Photo of Gopal Bhatt

Gopal Bhatt

Associate Research Professor


  • Civil and Environmental Engineering

208 ECoRE Building





Journal Articles

  • Qian Zhang, Gary W. Shenk, Gopal Bhatt and Isabella Bertani, 2024, "Integrating monitoring and modeling information to develop an indicator of watershed progress toward nutrient reduction goals", Ecological Indicators, 158, pp. 111357
  • Lewis C. Linker, Gary W. Shenk, Gopal Bhatt, Richard Tian, Carl F. Cerco and Isabella Bertani, 2024, "Simulating climate change in a coastal watershed with an integrated suite of airshed, watershed, and estuary models", JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 60, (2), pp. 499-528
  • Gopal Bhatt, Lewis C Linker, Gary W Shenk, Isabella Bertani, Richard Tian, Jessica Rigelman, Kyle Hinson and Peter Claggett, 2023, "Water quality impacts of climate change, land use, and population growth in the Chesapeake Bay watershed", JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association
  • Kyle Hinson, Marjy Friedrichs, Ray G Najjar, Maria Herrmann, Zihao Bian, Gopal Bhatt, Pierre St-Laurent, Hanqin Tian and Gary W Shenk, 2023, "Impacts and uncertainties of climate-induced changes in watershed inputs on estuarine hypoxia", Biogeosciences, 20, (10), pp. 1937–1961
  • Richard Tian, Carl F. Cerco, Gopal Bhatt, Lewis C. Linker and Gary W. Shenk, 2022, "Mechanisms Controlling Climate Warming Impact on the Occurrence of Hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay", Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 58, (6), pp. 855-875
  • Isabella Bertani, Gopal Bhatt, Gary W. Shenk and Lewis C. Linker, 2022, "Quantifying the Response of Nitrogen Speciation to Hydrology in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Using a Multilevel Modeling Approach", Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 58, (6), pp. 792-804
  • Scott Ator, Gregory E. Schwarz, Andrew J. Sekellick and Gopal Bhatt, 2022, "Predicting Near-Term Effects of Climate Change on Nitrogen Transport to Chesapeake Bay", Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 58, (4), pp. 578-596
  • Robert D. Sabo, Breck Sullivan, Cuiyin Wu, Emily Trentacoste, Qian Zhang, Gary W. Shenk, Gopal Bhatt and Lewis C. Linker, 2022, "Major point and nonpoint sources of nutrient pollution to surface water have declined throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed", Environmental Research Communications, 4, (4)
  • Luke T. Frankel, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, Pierre St-Laurent, Aaron J. Bever, Romuald N. Lipcius, Gopal Bhatt and Gary W. Shenk, 2022, "Nitrogen reductions have decreased hypoxia in the Chesapeake Bay: Evidence from empirical and numerical modeling", Science of the Total Environment, 814
  • Daniel E. Kaufman, Gary W. Shenk, Gopal Bhatt, Kevin W. Asplen, Olivia H. Devereux, Jessica R. Rigelman, J. Hugh Ellis, Benjamin F. Hobbs, Darrell J. Bosch, George L. Van Houtven, Arthur E. McGarity, Lewis C. Linker and William P. Ball, 2021, "Supporting cost-effective watershed management strategies for Chesapeake Bay using a modeling and optimization framework", Environmental Modelling and Software, 144
  • Douglas A. Burns, Gopal Bhatt, Lewis C. Linker, Jesse O. Bash, Paul D. Capel and Gary W. Shenk, 2021, "Atmospheric nitrogen deposition in the Chesapeake Bay watershed: A history of change", Atmospheric Environment, 251
  • Moges B. Wagena, Gopal Bhatt, Elyce Buell, Andrew R. Sommerlot, Daniel R. Fuka and Zachary M. Easton, 2019, "Quantifying model uncertainty using Bayesian multi-model ensembles", Environmental Modelling and Software, 117, pp. 89-99
  • Alisha Spears Mulkey, Frank J. Coale, Peter A. Vadas, Gary W. Shenk and Gopal Bhatt, 2017, "Revised Method and Outcomes for Estimating Soil Phosphorus Losses from Agricultural Land in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model", Journal of Environmental Quality, 46, (6), pp. 1388-1394
  • Michael R. Williams, Gopal Bhatt, Solange Filoso and Guido Yactayo, 2017, "Stream Restoration Performance and Its Contribution to the Chesapeake Bay TMDL: Challenges Posed by Climate Change in Urban Areas", Estuaries and Coasts, 40, (5), pp. 1227-1246
  • P Wang, L Linker, H Wang, Gopal Bhatt, G Yactayo, K Hinson and R Tian, 2017, "Assessing water quality of the Chesapeake Bay by the impact of sea level rise and warming", IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 82, pp. 012001
  • Xuan Yu, Christopher J Duffy, Yu Zhang, Gopal Bhatt and Yuning Shi, 2016, "Virtual Experiments Guide Calibration Strategies for a Real-World Watershed Application of Coupled Surface-Subsurface Modeling", Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 21, (11)
  • Xuan Yu, Christopher J Duffy, Yolanda Gil, Lorne Leonard, Gopal Bhatt and Evan Thomas, 2016, "Cyber-Innovated Watershed Research at the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory", IEEE Systems Journal, 10, (3), pp. 1239-1250
  • Xuan Yu, Christopher J Duffy, Alain N. Rousseau, Gopal Bhatt, Álvaro Pardo Álvarez and Dominique Charron, 2016, "Open science in practice: Learning integrated modeling of coupled surface-subsurface flow processes from scratch", Earth and Space Science, 3, (5), pp. 190-206
  • X Yu, Gopal Bhatt, CJ Duffy, DH Wardrop, RG Najjar, AC Ross and M Rydzik, 2015, "A coupled surface–subsurface modeling framework to assess the impact of climate change on freshwater wetlands", Climate Research, 66, (3), pp. 211-228
  • Xuan Yu, Anna Lamacová, Christopher J Duffy, Pavel Krám, Jakub Hruška, Tim White and Gopal Bhatt, 2015, "Modelling long-term water yield effects of forest management in a Norway spruce forest", Hydrological Sciences Journal, 60, (2), pp. 174-191
  • Gopal Bhatt, Mukesh Kumar and Christopher J Duffy, 2014, "A tightly coupled GIS and distributed hydrologic modeling framework", Environmental Modelling & Software, 62, pp. 70-84
  • Xuan Yu, Gopal Bhatt, Christopher J Duffy and Yuning Shi, 2013, "Parameterization for distributed watershed modeling using national data and evolutionary algorithm", Computers & Geosciences, 58, pp. 80-90
  • Kirk Dow French, Christopher J Duffy and Gopal Bhatt, 2013, "The urban hydrology and hydraulic engineering at the classic maya site of Palenque", Water History, 5, (1), pp. 43-69
  • Kirk Dow French, Christopher J Duffy and Gopal Bhatt, 2012, "The Hydroarchaeological Method: A Case Study at the Maya Site of Palenque", Latin American Antiquity, 23, (1), pp. 29-50
  • Mukesh Kumar, Gopal Bhatt and Christopher J Duffy, 2010, "An object-oriented shared data model for GIS and distributed hydrologic models", International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 24, (7), pp. 1061-1079
  • Mukesh Kumar, Gopal Bhatt and Christopher J Duffy, 2009, "An efficient domain decomposition framework for accurate representation of geodata in distributed hydrologic models", International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 23, (12), pp. 1569-1596
  • Madan K. Jha, Abhilekh Kumar, G. Nanda and Gopal Bhatt, 2006, "Evaluation of Traditional and Nontraditional Optimization Techniques for Determining Well Parameters from Step-Drawdown Test Data", Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 11, (6), pp. 617-630
  • Lewis C Linker, Gary W Shenk, Gopal Bhatt, Richard Tian, Isabella Bertani and Carl F Cerco, , "Development and Application of the 2020 Chesapeake Bay Climate Change Analysis", Journal of the American Water Resources Association

