Photo of Vikash Gayah

Vikash Gayah

Interim Director of the Larson Transportation Institute and Professor


  • Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Larson Transportation Institute

218 ECoRE Building


Personal or Departmental Website

Research Areas:

Transportation Engineering

Interest Areas:

Urban traffic network dynamics; Traffic flow theory; Traffic operations and control; Public transportation systems; Urban mobility.






  • Eric J Gonzalez, Joshua M Pilachowski, Vikash Varun Gayah, Michael James Cassidy and Carlos Daganzo, 2010, Public Transportation Systems: Mini-Projects and Homework Exercises, Electronic text,

Journal Articles

  • Tanveer Ahmed, Hao Liu and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2024, "Identification of optimal locations of adaptive traffic signal control using heuristic methods", International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 13, pp. 122-136
  • Ayush Pandey, Lewis Lehe and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2024, "Local stability of traffic equilibria in an isotropic network", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological,, 179, (102873), pp. 1-18
  • Numan Ahmad, Tanmoy Bhowmik, Vikash Varun Gayah and Naveen Eluru, 2024, "On the need to address fixed-parameter issues before applying random parameters: A simulation-based study", Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 41, (100314), pp. 1-14
  • Jakob Wiegand and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2024, "Applying model-based recursive partitioning to improve pedestrian exposure models to support transportation safety analyses", Traffic Safety Research
  • Asif Mahmud, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2024, "Modeling economic impacts of transportation infrastructure in Pennsylvania considering spatial dependency across counties", International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology
  • Helia Mohammadi Mavi, Andisheh Ranjbari, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2024, "What does it take for rural-urban commuters to switch from driving to carpooling?", Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior, 107, pp. 803-819
  • Dongqin Zhou, Vikash Varun Gayah and Jonathan Wood, 2024, "A dictionary-based Bayesian approach to optimizing left-turn restriction locations in grid networks", International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology
  • Hao Liu, Vikash Varun Gayah and Michael Levin, 2024, "A max pressure algorithm for traffic signals considering pedestrian queues", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 169, (104865), pp. 1-20
  • W Wang, Y Yang, X Yang, Vikash Varun Gayah, Y Wang, J Tang and Z Yuan, 2024, "A Negative Binomial Lindley approach considering spatiotemporal effects for modeling traffic crash frequency with excess zeros", Accident Analysis and Prevention, 207, (107741), pp. 1-16
  • Pengxiang Zhang, Asif Mahmud, Vikash Varun Gayah and Eric T Donnell, 2024, "Comparison of safety effect estimates from propensity scores potential outcomes framework and empirical bayes before-after method: Case study of adaptive traffic signal control", Journal of Safety Research, 91, pp. 258-270
  • Tanveer Ahmed, Hao Liu and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2024, "OCC-MP: A Max-Pressure framework to prioritize transit and high occupancy vehicles", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 166, (104795), pp. 1-19
  • Bhagwant Persaud, Ragahvan Srinivasan, Vikash Varun Gayah, Kristin Kersavage, Taha Saleem, Shauna Hallmark and C Mohammadi, 2024, "Estimating the expected change in safety for a potential application of three ITS treatments", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
  • Hao Liu and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2024, "N-MP: A network-state-based Max Pressure algorithm incorporating regional perimeter contro", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 168, (104725), pp. 1-22
  • Xin Dong, Hao Liu and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2024, "An analytical model of many-to-one carpool system performance under cost-based detour limits", International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology
  • Agnimitra Sengupta, Sukran Ilgin Guler, Vikash Varun Gayah and Shannon Warchol, 2024, "Evaluating the reliability of automatically generated pedestrian and bicycle crash surrogates", Accident Analysis and Prevention, 203, (107614), pp. 1-19
  • Vikash Varun Gayah, Eric T Donnell, Hao Liu and Abhishek Prajapati, 2024, "Crash modification factors for high-tension cable median barriers: An empirical Bayes before-after study", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
  • Kshitij Jerath, Vikash Varun Gayah and Sean N Brennan, 2024, "Mitigating delay due to capacity drop near freeway bottlenecks: Zones of influence of Connected Vehicles.", PLOS ONE, 19, (6, e030118), pp. 1-30
  • Vikash Varun Gayah, Eric T Donnell and Pengxiang Zhang, 2024, "Crash modification factors for high friction surface treatment on horizontal curves of two-lane highways: A combined propensity scores matching and empirical Bayes before-after approach", Accident Analysis and Prevention, 199, (107536), pp. 1-10
  • Hao Liu, Zechong Xiong and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2024, "Quantifying the impacts of right-turn-on-red, exclusive turn lanes and pedestrian movements on the efficiency of urban transportation networks", International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology
  • Dongqin Zhou and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2024, "Evaluating the effectiveness and transferability of a data-driven two-region perimeter control method using microsimulation", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2678, (9), pp. 433-451
  • Dongqin Zhou and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2023, "Scalable multi-region perimeter metering control for urban networks: A multi-agent deep reinforcement learning approach", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 148, (104033), pp. 1-26
  • Hao Liu and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2023, "Total-delay-based Max Pressure: A max pressure algorithm considering delay equity", Transportation Research Record, 2677, (6), pp. 324-339
  • Asif Mahmud, Vikash Varun Gayah and Rajesh Paleti, 2023, "Estimation of crash type frequency accounting for misclassification in crash data", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 184, (106998), pp. 1-12
  • Dongqin Zhou, Vikash Varun Gayah and Jonathan Wood, 2023, "Integration of Machine Learning and Statistical Models for Crash Frequency Modeling", Transportation Letters, 15, (10), pp. 1408-1419
  • Hao Liu, Saipraneeth Devnuri, Lewis Lehe and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2023, "Scale effects in ridesplitting: A case study of the city of Chicago", Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 173, (103690), pp. 1-16
  • Dongqin Zhou and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2023, "Improving Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Perimeter Metering Control Methods with Domain Control Knowledge", Transportation Research Record, 2677, (7), pp. 384-405
  • Guanhao Xu and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2023, "Non-unimodal and non-concave relationships in the network Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram caused by hierarchical streets", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 173
