Photo of Xiaofeng Liu

Xiaofeng Liu

Associate Professor


  • Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Institute for Computational and Data Sciences
  • Larson Transportation Institute

387 ECoRE Building


Personal or Departmental Website

Research Areas:

Water Resources Engineering

Interest Areas:

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Environmental fluid mechanics, Sediment transport and erosion control, Land surface process and morphodynamics, Multiphase flow, Water quality modeling






  • J. Rice, Xiaofeng Liu, I. Sasanakul, M. Mcllroy and M. Xiao (editors), 2021, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE-10), International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Geo-Institute of American Society of Civil Engineering
  • Xiaofeng Liu and Jie Zhang, 2019, Computational Fluid Dynamics: Applications in Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Treatment

Journal Articles

  • J. Farnan, A. Eck, A. Kearney, F. L. Dorman, H. Ismail, E. Chase, Xiaofeng Liu, N. R. Warner and W. D. Burgos, 2024, "Oil and gas produced waters fail to meet beneficial reuse recommendations for use as dust suppressants", Science of the Total Environment, 9, pp. 170807
  • P. Chaemchuen, Y. Song, F. Rahmani, W. Zhi, L. Li, Xiaofeng Liu, E. Boyer, T. Bindas, K. Lawson and C. Shen, 2024, "Deep learning insights into suspended sediment concentrations across the conterminous United States: Strengths and limitations", Journal of Hydrology, 639, pp. 131573
  • Xiaofeng Liu, Y. Song and C. Shen, 2024, "Bathymetry inversion using a deep-learning-based surrogate for shallow water equations solvers", Water Resources Research, 60, pp. e2023WR035890
  • W. Zhi, H. Baniecki, J. Liu, E. Boyer, C. Shen, G. Shenk, Xiaofeng Liu and L. Li, 2024, "Increasing phosphorus loss despite widespread concentration decline in US rivers", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121, (48), pp. e2402028121
  • Dan Lu, Tiantian Yang and Xiaofeng Liu, 2023, "Data-driven machine learning for advancing hydrological and hydraulic predictability", Frontiers in Water, 5, pp. 1215966
  • Chaopeng Shen, Alison P. Appling, Pierre Gentine, Toshiyuki Bandai, Hoshin Gupta, Alexandre Tartakovsky, Marco Baity-Jesi, Fabrizio Fenicia, Daniel Kifer, Li Li, Xiaofeng Liu, Wei Ren, Yi Zheng, Ciaran Harman and Martyn Clark, 2023, "Differentiable modelling to unify machine learning and physical models", Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 4, pp. 552-567
  • Y. Song, C. Shen and Xiaofeng Liu, 2023, "Surrogate model for shallow water equations solvers with deep learning", Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 149, (11), pp. 04023045
  • Yunchen Xu and Xiaofeng Liu, 2022, "CFD-based evaluation and verification of FISP suspended sediment samplers", Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 148, (12), pp. 04022043
  • Yalan Song, Azadeh Darzikolaei and Xiaofeng Liu, 2022, "Scour and burial of underwater unexploded ordnances (UXOs): An experimental and computational investigation", Ocean Engineering, 262, pp. 112146
  • S. M. Hajimirzaie, G. Constantinescu, Xiaofeng Liu, T. Stoesser and K. Zamani, 2022, "Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applications in water-resources engineering", Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 148, (12)
  • Chao Zheng, Jie Huang, Xiaofeng Liu and Ted Cleveland, 2022, "Numerical simulation of drainage of permeable friction course (PFC) considering surface runoff and seepage flow", Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements, 148, (1), pp. 04021079
  • Yalan Song, Y. Xu, H. Ismail and Xiaofeng Liu, 2022, "Scour modeling based on immersed boundary method: a pathway to practical use of three-dimensional scour models", Coastal Engineering, 171, pp. 104037
  • Y. Lai, Xiaofeng Liu, F. Bombardelli and Y. Song, 2022, "Three-dimensional numerical modeling of local scour: A state-of-the-art review and perspective", Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 148, (11), pp. 03122002
  • A. Lee, F. Aubeneau, Xiaofeng Liu and M. B. Cardenas, 2021, "Hyporheic exchange over dunes in rivers with deforming free water surface", Water Resources Research, 57, pp. e2020WR028817
  • Y. Yuan, X. Chen, M. B. Cardenas, Xiaofeng Liu and L. Chen, 2021, "Hyporheic exchange driven by submerged rigid vegetation: a numerical study", Water Resources Research, 57, (6), pp. e2019WR026675
  • Y Xu and Xiaofeng Liu, 2021, "An immersed boundary method with y+-adaptation wall function for smooth wall shear", International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, 93, pp. 1929–1946
