- M Xiao, 2015, Geotechnical Engineering Design, 1st edition, WILEY Blackwell, pp. 424
- Ming Xiao, 2009, Soil Testing Laboratory Manual (161 pages), Kendall Hunt Publishing Company, USA, pp. 161
Journal Articles
- J. Yang, Z.Y. Yin and Ming Xiao, 2024, "Soil Particle–Fluid Interaction Problems in Geotechnical Engineering Oriented Towards Sustainability", Special Issue, Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 25
- Xiaohang Ji, Ming Xiao, Eileen Martin and Tieyuan Zhu, 2024, "Statistical Evaluation of Seismic Wave Velocity Models of Permafrost.", ASCE Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, 38, (3)
- Ahmad Tourei, Xiaohang Ji, Gabriel dos Santos, R. Czarny, S. Rybakov, Ziyi Wang, Matthew Hallissey, Eileen Martin, Ming Xiao, Tieyuan Zhu, Dmitry Nicolsky and Anne Jensen, 2024, "Mapping permafrost variability and degradation using seismic surface waves, electrical resistivity and temperature sensing: a case study in Arctic Alaska.", Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface
- Z. Wang, Ming Xiao, M. Liew, A. Jensen, L. Farquharson, V. Romanovsky, D. Nicolsky, C. McComb, X. Zhang and L. Alessa, 2023, "Geohazard Risk Assessment Tools for Arctic Civil Infrastructure Planning: A Systematic Review", Cold Regions Science and Technology
- X. Ji, Ming Xiao, E. Martin and T. Zhu, 2023, "Statistical Evaluation of Seismic Wave Velocity Models of Permafrost", Cold Regions Science and Technology
- M. Liew, X. Ji, Ming Xiao, L. Farquharson, D. Nicolsky, M. Bray, X. Zhang and C. McComb, 2022, "“Synthesis of physical processes of permafrost degradation and geophysical and geomechanical properties of permafrost-affected soils.”", Cold Regions Science and Technology, 198, (103522)
- M. Liew, Ming Xiao, L. Farquharson, D. Nicolsky, A. Jensen, V. Romanovsky, J. Peirce, L. Alessa, C. McComb, X. Zhang and B. Jones, 2022, "Understanding effects of permafrost degradation and coastal erosion on civil infrastructure in Arctic coastal villages: a community survey and knowledge co-production.", Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10, (422)
- B. Adams, Ming Xiao and A. Gholizadeh-Vayghan, 2021, "Analytical study of the forces on a glass sphere under the effects of fluid’s viscosity, pH, and ionic strength for flow-induced particle mobilization.", ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics, 21, (7), pp. 04021110-1 to 04021110-8
- H. Ismail, Ming Xiao, S. Salam, B. Scholl and Xiaofeng Liu, 2021, "Erodibility of Sand Infills in Synthetic Turfs on Steep Slopes using Flume Testing.", ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 147, (8)
- S Salam, Ming Xiao, A. Khosravifar and K. Ziotopoulou, 2021, "Seismic stability and liquefaction behavior of coal refuse tailings dams with pore pressure plasticity models considering spatial variability of the properties.", Computers and Geotechnics, 132, (104017)
- Y. Luo, X. Zhang and Ming Xiao, 2020, "Influence of constriction-based retention ratio on suffusion in double-layered alluvial foundation with a cutoff wall", Soils and Foundations, 60, pp. 1489-1506
- M. Khosrojerdi, Tong Qiu, Ming Xiao and J. Nicks, 2020, "Effects of backfill constitutive behavior on deformations of geosynthetic-reinforced soil piers under static axial loading", ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 146, (9), pp. 04020072-1 to 04020072-10
- S. Pradhu, Tong Qiu, M. Liew and Ming Xiao, 2020, "Effects of lift thickness, backfill material, and compaction energy on utility trench backfill compaction using hydraulic plate compactors.", ASCE Journal of Pipeline Systems - Engineering and Practice, 12, (1), pp. 04020054-1 to 04020054-10
- L. Gan, Z. Shen, Ming Xiao and J. Wu, 2020, "Experimental investigation of seepage characteristics in porous rocks with a single fracture", Hydrogeology Journal, 28, pp. 2933-2946
- S. Salam, Ming Xiao and J. Evans, 2020, "Strain history and short-period aging effects on the strength and cyclic response of fine-grained coal refuse.", ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 146, (10), pp. 04020113.
