Photo of Mansour Solaimanian

Mansour Solaimanian

Research Professor


  • Larson Transportation Institute
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering

201 Transportation Research Building


Research Areas:

Geotechnical and Materials Engineering

Interest Areas:

Pavement materials testing and characterization, pavement evaluation, geotechnical testing and engineering.





Journal Articles

  • Pejoohan Tavassoti, Mansour Solaimanian and Xuan Chen, 2022, "Characterization of fatigue performance of cold mix recycled asphalt mixtures through uniaxial tension–compression testing", Journal of Construction and Building Materials, 329, pp. 10
  • Mansour Solaimanian and Xuan Chen, 2021, "Investigating Degree of Blending Between RAP and Virgin Binder Using Atomic Force Microscopy and Focused Ion Beam", Transportation Research Record, 2675, (11), pp. 11
  • Saman Barzegari and Mansour Solaimanian, 2020, "Rheological Behavior of Bio-asphalts and Effect of Rejuvenators", Construction & Building Materials, 251
  • Qinwu Xu, Bjorn Engquist, Mansour Solaimanian and Kezhen Yan, 2020, "A new nonlinear viscoelastic model and mathematical solution of solids for improving prediction accuracy", Science Report, 31, (7), pp. 10
  • Xuan Chen and Mansour Solaimanian, 2019, "Effect of Test Temperature and Displacement Rate on the Semi-Circular Bend (SCB) Test", ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 31, (7)
  • Xuan Chen and Mansour Solaimanian, 2019, "Effect of Long-term aging on Fracture Properties of Virgin and Recycled Asphalt Concrete", Advances in Civil Engineering Materials, 8, (1), pp. 17
  • Xuan Chen and Mansour Solaimanian, 2019, "Evaluating Fracture Properties of Crumb Rubber Modified Asphalt Mixes", International Journal of Pavement Research and Techology, 12, (4)
  • Xuan Chen and Mansour Solaimanian, 2019, "Simple Indices to Identify Fatigue Performance of Asphalt Concrete", ASTM International J. of Testing and Evaluation, pp. 12
  • Pezhouhan Kheiry, Ilker Boz, Mansour Solaimanian and Tong Qiu, 2018, "Evaluation of Nondestructiveness of Resonant Column Testing for Characterization of Asphalt Concrete Properties", J. of Testing and Evaluation, 46, (2), pp. pp. 631-640.
  • Ilker Boz and Mansour Solaimanian, 2016, "Investigating the effect of rejuvenators on low-temperature properties of recycled asphalt using impact resonance test", International Journal of Pavement Engineering, pp. pp. 1-10
  • Ilker Boz and Mansour Solaimanian, 2016, "The Effect of Aspect Ratio on the Frequency Response of Asphalt Concrete in Impact Resonance Testing", ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 44, (1), pp. pp. 543-554
  • Rajib Mallick and Mansour Solaimanian, 2015, "Achieving Safer Roads Through Use of System Dynamics and Porous Friction Course", Transportation Research Record, 2, (2524), pp. pp. 71-82
  • Pezhouhan Kheiry, Tong Qiu and Mansour Solaimanian, 2015, "Characterization of Warm Mix Asphalt through Resonant Column Testing", ASCE J. of Materials in Civil Engineering., 27, (10), pp. pp. 1-6
  • Mansour Solaimanian and Ilker Boz, 2014, "Characterizing RAP Binder Properties through Impact Resonance Testing of Asphalt Mixtures", J. of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists,, 83, pp. pp. 271-293
  • Laxmikanth Premkumar, Ghassan Chehab and Mansour Solaimanian, 2013, "Evaluation of Low Temperature Properties of Asphalt Binders and Mixtures", J. of the Transportation Research Board, 2370, pp. pp. 102-108
  • Marcelo S Medeiros, Ghassan Chehab and Mansour Solaimanian, 2012, "Investigation of An Ultra-Rapid Setting Emulsion for Tack Coat Applications", Transportation Research Record, J. of the Transportation Research Board,, (2293), pp. pp. 80-88
  • Mansour Solaimanian, Chieh-Tang Chang and Ghassan Chehab, 2012, "Evaluation of Moisture Susceptibility in Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement Using Model Mobile Load Simulator", International Journal of Pavement Engineering and Asphalt Technology, 13, (2), pp. pp. 11-26
  • Mansour Solaimanian and Chieh-Tang Chang, 2011, "Effectiveness of Liquid Antistripping Additives to Improve Moisture Damage Resistance of Asphalt Concrete Using Dynamic Modulus Test", International Journal of Pavements, 10, (1-2-3), pp. pp. 50-61