  • Y Wang, Xiaofeng Liu, C Yao and Y Li, 2020, "Debris flow impact forces on piers with different cross section shapes", Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 146, (10), pp. 04019045
  • T Nagel, J Chauchat, C Bonamy, Xiaofeng Liu, Z Cheng and T Hsu, 2020, "Three-dimensional scour simulations with a two-phase flow model", Advances in Water Resources, 138, pp. 103544
  • Yalan Song, Y. Xu and Xiaofeng Liu, 2020, "A gradient-limited diffusive sand slide method in scour models", Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 146, (11), pp. 04020074
  • B. Li, Xiaofeng Liu, M. H. Kaufman, A. Turetcaia, X. Chen and M. B. Cardenas, 2020, "Flexible and modular simultaneous modeling of flow and reactive transport in rivers and hyporheic zones", Water Resources Research, 56, (2), pp. e2019WR026528
  • Y. Song, Xiaofeng Liu and Y. Lai, 2020, "An immersed boundary method for simulating flow hydrodynamics in streams with complex terrains", Water, 12, (8), pp. 2226
  • Xiaofeng Liu, J. Zhang, K. Nelson and Y. A. Catano-Lopera, 2020, "Challenges and opportunities of computational fluid dynamics for water, wastewater, and stormwater treatment", Journal of Environmental Engineering, 146, (11), pp. 02520002
  • Y Chen, Roman DiBiase, N McCarroll and Xiaofeng Liu, 2019, "Quantifying flow resistance in mountain streams using computational fluid dynamics modeling over structure-from-motion photogrammetry-derived microtopography", Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44, (10), pp. 1973-1987
  • H Chen, Xiaofeng Liu and Q Zhou, 2019, "Wave attenuation and flow structures induced by submerged and suspended canopies", Advances in Water Resources, 123, pp. 160-172
  • Y Chen, Xiaofeng Liu, J Gulley and K Mankoff, 2018, "Direct observations and realistic modeling of a subglacial drainage conduit", Geophysical Research Letters, 45, (20), pp. 11206-11218
  • Y Wang, Xiaofeng Liu, C Yao, Y Li, S Liu and X Zhang, 2018, "Finite-volume release of debris flows around round and square piers: An experimental study", 144, (12), pp. 06018015
  • D Liu, Xiaofeng Liu and X Fu, 2018, "LES-DEM simulations of sediment saltation in a rough-wall turbulent boundary layer", 57, (6), pp. 786-797
  • Xiaofeng Liu, 2018, "Simulations of suspended sediment transport using low-Reynolds-number turbulence models with a unified mesh", Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 144, (6), pp. 04018029
  • M Talebpour and Xiaofeng Liu, 2018, "Numerical investigation on the suitability of a fourth-order nonlinear k-omega model for secondary current of second type in open-channels", Journal of Hydraulic Research, 57, (1), pp. 1-12
  • Y Jiang and Xiaofeng Liu, 2018, "Experimental and numerical investigation of density current over macro-roughness", Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 18, (1), pp. 97-116
  • William D Burgos, Luis Castillo-Meza, Travis L. Tasker, Thomas J. Geeza, Patrick J Drohan, Xiaofeng Liu, Joshua D. Landis, Jens Blotevogel, Molly McLaughlin, Thomas Borch and Nathaniel R. Warner, 2017, "Watershed-scale impacts from surface water disposal of oil and gas wastewater in western Pennsylvania", Environmental Science & Technology, 51, (15), pp. 8851-8860
  • Y Xu and Xiaofeng Liu, 2017, "Hydrodynamics around engineered log jam (ELJ): A comparison with different computational modeling approaches", Water, Special Issue "Stream Channel Stability, Assessment, Modeling, and Mitigation", 9, (2), pp. 110
  • Z Zhou, T Hsu, D Cox and Xiaofeng Liu, 2017, "Large-eddy simulation of wave-breaking induced turbulent coherent structures and suspended sediment transport on a barred beach", Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 122, (1), pp. 207-235
  • K Mankoff, J Gulley, T Slawek, M Covington, Xiaofeng Liu, Y Chen, D Benn and P Glowacki, 2017, "Roughness of a subglacial conduit under Hansbreen, Svalbard", Journal of Glaciology, 63, (239), pp. 423-435
  • D M Waterman, Xiaofeng Liu, D Motta and M H Garcia, 2016, "Analytical Lagrangian model of sediment oxygen demand and reaeration flux coevolution in streams", Journal of Environmental Engineering, 142, (7), pp. 04016028
  • Xiaofeng Liu, Yunxiang Chen and Chaopeng Shen, 2016, "Coupled two-dimensional surface flow and three-dimensional sub-surface flow modeling for the drainage of permeable road pavement", Journal of Hydrological Engineering