  • Guanhao Xu, Pengxiang Zhang, Vikash Varun Gayah and Xianbiao Hu, 2023, "Opposing hysteresis patterns in flow and outflow macroscopic fundamental diagrams and their implications", Transportation Research Record
  • Numan Ahmad, Vikash Varun Gayah and Eric T Donnell, 2023, "Copula-based bivariate count data regression models for simultaneous estimation of crash counts based on severity and number of vehicles", Accident Analysis and Prevention, 181, (106928), pp. 1-10
  • Murat Bayrak, Zhengyao Yu and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2023, "A population-based incremental learning algorithm to identify optimal location of left-turn restrictions in urban grid networks", Transportmetria B: Transport Dynamics, 11, (1), pp. 528-547
  • Jonathan Wood, Zhengyao Yu and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2023, "Development and evaluation of frameworks for real-time bus passenger occupancy prediction", International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 12, (2), pp. 399-413
  • Xiao Liang, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2023, "Decentralized arterial traffic signal optimization with Connected Vehicle information", Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 27, (2), pp. 145-160
  • Zhengyao Yu, Guanhao Xu, Vikash Varun Gayah and Eleni Christofa, 2022, "Incorporating phase rotation into a person-based signal timing optimization algorithm", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23, (1), pp. 513-521
  • Asif Mahmud, Vikash Varun Gayah and Rajesh Paleti, 2022, "A latent choice model to analyze the role of preliminary preferences in shaping observed choices", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 161, pp. 95-108
  • Scott Himes, James Bonneson, Vikash Varun Gayah and Cathy Liu, 2022, "Safety prediction method for freeway facilities with High Occupancy lanes", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2676, (8), pp. 501-513
  • Ian Hamilton, Kristin Kersavage, RJ Porter, Vikash Varun Gayah, Josie Sanchez, Keith Smith, Carol Tan and Ana Maria Eigen, 2022, "Application of emerging data sources for pedestrian safety analysis in Charlotte, NC", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
  • Hao Liu and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2022, "A novel max pressure algorithm based on traffic delay", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, (103803), pp. 1-19
  • Rebeka Yocum and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2022, "County-level crash prediction models for Pennsylvania accounting for income characteristics", Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 13, (100562), pp. 1-14
  • Naveen Eluru and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2022, "A note on estimating Safety Performance Functions with a flexible specification of traffic volume", Accident Analysis and Prevention, 16, (106571)
  • Zhengyao Yu and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2022, "Simulation analysis of urban network performance under link disruptions: Impacts of information provisions in different street configurations", Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Dongqin Zhou and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2021, "Model-free perimeter metering control for two-region urban networks using deep reinforcement learning", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 124, (102949), pp. 1-24
  • Asif Mahmud and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2021, "Estimation of crash type frequencies on individual collector roadway segments", Accident Analysis and Prevention, 161, (106345), pp. 1-12
  • Agnimitra Sengupta, Vikash Varun Gayah and Eric T Donnell, 2021, "Examining the impacts of crash data aggregation on SPF estimation", Accident Analysis and Prevention, 160, (106313), pp. 1-15
  • Renato Guadamuz, Houjun Tang, Zhengyao Yu, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2021, "Green time usage metrics on signalized intersections and arterials using high-resolution traffic data", International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 11, (3), pp. 509-521
  • Lewis Lehe, Vikash Varun Gayah and Ayush Pande, 2021, "Increasing returns to scale in carpool matching: Evidence from Scoop", Transport Findings, June, pp. 1-7
  • Rebeka Yocum and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2021, "Coordinated perimeter flow and variable speed limit control for mixed freeway and urban networks", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2676, (1), pp. 596-609
  • Vikash Varun Gayah and Eric T Donnell, 2021, "Estimating safety performance functions for two-lane rural roads using an alternative functional form for traffic volume", Accident Analysis and Prevention, 157, (106173), pp. 1-9
  • Xuting Wang and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2021, "Cordon-based pricing schemes for mixed urban-freeway networks using Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2675, (10), pp. 1339-1351
  • Murat Bayrak and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2021, "Identification of optimal left-turn restriction locations using heuristic methods", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2675, (10), pp. 452-467
  • Hua Wei, Guanjie Zheng, Vikash Varun Gayah and Zhenhui Li, 2020, "Recent advances in reinforcement learning for traffic signal control: A survey of models and evaluation", SIGKDD Explorations, 22, (2), pp. 1-7
  • Houjun Tang, Vikash Varun Gayah and Eric T Donnell, 2020, "Crash Modification Factors for adaptive traffic signal control: An Empirical Bayes before-after study", Accident Analysis and Prevention, 144, (105672), pp. 1-8
  • Xiao Liang, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2020, "Traffic signal control optimization in a connected vehicle environment considering pedestrians", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2674, (10), pp. 499-511
  • Xiao Liang, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2020, "An equitable traffic signal control scheme at isolated signalized intersections using Connected Vehicle technology", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 110, pp. 81-97
  • Guanhao Xu, Zhengyao Yu and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2020, "Analytical approximations for macroscopic fundamental diagrams with turning traffic", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2674, (9), pp. 933-947
  • Scott Himes, Vikash Varun Gayah, Jeffrey P Gooch and Stephen Read, 2020, "Estimating baseline numbers for safety measure target settings in Virginia", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2674, (8), pp. 523-535
  • Renato Guadamuz, Vikash Varun Gayah and Rajesh Paleti, 2020, "Impact of bus routes on crash frequency in metropolitan areas", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2674, (3), pp. 305-316
  • Zhengyao Yu and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2020, "Resilience of urban street network configurations under low demands", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2674, (9), pp. 982-994
  • Xiao Liang, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2020, "A heuristic method to optimize generic signal phasing and timing plans at signalized intersections using Connected Vehicle technology", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 111, pp. 156-170
  • Reihaneh Kouhi and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2019, "Identification of spatiotemporal relationships in travel speeds along individual roadways using probe vehicle data", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2673, (11), pp. 546-560