- M. Liew, Ming Xiao, B. Jones, L. Farquharson and V. Romanovsky, 2020, "Prevention and control measures for coastal erosion in northern high-latitude communities: a systematic review based on Alaskan case studies", Environmental Research Letters, 15, (9)
- M. Khosrojerdi, Ming Xiao, Tong Qiu and J. Nicks, 2020, "Prediction equations for estimating maximum lateral deformation and settlement of geosynthetic reinforced soil abutments.", Computer and Geotechnics, 125, pp. 103622
- W. Cui and Ming Xiao, 2020, ""Centrifuge modeling of a geogrid-reinforced and rammed soil-cement column-supported embankment on soft soil"", ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 48, (5), pp. 4016-4029
- Y. Luo, B. Luo and Ming Xiao, 2020, ""Effect of deviator stress on the initiation of suffusion"", Acta Geotechnica, 15, pp. 1607-1617
- B Kermani, Shelley M Stoffels and Ming Xiao, 2020, ""Evaluation of effectiveness of geotextile in reducing subgrade migration in rigid pavement"", Geosynthetics International, 27, (1), pp. 97-109
- M Liew, Ming Xiao, Shimin Liu and D. Rudenko, 2020, ""In situ seismic investigations for evaluating geotechnical properties and liquefaction potential of fine coal tailings"", ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 146, (5), pp. 04020014-1 to 04020014-14.
- J. Wang, S. Salam and Ming Xiao, 2020, ""Evaluation of the effects of shaking history on liquefaction and cone penetration resistance using shake table tests"", Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 131, pp. 106025
- M. Khosrojerdi, Ming Xiao, Tong Qiu and J. Nicks, 2019, ""Nonlinear equation for predicting the settlement of reinforced soil foundations"", ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 145, (5), pp. 04019013-1 to 04019013-8.
- J. Wang, Ming Xiao, J. Evans, Tong Qiu and S. Salam, 2019, ""Time-dependent cone penetration resistance of a post-liquefaction sand deposit at shallow depth"", ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 145, (6), pp. 04019021-1 to 04019021-12
- S Salam, Ming Xiao, A. Khosravifar, M. Liew, Shimin Liu and J. Rostami, 2019, ""Characterizations of static and dynamic geotechnical properties and behaviors of fine coal refuse"", Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 56, (12), pp. 1901-1916.
- K Zeng, Qin Tong, X. Bian, Ming Xiao and Hai Huang, 2019, ""Identification of ballast condition using “SmartRock” and pattern recognition"", Construction and Building Materials, 221, pp. 50-59
- Y. Ma, Ming Xiao and B. Kermani, 2019, ""Experimental investigation of the effects of fluid’s physicochemical characteristics on piping erosion of a sandy soil under turbulent flow"", ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 43, (2), pp. 436-451
- S. Kakuturu, M. Xiao and M. Kenzel, 2018, ""Effects of maximum particle size on the results of hydrometer tests on soils"", ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 42, (4), pp. 945-965
- B. Kermani, Ming Xiao and Shelley M Stoffels, 2018, "Analytical study on quantifying the magnitude and rate of subgrade fines migration into subbase under flexible pavement", Transportation Geotechnics, 18, pp. 46-56
- M. Liew, Ming Xiao and Shimin Liu, 2018, ""Characterization of physical and mineralogical properties of coal tailings of different ranks"", International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization
- B. Kermani, Ming Xiao, Shelley M Stoffels and Tong Qiu, 2018, ""Reduction of subgrade fines migration into subbase of flexible pavement using geotextile"", Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 46, (4), pp. 377–383
- B. Kermani, Shelley M Stoffels, Ming Xiao and Tong Qiu, 2018, "Experimental simulation and quantification of migration of subgrade soil into subbase under rigid pavement using model mobile load simulator", ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements., 144, (4), pp. 04018049 (14 pages)
- M. Xiao, A. Gholizadeh Vayghan, B. Adams and Farshad Rajabipour, 2018, ""Experimental investigation of the relative and interactive effects of physicochemical fluid characteristics on the incipient motion of granular particles under laminar flow conditions"", ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 144, (5), pp. 04018013-1 to 04018013-14.