  • Xiaofeng Liu, 2016, "Analytical solutions for steady two-dimensional suspended sediment transport in channels with arbitrary advection velocity and eddy diffusivity distributions", Journal of Hydraulic Research, 54, (4), pp. 1-10
  • Chaopeng Shen, S Wang and Xiaofeng Liu, 2016, "Geomorphological significance of the at-many-stations hydraulic geometry", Geophysical Research Letters, 43, (8), pp. 3762–3770
  • D Liu, Xiaofeng Liu, X Fu and G Wang, 2016, "Quantification of the bedload effects on turbulent open channel flows", Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, 121, (4), pp. 767–789
  • Xiaofeng Liu, 2014, "New near-wall treatment for suspended sediment transport simulations with high Reynolds number turbulence models", Journal of Hydrauic Engineering, 140, (3), pp. 333–339
  • Xiaofeng Liu and M. Nayamatullah, 2014, "Semianalytical solutions for one-dimensional unsteady nonequilibrium suspended sediment transport in channels with arbitrary eddy viscosity distributions and realistic boundary conditions", Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 140, (5), pp. 04014011
  • Xiaofeng Liu and Y. Jiang, 2014, "Direct numerical simulations of boundary condition effects on the propagation of density current in wall-bounded and open channels", Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 14, (2), pp. 387–407
  • Sumit Sinha, Xiaofeng Liu and Marcelo H. Garcia, 2013, "A three-dimensional water quality model of Chicago area waterway system (CAWS)", Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 18, (5), pp. 567–592
  • Anders Wedel Nielsen, Xiaofeng Liu, B. Mutlu Sumer and Jørgen Fredsøe, 2013, "Flow and bed shear stresses in scour protections around a pile in a current", Coastal Engineering, 72, pp. 20–38
  • Xiaofeng Liu, 2013, "Parallel modeling of three-dimensional variably saturated ground water flows with unstructured mesh using open source finite volume platform OpenFOAM", Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 7, (2), pp. 223–238
  • Xiaofeng Liu, Gary Parker, Jonathan A. Czuba, Kevin Oberg, Jose M. Mier, James L. Best, Daniel R. Parsons, Peter Ashmore, Bommanna G. Krishnappan and Marcelo H. Garcia, 2012, "Sediment mobility and bed armoring in the St. Clair River: Insights from hydrodynamic modeling", Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 37, (9), pp. 957–970
  • S. Sinha, Xiaofeng Liu and M. H. Garcia, 2012, "Three-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling of the Chicago River, Illinois", Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 12, (5), pp. 471–494
  • Xiaofeng Liu, 2011, "Extension of Kleiser and Schumann’s influence-matrix method for generalized velocity boundary conditions", Journal of Computational Physics, 230, (22), pp. 7911–7916
  • Xiaofeng Liu and Marcelo H. García, 2011, "Computational fluid dynamics modeling for the design of large primary settling tanks", Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 137, (3), pp. 343–355
  • Arturo S. León, Xiaofeng Liu, Mohamed S. Ghidaoui, Arthur R. Schmidt and Marcelo H. García, 2010, "Junction and drop-shaft boundary conditions for modeling free-surface, pressurized, and mixed free-surface pressurized transient flows", Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 136, (10), pp. 705–715
  • Xiaofeng Liu, B.J. Landry and M.H. García, 2008, "Two-dimensional scour simulations based on coupled model of shallow water equations and sediment transport on unstructured meshes", Coastal Engineering, 55, (10), pp. 800–810
  • Xiaofeng Liu and Marcelo H. García, 2008, "Three-dimensional numerical model with free water surface and mesh deformation for local sediment scour", Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 134, (4), pp. 203–217
  • Xiaofeng Liu and M. H. García, 2008, "Discussion of “Divergence Form for Bed Slope Source Term in Shallow Water Equations” by Alessandro Valiani and Lorenzo Begnudelli", Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 134, (5), pp. 678–679
  • Xiaofeng Liu and Marcelo H García, 2007, "Numerical investigation of seabed response under waves with free-surface water flow", International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 17, (2), pp. 97–104
  • Xiaofeng Liu, J. Ni and T. Li, 2004, "A quadtree based method for dynamic partitioning integrated information units with different scales and its implementation", Journal of Basic Science and Engineering (in Chinese), 12, (1), pp. 24–32
  • S.A.M. Darzikolaeia, Xiaofeng Liu and J. Curran, , "Experimental study on flow and sediment patterns around porous engineered log jams", Journal of Hydraulic Engineering