  • Xiao Liang, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2019, "Joint optimization of signal phasing and timing and vehicle speed guidance in a connected and autonomous vehicle environment", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2673, (4), pp. 70-83
  • Javier Ortigosa, Vikash Varun Gayah and Monica Menendez, 2019, "Analysis of one-way and two-way street configurations on urban grids", Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 7, (1), pp. 61-81
  • Mehdi Keyvan-Ekbatani, Xueyu Gao, Vikash Varun Gayah and Victor Knoop, 2019, "Traffic-responsive signals combined with perimeter control: Investigating the benefits.", Transportmetrica B: Traffic Dynamics, 7, (1), pp. 1402-1425
  • Houjun Tang, Vikash Varun Gayah and Eric T Donnell, 2019, "Evaluating the predictive power of an SPF for two-lane rural roads with random parameters on out-of-sample observations", Accident Analysis and Prevention, 132, (105275), pp. 1-11
  • Eric T Donnell, Vikash Varun Gayah, Zhengyao Yu and Lingyu Li, 2018, "Safety and operational impacts of setting speed limits below engineering recommendations", Accident Analysis and Prevention, 121, pp. 43-52
  • Raed Alsalhi, Vinayak Dixit and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2018, "On the existence of network Macroscopic Safety Diagrams: Theory, simulation and empirical evidence", PLOS ONE, 13, (8), pp. e0200541
  • Xiao Liang, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2018, "Signal timing optimization with Connected Vehicle technology: Platooning to improve computational efficiency", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2672, (18), pp. 81-92
  • Xueyu Gao and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2018, "An analytical framework to model uncertainty in urban network dynamics using Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 117B, pp. 660-675
  • Owen Hitchcock and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2018, "Methods to reduce dimensionality and identify candidate solutions in multi-objective signal timing problems", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 96, pp. 398-414
  • Jeffrey Gooch, Vikash Varun Gayah and Eric T Donnell, 2018, "Comparison of safety performance functions for horizontal curves and tangents on two lane, two way rural roads", Accident Analysis and Prevention, 120, pp. 28-37
  • Lingyu Li, Vikash Varun Gayah and Eric T Donnell, 2017, "Development of regionalized SPFs for two-lane rural roads in Pennsylvania", Accident Analysis and Prevention, 108, pp. 343-353
  • Zhengyao Yu, Jonathan Wood and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2017, "Using survival models to estimate bus travel times and associated uncertainties.", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 74, pp. 366-382
  • Vikash Varun Gayah and Samer Madanat, 2017, "Accounting for endogeneity in maintenance decisions and overlay thickness in a pavement roughness deterioration model", ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 23, (4), pp. 1-7
  • Zhengyao Yu, Vikash Varun Gayah and Eleni Christofa, 2017, "Person-based signal timing optimization to account for flexible cycle lengths and uncertain transit vehicle arrivals", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2620, pp. 31-42
  • Anthony Deprator, Owen Hitchcock and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2017, "Improving street network efficiency by prohibiting left turns at signalized intersections based on network accumulation", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2622, pp. 58-69
  • Khaled Shaaban, Jonathan Wood and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2017, "Investigating the driver behavior at two-way stop sign intersections in Qatar", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2663, pp. 109-116
  • Kan Wu, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2017, "A queueing and variational theory approach to estimating the impacts of bus stops on transit signal priority", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2622, pp. 70-83
  • Celeste Chavis and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2017, "Development of a mode choice model for general purpose flexible route transit systems", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2650, pp. 133-141
  • Xavier J Harmony and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2017, "Evaluation of real-time transit information systems: An information demand and supply approach", International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 6, (1), pp. 86-98
  • Q. Gan, W.-L. Jin and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2017, "Analysis of traffic statics and dynamics in a signalized double-ring network: A Poincare map approach", Transportation Science, 51, (3), pp. 1009-1029
  • Jianhe Du, Hesham Rakha and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2016, "Deriving Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams from probe data: Issues and solutions", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 66, pp. 136-149
  • Krae Stieffenhofer, Michael Barton and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2016, "Assessing park and ride efficiency and user reactions to parking management strategies", Journal of Public Transportation, 19, (4), pp. 75-92
  • Sukran Ilgin Guler, Vikash Varun Gayah and Monica Menendez, 2016, "Bus priority at signalized intersections with single-lane approaches: A novel pre-signal strategy", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 63, pp. 51-70
  • Jan-Torben Girault, Vikash Varun Gayah, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Monica Menendez, 2016, "An exploratory analysis of signal coordination impacts on the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2560, pp. 36-46
  • Jeff Gooch, Vikash Varun Gayah and Eric T Donnell, 2016, "Quantifying the safety effects of horizontal curves on two-way rural roads", Accident Analysis and Prevention, 92, pp. 71-81
  • Ke Han, Hongcheng Liu, Vikash Varun Gayah, Terry L Friesz and Tao Yao, 2016, "A robust optimization approach for dynamic traffic signal control with emissions constraints", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 63, pp. 51-70
  • Vikash Varun Gayah, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Weihua Gu, 2016, "On the impact of obstructions on the capacity of nearby signalized intersections", Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 4, (1), pp. 48-67
  • Ke Han and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2015, "Continuum signalized junction model for dynamic traffic networks: Offset, spillback, and multiple stages", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 77, pp. 213-239
  • Kshitij Jerath, Asok Ray, Sean N Brennan and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2015, "Dynamic prediction of vehicle cluster distribution in mixed traffic: A statistical mechanics-inspired method", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 16, (5), pp. 2424-2434
  • Melissa Jean Bopp, Vikash Varun Gayah and Michael Campbell, 2015, "Examining the link between public transit use and active commuting", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12, (4), pp. 4256-4274
  • Nicolas Muhlich, Vikash Varun Gayah and Monica Menendez, 2015, "Use of microsimulation for examination of Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram hysteresis patterns on hierarchical street networks", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2491, pp. 117-126