- X. Cui, J. Zhang, D. Huang, Ming Xiao, F. Hou, Z. Liu and L. Li, 2017, ""Analysis of vehicle-load-induced dynamic pore pressure in saturated pavement with LSPM drainage base"", ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 45, (1), pp. 294-302
- X. Xue** and Ming Xiao, 2017, ""Deformation evaluation on surrounding rocks of underground caverns based on PSO-LSSVM"", Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 69, pp. 171-181
- Y. Luo**, M. Nie and Ming Xiao, 2017, ""Flume-scale experiments on suffusion at the bottom of cutoff wall in sandy gravel alluvium"", Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 54, (12), pp. 1716-1727
- B. Kermani, Ming Xiao, Shelley M Stoffels and Tong Qiu, 2017, ""Measuring the migration of subgrade fine particles into subbase using scaled accelerated flexible pavement testing – a laboratory study"", Road Materials and Pavement Design, 20, (1), pp. 36-57
- C. Wang, Tong Qiu, Ming Xiao and J. Wang, 2017, ""Utility trench backfill compaction using vibratory roller compactor versus hydraulic plate compactor"", ASCE Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, 8, (4), pp. 04017021 (10 pages)
- X. Xue and Ming Xiao, 2016, ""Application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for prediction of internal stability of soils"", European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 23, (2), pp. 153-171
- X. Xue** and Ming Xiao, 2016, ""Application of genetic algorithm based support vector machines for prediction of soil liquefaction"", Environmental Earth Sciences, 75, pp. 874 (11 pages)
- M. Khosrojerdi, Ming Xiao, Tong Qiu and J. Nicks, 2016, ""Evaluation of prediction methods for lateral deformation of GRS walls and abutments"", ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 143, (2), pp. 06016022-1 to 06016022-8
- M Xiao, M Ledezma and J Wang, 2015, ""Reduced-scale shake table testing of seismic behaviors of slurry cutoff walls"", ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 30, (3), pp. 1884-1897
- Ming Xiao, M Ledezma and C Hartman, 2015, ""Shear resistance of tire derived aggregates (TDA) using large-scale direct shear tests"", ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 27, (1), pp. 04014110-1 to 04014110-8
- X Zhang, X. Lu and Ming Xiao, 2015, ""Gas outburst in sediments due to tetrahydrofuran (THF) hydrate dissociation"", International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 39, (17), pp. 1884-1897
- R J Egusquiza, R B Runyon, J Ringel, C WC Seberr, G Leyva, J Correa, C D Roland, M Umar, M Xiao, J T Bushoven and J J Goto, 2014, ""Calcium oxalate crystal formation in various gravity environments"", Gravitational and Space Research (previously Gravitational and Space Biology), 2, (2), pp. 3-12
- B. Adams, Ming Xiao and A. Wright, 2013, ""Erosion mechanisms of organic soil and bioabatement of piping erosion of sand"", ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 139, (8), pp. 1360-1368
- X Zhang and Ming Xiao, 2013, ""Using modified state surface approach to select parameter values in the Barcelona basic model"", International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 37, (2), pp. 1847-1866
- Ming Xiao and N. Shwiyhat, 2012, ""Experimental investigation of the effects of suffusion on physical and geo-mechanical characteristics of sandy soils"", ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 35, (6), pp. 890-900
- Ming Xiao, J Bowen, M Graham and J Larralde, 2012, ""Comparison of seismic responses of geosynthetically-reinforced walls with tire derived aggregates (TDA) and granular backfills"", ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 24, (11), pp. 1368–1377
- Ming Xiao, L N. Reddi and J Howard, 2010, ""Erosion control on roadside embankment using compost"", ASABE Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 26, (1), pp. 97-106
- Ming Xiao, L N. Reddi and S Steinberg, 2009, ""Variation of soil water characteristics due to particle rearrangement under zero gravity"", ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics, 9, (4), pp. 179-186
- Ming Xiao and J Gomez, 2009, ""Rainfall erosion resistance and stability of various composts"", Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 64, (4), pp. 233-242