Conference Proceedings

  • Yalan Song, Hassan Ismail and Xiaofeng Liu, 2020, "Numerical modeling of scour around mobile objects with prescribed motion"
  • Yalan Song, Hassan Ismail and Xiaofeng Liu, 2020, "Numerical modeling of scour around porous hydraulic structures: An evaluation of the porosity model"
  • Yi-xuan Zeng, Hassan Ismail and Xiaofeng Liu, 2019, "Realistic rock weir hydraulics through computational fluid dynamics", Panama City, Panama
  • Xiaofeng Liu and Y Xu, 2019, "Scour modeling around hydraulic structures with complex geometries", Taipei, Taiwan
  • T. Nagel, J. Chauchat, Z. Cheng, C. Bonamy, Xiaofeng Liu, T. Hsu and O. Bertrand, 2017, "Two-phase flow simulation of scour around a cylindrical pile"
  • B Jensen, Xiaofeng Liu and E D Christensen, 2017, "Porous media and immersed boundary hybrid-modelling for simulating flow in stone cover-layers", Helsingor, Denmark
  • Detian Liu, Xiaofeng Liu and Xudong Fu, 2016, "LES-DEM coupled simulation of sediment particle saltating process in turbulent open channels"
  • Xiaofeng Liu, Matthew W Farthing and Mahdad Talepour, 2016, "Jet erosion test apparatus: A 3D computational modeling appraisal"
  • M. Rouhnia, K Strom and Xiaofeng Liu, 2016, "Experiments and modeling of density instabilities driven by interface shear and their influence on removal of sediment from buoyant plumes"
  • Yuncheng Xu and Xiaofeng Liu, 2016, "3D computational modeling of stream flow resistance due to large woody debris"
  • K Chen, Y Chen, Y You, Xiaofeng Liu, T Hu and W Li, 2015, "Computational modeling of the evolution of submerged laminar round jet in shallow water", International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference
  • Zheyu Zhou, Tian-jian Hsu, Francis C. K. Ting and Xiaofeng Liu, 2015, "The effects of wave-breaking-induced turbulence on bottom stress and suspended sediment transport - A 3D numerical study"
  • Xiaofeng Liu, 2014, "An innovative computational approach for the hydrodynamics around large woody debris with arbitrary geometrical shapes"
  • Xiaofeng Liu, D Liu, H Ma, M Nayamatullah and X Fu, 2013, "Near-wall treatment for suspended sediment in boundary-layer resolving numerical models"
  • Xiaofeng Liu, 2013, "Realistic flow simulations around and inside porous scour protections", Chengdu, China
  • Xiaofeng Liu and M Nayamatullah, 2012, "Analytical solutions for suspended sediment transport in channels using generalized integral transform technique (GITT)", San Antonio, Texas
  • Xiaofeng Liu, Y Jiang and R Sinir, 2012, "Computational modeling of density current over rough and uneven bottoms", Champaign, IL,
  • R Sinir, Xiaofeng Liu and Y Jiang, 2012, "Computer generated particle arrangement for pore scale modeling", Champaign, IL
  • Xiaofeng Liu, S Sinha, D Motta and M H Garcia, 2012, "Density current caused by CSO events in Bubbly Creek, Chicago, Illinois", Iowa City, Iowa, USA
  • Xiaofeng Liu and Y Jiang, 2012, "Numerical and experimental investigation of density current over bedforms and rough bottom", Iowa City, Iowa