  • Javier Ortigosa, Monica Menendez and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2015, "Analysis of the Network Exit Functions for different urban grid network configurations", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2491, pp. 12-21
  • T Tsubota, Ashish Bhaskar, A Nantes, E Chung and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2015, "Comparative analysis of traffic state estimation: Cumulative counts-based and trajectory-based methods", Transportation Research Record, 2491, pp. 43-52
  • Hongcheng Liu, Ke Han, Vikash Varun Gayah, Terry L Friesz and Tao Yao, 2015, "Data-driven linear decision rule approach for distributionally robust optimization of on-line signal control", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 59, pp. 260-277
  • Vikash Varun Gayah, Xueyu Gao and Andrew S Nagle, 2014, "On the impacts of locally adaptive signal control on urban network stability and the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 70, pp. 255-268
  • Weihua Gu, Vikash Varun Gayah, Michael J Cassidy and Nathatlie Saade, 2014, "On the impacts of bus stops near signalized intersections: Models of car and bus delays", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 68, pp. 123-140
  • Andrew S Nagle and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2014, "Accuracy of network-wide traffic states estimated from mobile probe data", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2421, pp. 1-11
  • Ke Han, Vikash Varun Gayah, Bennedetto Piccoli, Terry L Friesz and Tao Yao, 2014, "On the continuum approximation of the on-and-off signal control on dynamic traffic networks", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 61, pp. 73-97
  • Vikash Varun Gayah, Vinayak Dixit and Sukran Ilgin Guler, 2014, "Relationship between mean and day-to-day variation in travel time in urban networks", EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 3, (3), pp. 227-243
  • Wen-Long Jin, Qijian Gan and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2013, "A kinematic wave approach to traffic statics and dynamics in a double-ring network", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 57, pp. 114–131
  • Jean C Doig, Vikash Varun Gayah and Michael J Cassidy, 2013, "Inhomogeneous flow patterns in undersaturated road networks: Implications for Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2390, pp. 68-75
  • Weihua Gu, Michael J Cassidy, Vikash Varun Gayah and Yanfeng Ouyang, 2013, "Mitigating negative impacts of near-side bus stops on cars", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 47, pp. 42–56
  • Vikash Varun Gayah and Vinayak V Dixit, 2013, "Using mobile probe data and the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram to estimate network densities: Tests using micro-simulation", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2390, pp. 76-86
  • Vikash Varun Gayah and Carlos F Daganzo, 2012, "Analytical capacity comparison of one-way and two-way signalized street networks", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2301, pp. 76–85
  • Vinayak V Dixit, Vikash Varun Gayah and Essam Radwan, 2012, "Comparison of driver behavior by time of day and wet pavement conditions", ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 138, (8), pp. 1023–1029
  • Yiguang Ethan Xuan, Vikash Varun Gayah, Michael J Cassidy and Carlos F Daganzo, 2012, "Presignal used to increase bus-and car-carrying capacity at intersections", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2315, pp. 191–196
  • Carlos F Daganzo, Vikash Varun Gayah and Eric J Gonzales, 2012, "The potential of parsimonious models for understanding large scale transportation systems and answering big picture questions", EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 1, (1-2), pp. 47–65
  • Vikash Varun Gayah and Carlos F Daganzo, 2011, "Clockwise hysteresis loops in the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram: An effect of network instability", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 45, (4), pp. 643-655
  • Vikash Varun Gayah and Carlos F Daganzo, 2011, "Effects of turning maneuvers and route choice on a simple network", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2249, pp. 15–19
  • Carlos F Daganzo, Vikash Varun Gayah and Eric J Gonzales, 2011, "Macroscopic relations of urban traffic variables: Bifurcations, multivaluedness and instability", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 45, (1), pp. 278–288
  • Mohamed A Abdel-Aty and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2011, "Using traffic micro-simulation to test route diversion as a real-time crash prevention strategy on freeways", Advances in Transportation Studies, (23), pp. 15–28
  • Mohamed Abdel-Aty and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2010, "Real-time crash risk reduction on freeways using coordinated and uncoordinated ramp metering approaches", ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 136, (5), pp. 410–423
  • Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Ryan J Cunningham, Vikash Varun Gayah and Liang Hsia, 2008, "Dynamic variable speed limit strategies for real-time crash risk reduction on freeways", Transportation Research Record, 2078, pp. 108–116
  • Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Albinder Dhindsa and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2007, "Considering various ALINEA ramp metering strategies for crash risk mitigation on freeways under congested regime", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 15, (2), pp. 113–134
  • Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Anurag Pande, Chris Lee, Vikash Varun Gayah and Cristina Dos Santos, 2007, "Crash risk assessment using intelligent transportation systems data and real-time intervention strategies to improve safety on freeways", Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 11, (3), pp. 107–120
  • Asif Mahmud, Ian Hamilton, Vikash Varun Gayah and RJ Porter, , "Estimation of VMT using heteroskedastic log-linear regression models", Transportation Letters
  • Xuting Wang, Vikash Varun Gayah and Sukran Ilgin Guler, , "Integration of pavement roughness into Safety Performance Functions of two-lane rural roads in Pennsylvania", ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements, 150, (2, 04024016), pp. 1-12
  • Muyang Lu, Vikash Varun Gayah and Sukran Ilgin Guler, , "Multi-objective optimization of maintenance, rehabilitation and reconstruction decision making considering safety", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Boar
  • Asif Mahmud, Agnimitra Sengupta and Vikash Varun Gayah, , "Crash classification based on manner of collision: A comparative analysis", Transportation Letters
  • David Taglieri, Hao Liu and Vikash Varun Gayah, , "Network-Wide Implementation of Roundabouts Vs. Signalized Intersections on Urban Streets: Analytical and Simulation Comparison", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
  • Tanveer Ahmed, Asif Mahmud and Vikash Varun Gayah, , "Crash Modification Factors of rumble strips on horizontal curves of two-lane rural roads: A Propensity Scores Potential Outcomes approach", Accident Analysis and Prevention
  • Muyang Lu, Vikash Varun Gayah and Sukran Ilgin Guler, , "Impacts of shared bikes on traffic safety: A macroscopic analysis", Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Boar
  • Ferdousy Runa, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, , "Do existing split failure metrics accurately reflect pedestrian operation at signalized intersections?", International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology

Conference Proceedings

  • Ian Hamilton, Kristin Kersavage, RJ Porter, Vikash Varun Gayah, Josie Sanchez, Keith Smith, Carol Tan and Ana Maria Eigen, 2022, "Application of emerging data sources for pedestrian safety analysis in Charlotte, NC"
  • Muyang Lu, Vikash Varun Gayah and Sukran Ilgin Guler, 2022, "Analysis of shared bike and other exposure measures in a macroscopic crash frequency model"
  • Scott Himes, James Bonneson, Vikash Varun Gayah and Cathy Liu, 2022, "Safety prediction method for freeway facilities with High Occupancy lanes"
  • Asif Mahmud and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2022, "Estimation of crash type frequencies on individual collector roadway segments"
  • Guanhao Xu and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2022, "Non-unimodal and non-concave relationships in the network Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram caused by hierarchical streets"
  • Xuting Wang, Vikash Varun Gayah and Sukran Ilgin Guler, 2022, "Integration of pavement roughness into safety performance"
  • Dongqin Zhou and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2022, "Integration of human guidance into a reinforcement learning-based perimeter metering control method for urban traffic networks"
  • Rebeka Yocum and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2022, "Investigating the inclusion of traffic operations concepts in undergraduate civil engineering curricula"
  • Asif Mahmud, Vikash Varun Gayah and Rajesh Paleti, 2022, "A latent choice model to analyze the role of preliminary preferences in shaping observed choices"
  • Guanhao Xu and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2021, "On the impacts of roadway hierarchy on the network Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram"
  • Rebeka Yocum and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2021, "Coordinated perimeter flow and variable speed limit control for mixed freeway and urban networks"
  • Rebeka Yocum and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2021, "Identifying relationships between socioeconomic indicators and crash frequency in Pennsylvania"
  • Dongqin Zhou and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2021, "Model free perimeter metering control for urban networks using deep reinforcement learning"
  • Murat Bayrak and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2021, "Identification of optimal left-turn restriction locations using heuristic methods"
  • Xuting Wang and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2021, "Departure time choice and tolls for a high-occupancy toll lane system with heterogeneity in arrival time"
  • Xiao Liang, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2021, "Decentralized arterial traffic signal optimization with Connected Vehicle information"
  • Rajesh Paleti, Asif Mahmud, Vikash Varun Gayah and Abdul Pinjari, 2021, "When and where does the next crash occur? A discretized duration based modeling approach"
  • Houjun Tang, Vikash Varun Gayah and Eric T Donnell, 2021, "Crash Modification Factors for adaptive traffic signal control: An Empirical-Bayes before-after study"
  • Renato Guadamuz, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2021, "Green time usage metrics on signalized intersections and arterials using high-resolution traffic data"
  • Vikash Varun Gayah, Sarah E Zappe and Stephanie Cutler, 2020, "Personalized learning plans for prerequisite materials in a senior-level traffic engineering course"
  • Scott Himes, Vikash Varun Gayah, Jeffrey P Gooch and Stephen Read, 2020, "Estimating baseline numbers for safety measure target settings in Virginia"
  • Renato Guadamuz, Vikash Varun Gayah and Rajesh Paleti, 2020, "Impact of bus routes on crash frequency in metropolitan areas"
  • Vikash Varun Gayah and Eric T Donnell, 2020, "Estimating Safety Performance Functions for two-lane rural roads using and alternative functional form for traffic volumes"
  • Zhengyao Yu and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2020, "Resilience of urban street network configurations under low demands"
  • Murat Bayrak, Zhengyao Yu and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2020, "Optimal spatial configuration of left-turn restrictions on urban grid networks using enumeration and Population-Based Incremental Learning"
  • Rebeka Yocum and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2020, "Determining the effect of wealth on crash frequency in Pennsylvania"
  • Guanhao Xu, Zhengyao Yu and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2020, "Analytical approximations for macroscopic fundamental diagrams with turning traffic"
  • Xiao Liang, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2020, "Traffic signal control optimization in a connected vehicle environment considering pedestrians"
  • Xiao Liang, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2019, "A heuristic method to optimize generic signal phasing and timing plans at signalized intersections using Connected Vehicle technology"
  • Xiao Liang, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2019, "Joint optimization of signal phasing and timing and vehicle speed guidance in a connected and autonomous vehicle environment"
  • Raed Alsalhi, Vinayak Dixit and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2019, "On the existence of network macroscopic safety diagrams to describe traffic conflicts", 13, (8), pp. e0200541