- Ming Xiao, L N. Reddi and S Steinberg, 2006, ""Effect of vibrations on pore fluid distribution in porous media"", Transport in Porous Media, 62, (2), pp. 187-204
- S Steinberg, G Kluitenberg, J Jones, N Daidzic, N Reddi, Ming Xiao, M Tuller, M Newman, D. Or and J.I.D. Alexander, 2005, ""Physical and hydraulic properties of baked ceramic aggregates used for plant growth medium"", Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 130, (5), pp. 767-774
- L N. Reddi, Ming Xiao, M.G. Hajra and I.M Lee, 2005, ""Physical clogging of soil filters under constant flow rates versus constant head"", Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 42, (3), pp. 804-811
- L N. Reddi, Ming Xiao and S Steinberg, 2005, ""Discontinuous pore fluid distribution under microgravity ? KC-135 flight investigations"", Soil Science Society of America Journal, 69, pp. 593-598
- M.G. Hajra, L N. Reddi, L.A Glasgow, Ming Xiao and I.M Lee, 2002, ""Effects of ionic strength on fine particle clogging of soil filters"", ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 128, (8), pp. 631-639
- L N. Reddi, Ming Xiao, M.G. Hajra and I.M Lee, 2000, ""Permeability reduction of soil filters due to physical clogging"", ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 126, (3), pp. 236-246
- G Huang, X Gong and Ming Xiao, 2000, ""Random field model of soil property and analysis of variability of pile settlement"", Rock and Soil Mechanics (in Chinese), 21, (4), pp. 311-315
- Ming Xiao, X Gong and G Huang, 2000, ""Reliability analysis of bearing capacity of composite foundation with deep mixing pile."", Journal of Zhejiang University (in Chinese), 34, (4), pp. 351-354
- Ming Xiao, X Gong and G Huang, 1998, ""A new formula to predict soil parameters based on spatial autocorrelation"", Rock and Soil Mechanics (in Chinese), 19, (4), pp. 69-72
Conference Proceedings
- Ziyi Wang, Ming Xiao, Matthew Bray and Margaret Darrow, 2024, "Experimental investigation of thermal and hydraulic properties of ice-rich saline permafrost in northern Alaska", ASCE
- Ziyi Wang, Ming Xiao and Matthew Bray, 2024, "Cryostructure and uniaxial compressive strength of ice-rich permafrost in northern Alaska", ASCE
- N. Brown, J. Duarte, A. Memari, Ming Xiao, S. Nazarian, G. Duarte and Z. Wu, 2022, "“A comparison of thermal insulation strategies for 3D printed concrete structures in cold regions.”"
- Z. Wang, Ming Xiao, A. Memari and Na, 2022, "Design and construction approaches of foundations in permafrost with an application for a 3-D printed habitat in the Arctic"
- M. Liew and Ming Xiao, 2022, "Three-dimensional fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical model for thaw consolidation of permafrost"
- Ming Xiao, M. Liew, X. Liu and P. J. Fox, 2021, "“Survey and Analysis of Design Parameters of Waterway-Crossing GRS-IBS Bridges: The State of U.S. Practice.”", ISSMGE
- Ming Xiao, B. Jones, V. Romanovsky, K. Halvorsen, G. Chi, L. Farquharson and M. Liew, 2021, "“Developing a Convergent Research Coordination Network to Identify Challenges of and Solutions to Permafrost Coastal Erosion and Its Socioecological Impacts in the Arctic.”", ISSMGE
- H. Ismail, Ming Xiao, S. Salam, B. Scholl, M. Zhu and X. Liu, 2021, "“Experimental study of infill mobility through an engineered synthetic turf bed.”", ISSMGE
- B. Kermani, Ming Xiao and Shelley M Stoffels, 2020, "Implementing an analytical framework to quantify the magnitude and rate of subgrade pumping in flexible pavement", Proceedings of the 2020 GeoCongress, Minneapolis, MN, Feb 25-28, 2020. Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP) 318, 536-548., ASCE, pp. 536-548.
- Ming Xiao, B. T. Adams, A. Gholizadeh-Vayghan and Y. Ma, 2020, "Particle mobilization and piping erosion of granular soil under various fluid characteristics and flow conditions", Dam Breach Modelling and Risk Disposal, proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Embankments and Dams (ICED 2020). J. Zhang et al. (Eds.): ICED 2020, SSGG, pp. 1–19, 2020., Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
- S. Salam, Ming Xiao and J. Wang, 2020, "Physical modeling of fine coal refuse using shake table testing", Proceedings of the 2020 GeoCongress, Minneapolis, MN, Feb 25-28, 2020. Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP) 318, 114-122., ASCE, pp. 114-122.