  • Xiaofeng Liu, Y Jiang and R Sinir, 2012, "Simulation of flow field around and inside porous scour protection with physical and realistic particle configurations from computer graphics", Champaign
  • Xiaofeng Liu, 2012, "Simulation of fluid flow field around and inside porous structure with physical and realistic particle configurations", San Antonio, Texas
  • Xiaofeng Liu, 2011, "Direct numerical simulation of boundary condition effects on the propagation of density current in a channel", Beijing, China,
  • S. Dutta, Y Catano, Xiaofeng Liu and M H García, 2010, "Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling of flow into the aerated grit chamber of the MWRD’s North Side Water Reclamation Plant, Illinois", Providence, Rhode Island
  • Xiaofeng Liu, 2010, "Generalized velocity boundary conditions for Kleiser and Schumann’s influence-matrix method", Long Beach, California
  • P Ashmore, J Best, J Czuba, J Denny, D Foster, K Oberg, M H Garcia, Xiaofeng Liu, G Parker and D Parsons, 2010, "Morphology, sedimentology and dynamics of the Upper St. Clair River", Toronto, Canada,
  • S Sinha, Xiaofeng Liu and M H García, 2010, "Three-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality modeling of a CSO (combined sewer overflow) event in Bubbly Creek, Chicago, IL"
  • A.S. León, Xiaofeng Liu, M.S. Ghidaoui, A.R. Schmidt and M H García, 2009, "Boundary conditions for simulating complex storm-sewer systems in free surface, pressurized, and mixed flow conditions", Kansas City, Missouri
  • M Qi, Xiaofeng Liu, M H Garcia and P Jiang, 2009, "Channel degradation in the Yangtze River due to decreased sediment supply", Vancouver, Canada
  • Xiaofeng Liu, S Sinha, N A Sobh and M H García, 2009, "Three-dimensional water quality modeling of the Chicago River", Chicago
  • D Motta, J Abad, Xiaofeng Liu and M H García, 2009, "Two-dimensional BOD and DO water quality model for engineering applications: The case of Bubbly Creek in Chicago, Illinois", Kansas City, Missouri
  • Xiaofeng Liu, S Sinha, D Motta and M H García, 2009, "Upstream intrusion effect of CSO event in Bubbly Creek, IL", Kansas City, Missouri
  • C. Brunner, E. Brosius, E. Podczerwinski, M. H. Garcia and Xiaofeng Liu, 2008, "Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling and optimal design of primary settling tanks at Calumet, Chicago", Chicago, IL
  • Xiaofeng Liu and M H Garcia, 2008, "Numerical simulations of density current in Chicago River using Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC)", Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Xiaofeng Liu and M H Garcia, 2008, "Optimal design of the Chicago Calumet Water Reclamation Plant (CCWRP) primary settling tanks with 3D numerical models", Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Xiaofeng Liu and M H Garcia, 2007, "Coupled model of shallow water equations and sediment transport on unstructured mesh", Tempe, Arizona
  • Xiaofeng Liu and M H Garcia, 2007, "Numerical simulation of rectangular settling tank with scraper using dynamic mesh", Tempe, Arizona
  • Xiaofeng Liu and M H Garcia, 2006, "Numerical simulation of sea bed response under waves with coupled solver of Biot consolidation equations and free surface water flow", Dalian, China