  • Reihaneh Kouhi and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2019, "Identification of spatiotemporal relationships in travel speeds along individual roadways using probe vehicle data"
  • Martin T Pietrucha, Xinyu Zhou, Vikash Varun Gayah and Eric T Donnell, 2019, "Evaluating drivers’ stop-line violation behavior at signalized intersections"
  • Hua Wei, Chacha Chen, Guanjie Zheng, Kan Wu, Zhengyao Yu, Vikash Varun Gayah and Zhenhui Li, 2019, "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Signal Control along Arterials."
  • Hua Wei, Chacha Chen, Guanjie Zheng, Kan Wu, Vikash Varun Gayah, K. Xu and Zhenhui Li, 2019, "PressLight: Learning Max Pressure Control for Signalized Intersections in Arterial Network"
  • Houjun Tang, Vikash Varun Gayah and Eric T Donnell, 2019, "Evaluating the predictive power of a safety performance function for two-lane rural roads with random parameters"
  • Zhengyao Yu and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2019, "Network performance under link disruptions: A comparison of two-way and one-way network configurations"
  • Zhengyao Yu, Vikash Varun Gayah and Eleni Christofa, 2018, "Implementing phase rotation in a person-based signal timing optimization"
  • Xiao Liang, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2018, "A scalable and computationally efficient Connected Vehicle-based signal control algorithm"
  • Jeff Gooch, Vikash Varun Gayah and Eric T Donnell, 2018, "Safety performance estimation of horizontal curves on two lane, two way rural roads"
  • Zhengyao Yu and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2018, "Comparison of urban street network resilience for grid networks with and without left-turning maneuvers under light traffic situations"
  • Owen Hitchcock and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2018, "Methods to identify candidate solutions in multi-objective signal timing optimization"
  • Xiao Liang, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2018, "Signal timing optimization with Connected Vehicle technology: Platooning to improve computational efficiency"
  • Zhengyao Yu, Vikash Varun Gayah and Eleni Christofa, 2018, "Person-based signal timing optimization with phase swap and flexible cycle lengths"
  • Zhengyao Yu, Vikash Varun Gayah and Eleni Christofa, 2017, "Person-based signal timing optimization to account for flexible cycle lengths and uncertain transit vehicle arrivals"
  • Anthony Deprator, Owen Hitchcock and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2017, "Improving street network efficiency by prohibiting left turns at signalized intersections based on network accumulation"
  • Xavier J Harmony and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2017, "Implementing real-time transit information systems: An examination of information supply and demand", pp. 86-98
  • Kan Wu, Sukran Ilgin Guler and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2017, "A queueing and variational theory approach to estimating the impacts of bus stops on transit signal priority"
  • Celeste Chavis and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2017, "Development of a mode choice model for general purpose flexible route transit systems"
  • Khaled Shaaban, Jonathan Wood and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2017, "Investigating the driver behavior at two-way stop sign intersections in Qatar"
  • Xueyu Gao and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2017, "An analytical framework to model uncertainty in urban network dynamics using Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams"
  • Eric T Donnell and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2017, "Safety and operational impacts of setting speed limits below engineering recommendations"
  • Jeffrey Gooch and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2016, "On the design of linear transit systems with park and rides: Analysis of an idealized scenario"
  • Zhengyao Yu, Jonathan Wood and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2016, "Regression models for real-time bus occupancy prediction"
  • Zhengyao Yu, Jonathan Wood and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2016, "Modeling bus travel times and travel time uncertainty: Comparison of linear and survival model frameworks"
  • Krae Stieffenhofer, Michael Barton and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2016, "Assessing park-and-ride use and user reactions to parking management strategies: A case study in Puget Sound"
  • Mehdi Keyvan-Ekbatani, Xueyu Gao, Vikash Varun Gayah and Victor Knoop, 2016, "Combination of traffic responsive and gating control in urban networks: Effective interactions"
  • Sukran Ilgin Guler, Vikash Varun Gayah and Monica Menendez, 2015, "Providing bus priority at signalized intersections with single-lane approaches"
  • Hongcheng Liu, Ke Han, Vikash Varun Gayah, Terry L Friesz and Tao Yao, 2015, "Data-driven linear decision rule approach for distributionally robust optimization of on-line signal control"
  • Andrew S Nagle and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2015, "Comparing the use of link and probe data to inform perimeter metering control"