- M. Liew and Ming Xiao, 2020, "Engineering challenges and options in remediation and prevention of permafrost coastal erosion", Proceedings of the 2020 GeoCongress, Minneapolis, MN, Feb 25-28, 2020. Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP) 318, 114-122., ASCE, pp. 114-122
- M. Khosrojerdi, Ming Xiao, Tong Qiu and J. Nicks, 2020, "Predictive equation for estimating lateral deformation of GRS abutments", Proceedings of the 2020 GeoCongress, Minneapolis, MN, Feb 25-28, 2020. Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP) 316, 472-482., ASCE, pp. 472-482.
- M. Khosrojerdi, Tong Qiu, Ming Xiao and J. Nicks, 2020, "Numerical evaluation of long-term performance of a geosynthetic reinforced soil pier and reinforced soil foundation", Proceedings of the 2020 GeoCongress, Minneapolis, MN, Feb 25-28, 2020. Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP) 316, 483-492., ASCE, pp. 483-492.
- M. Liew and Ming Xiao, 2019, "In-situ seismic investigations of coal tailings", Eighth International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, Proceedings of GeoCongress 2019, ASCE, pp. ASCE GSP 311, page 239-247.
- J. Wang, S. Salam and Ming Xiao, 2019, "The effect of shaking history on liquefaction resistance of sand deposit using shake table testing", Eighth International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, Proceedings of GeoCongress 2019, ASCE, pp. ASCE GSP 308, page 285-293.
- S. Salam, Ming Xiao, A. Khosravifar and J. Wang, 2019, "Cyclic Behavior and Liquefaction Resistance of Fine Coal Refuse—Experimental and Numerical Modeling", Eighth International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, Proceedings of GeoCongress 2019, ASCE, pp. ASCE GSP 308, page 229-238.
- B. Kermani, Shelley M Stoffels and Ming Xiao, 2019, "Assessment of geotextile effectiveness in decreasing subgrade pumping and increasing service life in rigid pavements, using scaled model mobile load simulator", Eighth International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, Proceedings of GeoCongress 2019, ASCE, pp. ASCE GSP 310, page 357-367.
- Ming Xiao, 2018, "Particle transport in porous media in geotechnical engineering: A review of challenges and cross-disciplinary applications", Innovations in Foundations Engineering – ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication Honoring Jean-Louis Briaud, Proceedings of IFCEE 2018, ASCE, pp. ASCE GSP 299, page 358-370.
- B. Kermani, Ming Xiao, Shelley M Stoffels and Tong Qiu, 2018, "Magnitude and rate of migration of fine subgrade soil into granular subbase under scaled flexible interstate pavement", International Foundations Congress and Equipment Exposition (IFCEE) 2018, Proceedings of IFCEE 2018, ASCE, pp. ASCE GSP 296, page 425-434.
- M. Khosrojerdi, Ming Xiao, Tong Qiu and J. Nicks, 2018, "Prediction model for estimating the immediate settlement of foundations placed on reinforced soil", International Foundations Congress and Equipment Exposition (IFCEE) 2018, Proceedings of IFCEE 2018, ASCE, pp. ASCE GSP 297, page 109-118.
- M. Khosrojerdi, Tong Qiu, Ming Xiao and J. Nicks, 2018, "Numerical investigation on the performance of geosynthetic-reinforced soil pier under axial loading", International Foundations Congress and Equipment Exposition (IFCEE) 2018, Proceedings of IFCEE 2018, ASCE, pp. ASCE GSP 297, page 99-108.