  • Xiaofeng Liu, 2024, "Differentiable modeling for computational hydraulics: bridging physics-based and data-driven modeling"
  • Xiaofeng Liu, 2024, "Hydraulic-structure-induced flow resistance implementation in 2D hydraulics models"
  • Xiaofeng Liu, 2024, "Inversion of bathymetry and hydraulics model parameters with differentiable models"
  • Xiaofeng Liu, 2024, "Is there mesh independence for 2D hydraulics modeling?"
  • Xiaofeng Liu and Y Xu, 2018, "An immersed boundary wall function for smooth wall shear stress"
  • Xiaofeng Liu, 2018, "Coupled LES-DEM simulations of particle saltation"
  • Y Zeng, Xiaofeng Liu and Y Xu, 2018, "An Eulerian-Lagrangian agent model (ELAM) for fish passage designs"
  • Z Li, Xiaofeng Liu and Tong Qiu, 2018, "Smoothed particle hydrodynamics modeling of the motion of a cylinder on a saturated granular sediment box under cyclic hydrodynamic loading"
  • Xiaofeng Liu, 2018, "ASCE EWRI task committee: CFD applications in water, wastewater, and stormwater treatment"
  • Y Xu and Xiaofeng Liu, 2018, "3D numerical simulation of local morphodynamics around complex in-stream structures"
  • Y Chen, Xiaofeng Liu and K D Mankoff, 2018, "Glacial plumbing: Flow resistance in a real subglacial conduit"
  • Xiaofeng Liu, 2017, "CFD modeling of particulate matter separation in wastewater treatment processes"
  • Xiaofeng Liu, Yuncheng Xu and Kurt Smithgall, 2017, "Fast Reconstruction of Kayak Surfing Waves using Strucutre-from-Motion and Computational Fluid Dynamics"
  • Xiaofeng Liu, 2017, "Three-dimensional CFD Modeling for the Turbulent Flow and Scour around Underwater Munitions"
  • Yunxiang Chen, Xiaofeng Liu, R A DiBiase and K D Mankoff, 2017, "Structure-from-motion based CFD modeling of gravel-bed rivers and subglacial conduits"
  • N R McCarroll, R A DiBiase, Y Chen and Xiaofeng Liu, 2017, "Quantifying connections between channel bed microtopography and grain size and shape distribution in mountain streams using structure-from-motion"
  • Y Xu, Y Lai and Xiaofeng Liu, 2016, "Hydrodynamic effects of large wood debris orientation and bank proximity"
  • Xiaofeng Liu, 2016, "Coupled road surface runoff and subsurface flow model for the design of permeable friction courses (PFC)"
  • Yunxiang Chen and Xiaofeng Liu, 2015, "Simulations on the 3D features of quasi-2D turbulence generated by shallow round jets"
  • Mahdad Talebpour and Xiaofeng Liu, 2015, "Secondary current simulations in open channels with different bed roughness configurations"
  • D Liu, Xiaofeng Liu and X Fu, 2015, "Simulation of bedload transport in turbulent open channels using LES-DEM coupled method"
  • Y Xu and Xiaofeng Liu, 2015, "Computational modeling of hydraulics around large wood using immersed boundary method"
  • Yunxiang Chen and Xiaofeng Liu, 2015, "On the coherent structures generated by circular jets in shallow water"
  • M Nayamatullah and Xiaofeng Liu, 2014, "Analytical solutions for unsteady two-dimensional suspended sediment transport in open channel with variable eddy viscosity distributions"
  • Xiaofeng Liu and M Nayamatullah, 2013, "Analytical solutions for the suspended sediment transport in channels using generalized integral transform technique (GITT)"
  • R Ashraf and Xiaofeng Liu, 2013, "Channel instability predictions and their impact on transportation infrastructures: Case study for five rivers in Texas"
  • Xiaofeng Liu, 2013, "Flow penetration into porous scour protection layers: A hybrid approach for a multidimensional and multiscale problem"
  • Y Jiang and Xiaofeng Liu, 2012, "Density current over rough and uneven bottoms"
  • Xiaofeng Liu, A.W. Nielsen and B M Sumer, 2012, "Flow simulations and scour implications around a pile with porous protection"