  • Qinwu Xu and Mansour Solaimanian, 2010, "Modeling Temperature Distribution and Thermal Property of Asphalt concrete for Laboratory Testing Applications", International J. of Construction and Building Materials, 24, (4), pp. pp. 487-497
  • Qinwu Xu and Mansour Solaimanian, 2009, "Modeling Linear Viscoelastic Properties of Asphalt Concrete by Huet-Sayegh Model", International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 10, (6), pp. 401-422
  • Hao Yin, Shelley Stoffels and Mansour Solaimanian, 2008, "Optimization of Asphalt Pavement Modeling based on the Global-Local 3D FEM Approach", International Journal of Road Materials and Pavements Design, 9, (2), pp. pp 345-355
  • Qinwu Xu and Mansour Solaimanian, 2008, "Measurement and Evaluation of Asphalt Concrete Thermal Expansion and Contraction", ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 36, (2), pp. pp. 140-149
  • Hao Yin, Mansour Solaimanian, Laxmikanth Kumar and Shelley Stoffels, 2007, "The Effect of Loading Time on Flexible Pavement Dynamic Response: A Finite Element Analysis", International Journal of Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 11, (3), pp. pp. 265-288
  • Mansour Solaimanian, David Fedor, Ramon Bonaquist, Ali Soltani and Vivek Tandon, 2006, "Simple Performance Test for Moisture Damage Prediction in Asphalt Concrete", Journal of Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, 75, pp. pp 345-374
  • Vivek Tandon, Ramon Bonaquist, Babu S Kambham and Mansour Solaimanian, 2004, "Results of Simple Performance Tests and Environmental Conditioning System Integration Efforts", Transportation Research Record, J. of the Transportation Research Board, 1891, pp. pp. 140-152
  • Huang-Hsiung Lin, Mansour Solaimanian and Thomas Kennedy, 2001, "A General Approach to Payment Adjustments for Flexible Pavements Considering Multiple Distress Indicators", ASCE J. of Transportation Engineering, 127, (1), pp. pp. 39-46
  • Yetkin Yildrim, Mansour Solaimanian and Thomas Kennedy, 2000, "Mixing and Compaction Temperatures for Superpave Mixes", Journal of Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, 69
  • Yetkin Yildrim, Mansour Solaimanian, Robert B McGennis and Thomas Kennedy, 2000, "A Comparative Analysis of Volumetric Properties for Superpave Gyratory Compactors", Transportation Research Record, J. of the Transportation Research Board,, 1712
  • Thomas Kennedy, Weng Tam and Mansour Solaimanian, 1998, "Optimizing Use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement with the Superpave System", J. of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists,, 67, pp. pp. 311-333
  • Mansour Solaimanian, Thomas W Kennedy and Rakesh Tripathi, 1998, "Performance Characteristics of Asphalt Binders and Mixtures Modified by Waste Toner", Transportation Research Record, J. of the Transportation Research Board,, 1638
  • Mansour Solaimanian and Maghsoud Tahmoressi, 1996, "Variability Analysis of Hot-Mixed Asphalt Concrete Containing High Percent Reclaimed Asphalt Pavements", Transportation Research Record, J. of the Transportation Research Board,, 1543
  • Jorge Sousa and Mansour Solaimanian, 1994, "An Abridged Procedure to Predict Permanent Deformation of Asphalt Concrete Pavements Using the Constant Height Repeated Shear Test", Transportation Research Record, J. of the Transportation Research Board,, 1448
  • Mansour Solaimanian and Thomas W Kennedy, 1994, "Predicting Maximum Pavement Temperature Using Maximum Air Temperature and Hourly Solar Radiation", Transportation Research Record, J. of the Transportation Research Board,, 1417, pp. 11
  • Thomas W Kennedy, Maghsoud Tahmoressi and Mansour Solaimanian, 1989, "Evaluation of a Thin Lift Nuclear Density Gauge", Transportation Research Record, J. of the Transportation Research Board,, 1217
  • Xuan Chen, Mansour Solaimanian and Scott Milander, , "Balanced Mix Design for Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement and Recycled Asphalt Shingle Mixes Using Binder and Mixture Performance Tests", J. of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, 88