  • Jeff Gooch, Vikash Varun Gayah and Eric T Donnell, 2015, "Estimating the safety effects of horizontal curves on Pennsylvania two-lane rural roads"
  • Mehdi Keyban-Ekbatani, Vikash Varun Gayah, Xueuy Gao and Victor Knoop, 2015, "Examining perimeter gating of urban traffic networks with adaptive traffic signals"
  • Jianhe Du, Hesham Rakha and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2015, "Design and evaluation of network control strategies using the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram"
  • Q. Gan, W.-L. Jin and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2014, "A link-queue approach to traffic statics and dynamics in signalized networks."
  • J. Ortigosa, Vikash Varun Gayah and Monica Menendez, 2014, "Comparison of traffic performance in finite grids with different configurations: Analytical versus simulated approach."
  • K. Han, B. Piccoli, Vikash Varun Gayah, Terry L Friesz and Tao Yao, 2014, "On the continuum approximation of the on-and-off signal control for dynamic networks."
  • Kshitij Jerath, Asok Ray, Sean N Brennan and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2014, "Statistical mechanics-inspired framework for studying the effects of mixed flows on highway congestion"
  • Vikash Varun Gayah and Xueyu Gao, 2014, "The effect of adaptive green duration control on the macroscopic fundamental diagram"
  • Jeff Lidicker, Juan Argote, Vikash Varun Gayah, Julia Griswold, Kristen Carnarius, Taylor Ehrick and Ericka Sheeran, 2014, "Shuttle transit system evaluation methodology: Performance, characterization, and optimization"
  • Kshitij Jerath, Vikash Varun Gayah and Sean Brennan, 2014, "Influential subspaces of Connected Vehicles in highway traffic"
  • Andrew S Nagle and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2013, "A method to estimate the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram using limited mobile probe data"
  • Vikash Varun Gayah and Melissa Jean Bopp, 2013, "Does a link exist between public transit use and active commuting behavior?"
  • Vikash Varun Gayah and Samar Madanat, 2013, "Development of an empirical model of pavement roughness with condition survey data"
  • Wen-Long Jin, Qi-Jian Gan and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2013, "A kinematic wave approach to traffic statics and dynamics in a double-ring network"
  • Weihua Gu, Michael J Cassidy, Vikash Varun Gayah and Yanfeng Ouyang, 2013, "Mitigating negative impacts of near-side bus stops on cars"
  • Vikash Varun Gayah, Juan Argote and Carlos Daganzo, 2013, "Targeted transit subsidies: A method for increasing transit modal shift"
  • Javier Ortigosa, Vikash Varun Gayah and Monica Menendez, 2013, "Study of urban grid configurations"
  • Vikash Varun Gayah and Vinayak V Dixit, 2012, "Using mobile vehicle probes to estimate network-wide traffic conditions"
  • Vinayak V Dixit, Vikash Varun Gayah and Sukran Ilgin Guler, 2012, "Relationship between mean and variance of travel time in networks"
  • Weihua Gu, M J Cassidy, V V Gayah and Y Ouyang, 2012, "Strategies for mitigating impacts of near-side bus stops on cars"
  • Juan Argote, Yiguang Ethan Xuan and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2012, "Comparative analysis of various bus control strategies: A case study of the UC Berkeley Bear Transit system"
  • Vikash Varun Gayah, S Ilgin Guler and Karthikgeyan Sivakumaran, 2012, "Accounting for congestion in network design"
  • Carlos F Daganzo, Eric J Gonzales and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2011, "Traffic congestion in networks, and alleviating it with public transportation and pricing"
  • Yiguang Xuan, Vikash Varun Gayah, Carlos F Daganzo and Michael J Cassidy, 2010, "Multimodal traffic at isolated signalized intersections: New management strategies and a framework for analysis"
  • Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Kirolos M Haleem, Ryan Cunningham and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2009, "Application of variable speed limits and ramp metering to improve safety and efficiency of freeways"
  • Mohamed A Abdel-Aty and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2009, "Using traffic micro-simulation to test route diversion as a real-time crash prevention strategy on freeways"
  • Mohamed A Abdel-Aty and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2008, "Considering route diversion as a real-time crash prevention strategy on urban freeways"
  • Vikash Varun Gayah, Mohamed Abdel-Aty and Anurag Pande, 2008, "Evaluating route diversion as a strategy for reduction of real-time crash risk on freeways using micro-simulation"
  • Mohamed A Abdel-Aty and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2008, "Comparison of two different ramp metering algorithms for real-time crash risk reduction"
  • Mohamed A Abdel-Aty and Vikash Varun Gayah, 2007, "Crash severity along an urban freeways: Modeling temporal, spatial, and real-time traffic conditions"
  • Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Cristina Dos Santos, Vikash Varun Gayah, Albinder Dhindsa and Jeremy Dilmore, 2006, "The potential of ITS applications to reduce crash potential on urban freeways using micro-simulation"
  • Vikash Varun Gayah, Cristina Dos Santos, Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Albinder Dhindsa and Jeremy Dilmore, 2006, "Evaluating ITS strategies for real-time freeway safety improvement"