  • Xiaofeng Liu, 2011, "Fruitful modeling and research efforts by the environmental fluid mechanics group using OpenFOAM at University of Texas at San Antonio"
  • Xiaofeng Liu, 2010, "Investigation of boundary condition effects on the propagation of density current using direct numerical simulations"
  • Xiaofeng Liu, G Parker and M H García, 2010, "Numerical modeling of the St. Clair River and sediment mobility analysis"
  • A S Leon, Y A Catano-Lopera, Xiaofeng Liu and M H García, 2008, "Experimental and CFD modeling of a vortex flow restrictor"
  • C Brunner, E Brosius, E Podczerwinski, M H Garcia and Xiaofeng Liu, 2008, "Optimizing the design of primary settling tanks using CFD modeling"
  • Xiaofeng Liu and M H Garcia, 2006, "Numerical simulation of local scour with free surface and automatic mesh deformation"
  • Detian Liu, Xiaofeng Liu and Xudong Fu, , "LES-DEM coupled simulation of sediment transport in turbulent open channels"
  • Xiaofeng Liu, Yuncheng Xu, Yong Lai, David L Smith and David J. Bandroski, , "Realistic physical and computational modeling of eco-hydraulics: Large woody debris as an example"
  • Zheyu Zhou, Tian-jian Hsu, Dan Cox and Xiaofeng Liu, , "Large-eddy simulation of wave-breaking induced turbulent coherent structures and suspended sediment transport on a barred beach"
  • Zheyu Zhou, Tian-jian Hsu, Dan Cox and Xiaofeng Liu, , "Large eddy simulation of wave-breaking induced turbulent coherent structure and suspended sediment transport on a barred beach"
  • Yunxiang Chen, Xiaofeng Liu and Ken Mankoff, , "Hydraulic roughness and flow resistance in a subglacial conduit"
  • Yuncheng Xu and Xiaofeng Liu, , "3D numerical simulation of bed morphological responses to complex in-stream structures"
  • T Nagel, J Chauchat, C Bonamy, Xiaofeng Liu, Z Cheng and T Hsu, , "Two-phase flow simulation of scour around a cylindrical pile"
  • Tong Qiu, H Li and Xiaofeng Liu, , "Computational modeling of sinkage of objects into porous bed under cyclic loading"
  • Xiaofeng Liu and Y Xu, , "Computational modeling of hydrodynamics and scour around underwater munitions"
  • R A DiBiase, Xiaofeng Liu, Y Chen, A B Neely and N R McCarroll, , "Rapid characterization of streambed microtopography in mountain channels: Methods and application using structure from motion photogrammetry"
  • Yuncheng Xu and Xiaofeng Liu, , "How much details should we have in computational models for in-stream structures?"


  • Xiaofeng Liu, Ali Mazdeh, Lyle Zevenbergen and Casey Kramer, 2024, "NCHRP research report 1077: Selection and application of Manning’s roughness values in two-dimensional hydraulic models"

Research Projects

Honors and Awards

  • Second Place Winner in Phase II Divide and Conquer Challenge, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and NASA, 2022 - 2023
  • Third Place Winner in Phase I Divide and Conquer Challenge, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and NASA, 2021 - 2022
  • Harry West Teaching Award, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Penn State, May 2020 - May 2021
  • State of the Art of Civil Engineering Award, American Society of Civil Engineers, January 2020 - December 2020
  • Fellow, Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI) of ASCE, May 2024


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




The Penn State Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, established in 1881, is internationally recognized for excellence in the preparation of undergraduate and graduate engineers through the integration of education, research, and leadership.

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Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

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