor, Sheila Saia, Anthony Buda, John M Regan, M Walter and Hunter Carrick, , "Polyphosphate Accumulation Tracks Incremental P-Enrichment in a Temperate Watershed (Pennsylvania, USA) as an Indicator of Stream Ecosystem Legacy P", Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10

Conference Proceedings

  • R. P. Ramasamy, Z. Ren, S. Redcloud-Owen, M. M. Mench and John M Regan, 2008, "Effect of Biofilm Properties on the Electrochemical Performance of Microbial Fuel Cells", Electrochemistry Society Transactions, 13
  • R. P. Ramasamy, Z. Ren, M. Mench and John M Regan, 2008, "Microbial Fuel Cells for Wastewater Treatment", Electrochemistry Society Transactions - Battery - Energy Technology, 11, (32), pp. 115-125

Research Projects

Honors and Awards

  • 2016 Harry West Teaching Award, Harry West endowment and Leonard Learning Center, September 2016 - August 2017


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




The Penn State Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, established in 1881, is internationally recognized for excellence in the preparation of undergraduate and graduate engineers through the integration of education, research, and leadership.

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Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

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