Magazines/Trade Publications

  • Vikash Varun Gayah, 2021, "Sick of dangerous city traffic? Remove left turns"
  • Vikash Varun Gayah and Sukran Ilgin Guler, 2018, "Math explains why your bus route is so unreliable"
  • Vikash Varun Gayah, 2012, "Two-way street networks: More efficient that previously thought?", 41, (Fall 2012), pp. 10--15

Research Projects

  • January 2022 - July 2026, "Safety Evaluation of Sinusoidal Centerline Rumble Strips (Previous Agreement # 9932-820," (Sponsor: Montana Department of Transportation).
  • July 2022 - January 2025, "Behavioral Safety Project," (Sponsor: COP: Department of Transportation).
  • July 2021 - January 2025, "Safe Integration of ADS Vehicles Into Work Zones (PennDOT)," (Sponsor: COP: Department of Transportation).
  • May 2021 - October 2025, "Collaborative Research: Economic modeling and control methods for next-generation carpool services (," (Sponsor: National Science Foundation).
  • May 2018 - September 2024, "CAREER: Multi-scale models of urban congestion dynamics to support advanced congestion management strategies," (Sponsor: National Science Foundation).
  • July 2021 - August 2024, "TOPRHRDS202010016PR Development of Crash Modification Factors Program: Focus Crash & Facility Type Workshops," (Sponsor: Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.).
  • January 2022 - February 2024, "Economic Impacts of Transportation Infrastructure Investments," (Sponsor: COP: Department of Transportation).
  • January 2022 - February 2024, "Quantifying the Impact of Data Unavailability, Inaccuracies, and Uncertainty on Deterioration Modeling and Infrastructure Asset Management Policies," (Sponsor: COP: Department of Transportation).
  • April 2023 - October 2024, "State Customization of Highway Safety Manual Methods," (Sponsor: National Academy of Sciences).
  • October 2022 - March 2023, "SCC-CIVIC-PG Track B: Novel shared transportation services to improve rural-urban commutes," (Sponsor: National Science Foundation).
  • June 2020 - August 2023, "E04834: WO#: 1," (Sponsor: Kittelson and Associates, Inc.).
  • March 2017 - May 2022, "Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Performance Functions for the Highway Safety Manual," (Sponsor: MRIGlobal).
  • December 2020 - April 2022, "SMART Intersections to Understand How Pedestrians and Bicyclists interact with Vehicles at Intersections (ECMS E04696)," (Sponsor: Kittelson and Associates, Inc.).
  • August 2021 - December 2022, "Quantification of Systemic Risk Factors for Pedestrians Safety on North Carolina Roadways," (Sponsor: North Carolina Department of Transportation).
  • May 2020 - December 2022, "Microsimulation of Emergency Evaluation of Bear Lake and Wild Basin in Rocky Mountain National Park," (Sponsor: National Park Service).
  • June 2018 - March 2021, "Safety Performance of Part-Time Shoulder Use on Freeways," (Sponsor: Kittelson and Associates, Inc.).
  • December 2016 - November 2020, "Financial Benefits of Proposed Access Management Treatments," (Sponsor: South Dakota State University).
  • September 2014 - September 2016, "Speed Limits Set Lower than Engineering Recommendations," (Sponsor: Montana Department of Transportation).
  • August 2013 - January 2016, "Safety Performance Functions (WO 1)," (Sponsor: COP: Department of Transportation).
  • October 2013 - June 2014, "How Can We Maximize Efficiency and Increase Person Occupancy at Overcrowded Park and Rides," (Sponsor: Washington State Department of Transportation).

Honors and Awards

  • NSF CAREER Award, National Science Foundation, 2018 - 2024
  • "Sweet Sixteen" High-Value Research Project in Maintenance and Safety, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 2024
  • Penn State Emerging Academic Leaders program, Penn State University, 2024
  • Project of the Year Award, Pennsylvania Intelligent Transportation Society (ITS), 2022
  • Best Paper Award, TRB Committee on Safety Performance and Analysis (ACS20), 2022
  • Premier Teaching Award, Penn State Engineering Alumni Society, 2022
  • "Sweet Sixteen" High-Value Research Project in Maintenance and Safety, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 2020
  • Student's Choice Teaching Award (graduate courses), Spring 2019, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2019
  • Student's Choice Teaching Award (graduate courses), Fall 2019, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2019
  • D. Grant Mickle Outstanding Paper Award for TRB Operations and Maintenance Area, Transportation Research Board, 2017 - 2018
  • Outstanding Teaching Award, Penn State Engineering Alumni Society, 2018
  • Harry West Teaching Award, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2018
  • High-Value Research Project in Maintenance and Safety, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 2017
  • Council of University Transportation Centers, New Faculty Award, Council of University Transportation Centers, 2015 - 2016
  • Cunard Outstanding Paper Award for TRB Operations and Traffic Management Section, Transportation Research Board, 2013 - 2014
  • Best Presentation Award, American Control Conference, 2014
  • Best Poster Award, World Conference on Transport Research, 2013
  • Gordon F. Newell Award for Excellence in Transportation Science, University of California, Berkeley, March 2012
  • University of California Transportation Center Outstanding Student of the Year, University of California, Berkeley, January 2012


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The Penn State Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, established in 1881, is internationally recognized for excellence in the preparation of undergraduate and graduate engineers through the integration of education, research, and leadership.

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Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

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