Photo of Martin Pietrucha

Martin Pietrucha

Professor Emeritus


  • Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Areas:

Transportation Engineering

Interest Areas:

Transportation engineering specializing in general transportation, planning and zoning, traffic operations, geometric design, safety, human factors, and the societal impacts of transportation.





Journal Articles

  • Philip M Garvey, Mary J Klena, Wei-Yin Eie, Donald T Meeker and Martin T Pietrucha, 2016, "Legibility of Clearview Typeface and Standard Highway Alphabets on Negative and Positive Contrast Signs", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2555, pp. 28-37
  • Kun-Feng Wu, Scott Himes and Martin T Pietrucha, 2013, "Examining fatal crash reductions by first harmful events since the introduction of the Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2364, (Safety Management 2013), pp. 11
  • Martin T Pietrucha, 2011, "The Transportation Engineer of Today", Thinking Highways
  • D. T. Meeker, Martin T Pietrucha and P. M. Garvey, 2010, "Proportion Based Format System for Freeway and Expressway Guide Signs", Journal of Transportation Engineering, 136, (3), pp. 267-275
  • Martin T Pietrucha, 2010, "A Researcher's Perspective on Transportation Policymaking", Transportation Builder
  • Martin T Pietrucha, 2010, "A Transportation Policy Roadmap: How Can We Get from Here to There?", The Speaker's Journal on Pennsylvania Policy
  • P. M. Garvey, S. J. Damin, D. Deptuch and Martin T Pietrucha, 2010, "Relative Visibility Of Internally Versus Externally Illuminated On-premise Signs", Transportation Research Record 2149
  • D. Lee, C. Lee and Martin T Pietrucha, 2008, "Evaluation of Driver Satisfaction of Travel Information on Variable Message Signs Using Fuzzy Aggregation", Journal of Advanced Transportation, 42, (1), pp. 5-22
  • D. Farber, Martin T Pietrucha and A. Lakhtakia, 2008, "Systems and Scenarios for a Philosophy of Engineering", Interdisciplinary Science Reviews
  • D. Lee, T. Kim and Martin T Pietrucha, 2006, "Incorporation of Transportation User Perception into Evaluation of Service Quality of Signalized Intersections Using Fuzzy Aggregation", Transportation Research Record
  • Martin T Pietrucha, E. T. Donnell, P. Lertworawanich and L. Elefteriadou, 2006, "A Study on the Effects of Traffic Volume, Traffic Speed, Mounting Height, and Lateral Offset on the Visibility of On-Premise Commericial Signs", Journal of Transportation Engineering
  • M. de la Riva, P. M. Garvey and Martin T Pietrucha, 2006, "The Impact of Highway Safety Flares on Driver Behavior", Transportation Research Record 1980
  • D. Lee, Martin T Pietrucha and E. T. Donnell, 2006, "Hierarchical Fuzzy Inference System to Evaluate Expert Opinions on Median Safety", Transportation Research Record 1961
  • D. T. Meeker, Martin T Pietrucha and P. M. Garvey, 2006, "Proportion Based Format System For Conventional Road Guide Signs", Transportation Research Record 1973
  • A. Z. Zineddin, P. M. Garvey and Martin T Pietrucha, 2005, "Impact of Sign Orientation on On-Premise Commercial Signs", Journal of Transportation Engineering
  • D. Lee, Martin T Pietrucha and S. Sinha, 2005, "Use of Fuzzy Sets to Evaluate Driver Perception of Variable Message Signs", Transportation Research Record 1937
  • T. H,. Poister, P. M. Garvey and Martin T Pietrucha, 2005, "Developing Roadway Ride Quality Standards from the Customer's Perspective", Transportation Research Record
  • P. M. Garvey, K. N. Chirwa, D. T. Meeker, Martin T Pietrucha, A. Z. Zineddin, R. S. Ghebrial and J. Montalbano, 2004, "New Font and Arrow for National Park Service Guide Signs", Transportation Research Record, (1862), pp. 1-9

Conference Proceedings

  • D. Farber and Martin T Pietrucha, 2012, "Cultivating Strategic Imagination in the Next Generation Engineering Systems Transportation Professional", Third International Engineering Systems Symposium


  • K. Wu, S. Himes and Martin T Pietrucha, , "An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program", Transportation Research Record


  • Martin T Pietrucha, 2005, "Article on "Ergonomics" for the "Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics"

Research Projects

Honors and Awards


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




The Penn State Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, established in 1881, is internationally recognized for excellence in the preparation of undergraduate and graduate engineers through the integration of education, research, and leadership.

Penn State University

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

208 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education (ECoRE) Building 

556 White Course Dr 

University Park, PA 16802-1408

Phone: 814-863-3084