Conference Proceedings

  • Christopher J Duffy, Lorne Leonard, Gopal Bhatt, Xuan Yu and Lee Giles, 2011, "Watershed Reanalysis: Towards a National Strategy for Model-Data Integration", IEEE
  • Gopal Bhatt, M Kumar and Christopher J Duffy, 2008, "Bridging the gap between geohydrologic data and distributed hydrologic modeling", International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software


  • John W. Clune, Paul D. Capel, Matthew P. Miller, Douglas A. Burns, Andrew J. Sekellick, Peter R. Claggett, Richard H. Coupe, Rosemary M. Fanelli, Ana Maria Garcia, Jeff P. Raffensperger, Silvia Terziotti, Gopal Bhatt, Joel D. Blomquist, Kristina G. Hopkins, Jennifer L. Keisman, Lewis C. Linker, Gary W. Shenk, Richard A. Smith, Alexander M. Soroka, James S. Webber, David M. Wolock and Qian Zhang, 2021, "Nitrogen in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed A Century of Change 1950-2050", US Geological Survey Circular, (1486), pp. 1-180
  • Gary W Shenk, Gopal Bhatt, R Tian, C Cerco and L Linker, 2021, "Modeling Climate Change Effects on Chesapeake Water Quality Standards and Development of 2025 Planning Targets to Address Climate Change", CBPO Publication Number 328-21, pp. 145
  • Gary W Shenk, Gopal Bhatt and L Linker, 2020, "Chesapeake Bay Program Phase 6 Watershed Model for the Midpoint Assessment, Section 10"

Research Projects

Honors and Awards


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




The Penn State Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, established in 1881, is internationally recognized for excellence in the preparation of undergraduate and graduate engineers through the integration of education, research, and leadership.

Penn State University

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

208 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education (ECoRE) Building 

556 White Course Dr 

University Park, PA 16802-1408

Phone: 814-863-3084