Conference Proceedings

  • Mansour Solaimanian and Scott M Milander, 2023, "Establishing Density-Based Mix Design for Cold Recycled Asphalt Mixtures", MDPI, 36(1)
  • Mansour Solaimanian and Scott M Milander, 2023, "Evaluating the Effect of Different Moisture Conditioning Protocols on Asphalt Concrete Moisture Damage Resistance", American Society of Civil Engineers
  • Mansour Solaimanian and Pejoohan Kheiry, 2023, "Laboratory Performance of Polymer Modified Asphalt Binders and Mixtures at Low Temperature", Canadian Society of Civil Engineers
  • Mansour Solaimanian and Ali Sahraei Joubani, 2022, "Effect of CRM Curing Level on Asphalt Binder and Mixture Performance Characteristics"
  • Xuan Chen and Mansour Solaimanian, 2020, "Determining the Degree of Blending between RAP and Virgin Binder Using the Superpave Volumetric Mix Design", Washington, DC
  • Ana Figueroa and Mansour Solaimanian, 2020, "Humidity Damage Index (HDI) of Recovered Asphalt from Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement- RAP using different aggregates", International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures (RILEM)
  • Mansour Solaimanian and Xuan Chen, 2019, "Effect of Binder Rheological Properties on Asphalt Concrete Fracture Behavior", American Society of Civil Engineers
  • Saman Barzegari and Mansour Solaimanian, 2019, "A method for determining the appropriate frequency for testing asphalt mixtures in the laboratory", Taylor & Francis, pp. 9
  • Ilker Boz and Mansour Solaimanian, 2019, "A practical approach to determine asphalt concrete material properties based on non-destructive testing", Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 8
  • Mansour Solaimanian and Xuan Chen, 2018, "Effect of Aggregate Gradation, Aging, and Compaction Energy on Swelling Characteristics of Rubber Modified Asphalt Mixtures"
  • Pezhouhan Kheiry and Mansour Solaimanian, 2018, "Effect of Age Hardening on Modulus of Warm Mix Asphalt Mixtures"
  • Ilker Boz and Mansour Solaimanian, 2018, "Establishing Relationship between Engineering Properties of Asphalt Concrete and Mix Parameters Using Impact Resonance Test", Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, USA
  • Xuan Chen and Mansour Solaimanian, 2018, "Effect of Mix Parameters on the Semicircular Beam Fatigue Test", Washington, DC
  • Ilker Boz, Xuan Chen and Mansour Solaimanian, 2017, "Assessment of Emulsified RAP Cold Mixes via Non-Destructive Testing"
  • Saman Barzegari, Shelley M Stoffels and Mansour Solaimanian, 2017, "Novel Application of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement in Construction of New Cold-Mix Pavements"
  • Mansour W Solaimanian, Xuan Chen, Pezhouhan Tavassoti-Kheiry and Scott Milander, 2017, "Performance of RAP Cold Mixes with Polymer Modified Emulsions", Washington, DC
  • Pezhouhan Tavassoti-Kheiry, Ilker M Boz, Xuan Chen and Mansour Solaimanian, 2017, "Application of Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Testing of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures to Improve the Prediction Accuracy of Dynamic Modulus Master Curve", pp. pp. 152-164
  • Mansour Solaimanian, Ghassan Chehab and Marcelo Medeiros, 2016, "Evaluating Resistance of Hot Mix Asphalt Overlays to Reflective Cracking Using Geocomposites and Accelerated Loading"
  • Mansour Solaimanian, Ilker Boz and Scott Milander, 2015, "Laboratory Performance of Warm Mix Asphalt with High RAP Content"
  • Rajib Mallick, Ryan Worsman, Hui Li, John Harvey, Mansour Solaimanian and Ray Myers, 2015, "Comparison of Temperatures from Hot-Mix Asphalt and Geosynthetic-Reinforced Higher-Albedo Chip Seal", Washington, DC, USA
  • Shervin Jahangirnejad, Dennis Morian, Barry Scheetz, Mansour Solaimanian and Mansour Solaimanian, 2015, "Use of Fluidized Bed Combustion Ash in Full Depth Reclamation", ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 256, ASCE, pp. pp. 419-428
  • Mansour Solaimanian and Ilker Boz, 2015, "Use of Impact Resonance Test for Determination of Optimum Rejuvenator Content for Recycled Asphalt Pavements", IRF, Washington, DC, USA
