Journal Articles
- Kaleigh M. Yost, Alba Yerro, Eileen R. Martin and Russell A. Green, 2024, "A cone penetration test database for multiple thin-layer correction procedure development", Earthquake Spectra, 40, (1), pp. 803-827
- Kaleigh Yost, Mario Martinelli, Alba Yerro, Russell A. Green and Dirk A. de Lange, 2023, "Addressing complexities in MPM modeling of calibration chamber cone penetrometer tests in homogenous and highly interlayered soils", Computers and Geotechnics, 158, pp. 105378
- Kaleigh Yost, Alba Yerro, Russell A. Green, Eileen Martin and Jon Cooper, 2022, "MPM Modeling of Cone Penetrometer Testing for Multiple Thin-Layer Effects in Complex Soil Stratigraphy", Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 148, (2), pp. 04021189
- Jon Cooper, Eileen R. Martin, Kaleigh M. Yost, Alba Yerro and Russell A. Green, 2022, "Robust identification and characterization of thin soil layers in cone penetration data by piecewise layer optimization", Computers and Geotechnics, 141, pp. 104404
- Kaleigh Yost, Russell A. Green, Sneha Upadhyaya, Brett W. Maurer, Alba Yerro-Colom, Eileen R. Martin and Jon Cooper, 2021, "Assessment of the efficacies of correction procedures for multiple thin layer effects on Cone Penetration Tests", Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 144, pp. 106677
Conference Proceedings
- Kaleigh Yost, Alba Yerro, Russell A. Green and Eileen Martin, 2022, "Harnessing Numerical Tools to Study the Limitations of CPTs for Characterizing Complex Soil Stratigraphies for Liquefaction Assessment"
- Kaleigh Yost, Jon Cooper, Russell A. Green, Eileen R. Martin and Alba Yerro, 2022, "Correcting measured CPT tip resistance for multiple thin-layer effects", pp. 778-783
- Kaleigh Yost, Russell A. Green, Eric Herwitz and Liam Wotherspoon, 2021, "Bench-Scale Testing of Grouts for Geo-Slice Peels", American Society of Civil Engineers
- Patrick Bassal, Ross W. Boulanger, Brady R. Cox, Jason T. DeJong and Kaleigh M. Yost, 2020, "Dynamic Analyses of Liquefaction at Palinurus Road During the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence"
- Kaleigh Yost, Brady R. Cox, Liam Wotherspoon, Ross W. Boulanger, Sjoerd van Ballegooy and Misko Cubrinovski, 2019, "In Situ Investigation of False-Positive Liquefaction Sites in Christchurch, New Zealand: Palinurus Road Case History", American Society of Civil Engineers
- Brady R. Cox, Kaleigh A. McLaughlin, Sjoerd Van Ballegooy, Misko Cubrinovski, Ross Boulanger and Liam Wotherspoon, 2017, "In-situ investigation of false-positive liquefaction sites in Christchurch, New Zealand: St. Teresa’s School case history"
- Kaleigh Yost, Russell A. Green, Alba Yerro and Eileen R. Martin, , "Utilizing CPT Databases to Better Inform Liquefaction Evaluations"
- Aavash Ghimire, Kaleigh Yost, Andrew Stolte, Alfonso Mejia and Rolando Orense, , "Past, Present, and Future Liquefaction Hazard at Greenmeadows School, Napier, New Zealand", US