- Ming Xiao and B. Adams, 2016, "Development of experimental methodology of investigating the relative and interactive effects of physicochemical properties of permeating fluids on incipient motion of granular particles", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, Oxford, UK, CRC Press
- B. Adams* and Ming Xiao, 2015, ""Initial steps toward establishing an erosion threshold in pore-scale particle mobilization imaging experiments"", Proceedings of the 2015 International Foundations Congress & Equipment Exposition (IFCEE 2015), San Antonio, Texas, March 17-21, 2015
- Ming Xiao, M. Ledezma* and C. Hartman*, 2014, "Large-scale shear testing of tire derived aggregates (TDA)", Geo-Congress: Geo-Characterization and Modeling for Sustainability
- A. Cemo*, B. Adams* and Ming Xiao, 2014, ""Development of an experimental imaging system for the micro-scale study of seepage-induced granular particle mobilization"", Geo-Congress: Geo-Characterization and Modeling for Sustainability
- H Munjy, F Tehrani, Ming Xiao and M Zoghi, 2014, "A numerical simulation on the dynamic response of MSE wall with LWA backfill", The 8th European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering NUMGE 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, June 18-20, 2014
- M Xiao, M Ledezma* and C Hartman*, 2014, ""Shake table test to investigate seismic responses of a slurry wall"", Proceedings of 2014 Geo-Congress: Geo-Characterization and Modeling for Sustainability, Atlanta, GA, Feb 23-16, 2014, ASCE, USA
- Ming Xiao, C Hartman* and M Ledezma*, 2013, ""Seismic responses of geosynthetically reinforced walls with tire derived aggregate (TDA) backfill"", 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering of ISSMGE, Paris, France, September 2–5, 2013
- D. Hartman*, M Ledezma* and Ming Xiao, 2013, "Shake table tests of MSE walls with tire derived aggregates (TDA) backfill", Proceedings of 2013 Geo-Congress, ASCE, San Diego, CA, March 3–6, 2013
- Ming Xiao, D. Hartman* and M Ledezma*, 2013, ""Seismic performance of mechanically stabilize earth wall with lightweight aggregate (LWA) backfill"", Proceedigns of 2013 Geosynthetics International Conference, Session: Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil–Integrated Bridge System: Design, Construction, and Performances, IFAI, Long Beach, CA, April 1–4, 2013
- M Zoghi, A McGrew and Ming Xiao, 2012, ""Seamless integration of the undergraduate engineering geology and an introductory geotechnical engineering courses"", Proceedings, The American Society for Engineering Education-Pacific South West Section (ASEE-PSW) Conference, San Luis Obispo, CA, April 19–21, 2012
- M Graham*, Ming Xiao and L Owaidat, 2012, ""Seismic performances of slurry walls"", Proceedings of 2012 GeoCongress, Oakland, CA, March 25–29, 2012
- B Adams* and Ming Xiao, 2012, ""Biological mechanisms of piping erosion reduction of organic soils"", Proceedings of 2012 GeoCongress, Oakland, CA, March 25–29, 2012
- B Adams* and Ming Xiao, 2011, ""Bioremediation of internal erosion in sand"", Proceedings of Geo-Frontiers 2011, Dallas, TX, March 13–16, 2011
- E Sinco*, Ming Xiao, L Owaidat and L Smith, 2010, "Slurry induced piping progression of a sand", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, San Francisco, CA, Nov 7–10, 2010
- B Adams* and Ming Xiao, 2010, ""Piping mechanisms of a fibrous peat"", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, San Francisco, CA, Nov 7–10, 2010
- N Shwiyhat and Ming Xiao, 2010, ""Effect of suffusion on mechanical characteristics of sand"", Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, San Francisco, CA, Nov 7–10, 2010
- Ming Xiao, J Gomez*, B Adams*, N Shwiyhat* and E Sinco*, 2010, ""Experimental study of subsurface erosion of peats"", Proceedings of GeoFlorida 2010, ASCE, West Palm Beach, FL, Feb 20–24, 2010
- Ming Xiao and J. Gomez*, 2010, ""Effect of piping on shear strength of levees"", Proceedings of the GeoShanghai 2010 International Conference, ASCE, Shanghai, China, June 3–6, 2010
- Ming Xiao, L Reddi and S Steinberg, 2010, ""Discontinuous pore fluid distribution under microgravity"", Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Multiscale and Multiphysics Processes in Geomechanics, Stanford University, June 23–25, 2010