  • Ilker Boz and Mansour Solaimanian, 2014, "Design of Cement Stabilized Full Depth Reclaimed Mixes using Superpave Gyratory Compactor"
  • Ilker Boz and Mansour Solaimanian, 2014, "The Impact of Specimen Size and Void Content on the Impact Resonance Testing of Asphalt Concrete", Washington, DC
  • Mansour Solaimanian and Scott Milander, 2014, "Challenges in Characterization of Recycled Asphalt Shingles", GSP 255, Proc. Geohubei International Conference on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure – Innovative Technologies and Materials, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
  • Mansour Solaimanian, Dennis Morian and Barry Scheetz, 2012, "Cold-In-Place Recycling Using Emulsions: Challenges in Design, Construction, and Quality Control"
  • Mansour Solaimanian and Chieh-Tang Chang, 2010, "Using Dynamic Modulus Test as a Tool to Determine Resistance of Asphalt Concrete to Moisture Damage"
  • Mansour Solaimanian, Abraham Bae and Shelley Stoffels, 2008, "Magnitude and Rate of Frost Penetration in Asphalt Pavements of Northeast United States", International ISAP Symposium, Asphalt Pavements and Environment, ISAP 2008 Organizers, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Mansour Solaimanian and Yetkin Yildrim, 2008, "Saving the Landfill: Long Term Performance of Toner Modified Asphalt Pavement", International ISAP Symposium, Asphalt Pavements and Environment, ISAP 2008 Organizers, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Hao Yin, Mansour Solaimanian and Shelley Stoffels, 2008, "A Comparison Study: Laboratory vs. In-Situ Elastic Modulus of Asphalt Concrete", Australian Road Research Board
  • Abraham Bae, Mansour Solaimanian and Shelley Stoffels, 2008, "Frost Depth Evaluation Considering Freeze-Thaw Cycles in Cold Regions", Washington, DC, USA
  • Mansour Solaimanian, Shelley Stoffels, Hao Yin and Dan Dawood, 2006, "Seasonal Effects on Roadways’ Asphalt Layers’ Strain Response to Loading", International Society of Asphalt Pavements, Lino Lake, MN, USA, pp. pp. 1514-1523
  • Shelley Stoffels, Mansour Solaimanian, Dennis Morian and Ali Soltani, 2006, "Field Instrumentation and Testing Data from Pennsylvania’s Superpave In-Situ Stress/Strain Investigation", American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. pp. 107-118
  • David A Anderson, Mansour Solaimanian and Shelley M Stoffels, 2003, "Instrumentation and Data Collection for the Superpave In-Situ Stress/Strain Investigation", II
  • Mansour Solaimanian, John Harvey, Maghsoud Tahmoressi and Vivek Tandon, 2003, "Test Methods to Predict Moisture Sensitivity of Hot-Mix Asphalt Pavements", Transportation Research Board, pp. pp. 77-110
  • Mansour Solaimanian, John Bohuslav and Yetkin Yildrim, 2002, "Comparison of Hot Poured Crack Sealant to Emulsified Asphalt Crack Sealant", Compendium of the 81st annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington, DC
  • Xuan Chen and Mansour Solaimanian, , "Fracture Performance of Crumb Rubber Modified Asphalt in Semi-Circular Bend Test", Washington, DC
  • Xuan Chen and Mansour Solaimanian, , "Evaluating the Effect of Log-Term Aging on Fracture Properties of Asphalt Concrete Using Semi-Cicualr Bend Test", Washington, DC
  • Saman Barzegari and Mansour Solaimanian, , "Rheological Behavior of Bio-asphalt with High Bio-binder Content", Washington, DC

Magazines/Trade Publications

  • Gary Hoffman and Mansour Solaimanian, 2015, "Thin is In", Highway Builder, Publication of The Associated Pennsylvania Constructors, 94, (1)


  • Mansour Solaimanian, 2010, "Revisiting Water Permeability of Asphalt Pavements", Pennsylvania Asphalt Pavement Association, Paving The Way

Research Projects

Honors and Awards


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




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Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

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