- S Kakuturu, Ming Xiao and L Reddi, 2009, ""Engineered waste materials as amendments to prevent erosion and to stabilize contaminated soils"", Proceedings of the ASCE-EWRI World Environmental & Water Resources Congress (EWRI09), ASCE, Kansas City, MO. May 17–21, 2009
- Ming Xiao and L Reddi, 2008, ""Pore structure variation of porous media under vibration"", Proceedings of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics IV Conference, Sacramento, CA. ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 181, Zeng et al. (Ed.), ASCE Geo-Institute. May 18–22, 2008
- Ming Xiao, C Abela*, K Mortensen*, M Beltran* and A Oliver*, 2008, ""Rainfall erosion resistance of various compost soils on roadside embankment"", Proceedings of 2008 GeoCongress, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 178, Reddy et al. (Ed). ASCE Geo-Institute. New Orleans, LA, March 10–12, 2008
- Ming Xiao and L Reddi, 2008, ""Particle clogging in drainage layers"", Proceedings of the Tenth Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics (PACAM X), Cancun, Mexico, January 7–11, 2008
- Ming Xiao, L Reddi, J Howard, A Devine and R Stott, 2006, ""Rainfall erosion control on roadside embankment using compost soils"", Proceedings of 2006 GeoShanghai International Conference, Shanghai, China, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 148, Lu et al. Ed., ASCE Geo-Institute, June 6–8, 2006
- Ming Xiao, L Reddi and S Steinberg, 2006, ""Fluid distribution in porous media under microgravity"", Proceedings of 2006 GeoShanghai International Conference, Shanghai, China, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 148, Lu et al. Ed., ASCE Geo-Institute, June 6–8, 2006
- Ming Xiao, L Reddi and S Steinberg, 2006, ""Fluid distribution in porous media under microgravity""
- Ming Xiao and L Reddi, 2004, ""Effect of vibrations on pore fluid distribution in porous media?experimental investigations""
- S Steinberg, J Alexander, D Or, N Daidzic, S Jones, L Reddi, M Tuller, G Kluitenberg and Ming Xiao, 2004, ""Flow and Distribution of Fluid Phases Through Porous Plant Growth Media in Microgravity"", Proceedings of the 9th ASCE Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments (Earth and Space 2004), Houston, Texas, March 2004
- D Li, Ming Xiao and Q. Zhang, 2003, ""Impact of deep excavation on nearby buried pipelines""
- Ming Xiao and L Reddi, 2000, ""Comparison of fine particle clogging in soil and geotextile filters"", Advances in Transportation and Geoenvironmental Systems using Geosynthetics, Proceedings of Geo-Denver 2000, Denver, Colorado, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 103, Zornberg and Christopher (Ed.). ASCE Geo-Institute, August 2000
- Ming Xiao, L Reddi and W Jia, 2000, ""Clogging of highway subsurface drainage systems: demonstration of CDF"", Proceedings of the Transportation Systems 2000 (TS2K) Workshop, San Antonio, Texas, Feb. 2000.
- Ming Xiao, L Reddi and M Bonala, 2000, ""Impact of fine particle entrapment on the performance of subsurface pavement drainage systems"", Transportation Research Board 79th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., Jan. 2000
- Matthew Hallissey, Isabel Rubino, Andrew Ahearn and Ming Xiao, , "Middle School STEM Summer Camp for Indigenous Students in Utqiagvik, Alaska, and STEM Activities in State College, Pennsylvania.", ASCE
- Xiaohang Ji, Ming Xiao and Eileen Martin, , "Hysteresis Model of Permafrost Thermal State Variation with Air Temperature in Utqiagvik, Alaska, Based on Distributed Temperature Sensing", ASCE
- Ziyi Wang and Ming Xiao, , "Numerical Model for Thaw Consolidation of Ice-Rich Permafrost Using the Finite Volume Approach", ASCE
- B. M. Jones, L. Farquharson, C. Maio, A. Petrov, C. Tweedie, Ming Xiao, A. Jensen and V. Romanovsky, 2019, "The International Permafrost Coastal Systems Network", Witness the Arctic, 23, (2), pp. 15-24
Extension Publications
- Ming Xiao, 2024, "Report of 2023 Arctic Coasts Workshop: Changes, Impacts, and Solutions - Working Towards a Resilient Future"
- Ming Xiao, L. Alessa, L. Farquharson, D. Nicolsky, B. Jones, V. Romanovsky, A. Jensen, C. McComb, X. Zhang, M. Liew and X. Ji, 2021, "“Infrastructure and Community Resilience in the Changing Arctic – Status, Challenges, and Research Needs.”"