Journal Articles
- Li Li, 2024, "River water quality shaped by land–river connectivity in a changing climate", Nature Climate Change, 14, pp. 225-237
- Li Li, 2024, "CAMELS-Chem: augmenting CAMELS (Catchment Attributes and Meteorology for Large-sample Studies) with atmospheric and stream water chemistry data", Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 28, (3), pp. 611-630
- Li Li, 2024, "Historical and projected future runoff over the Mekong River basin", Earth System Dynamics, 15, (1), pp. 75-90
- Li Li, 2024, "Topographic correction of visible near-infrared reflectance spectra for horizon-scale soil organic carbon mapping", Soil Science Society of America Journal, 88, (2), pp. 207-223
- Li Li, 2024, "Amplified Production and Export of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon During Hot and Wet Subtropical Monsoon", Water Resources Research, 60, (1)
- Li Li, 2023, "Drier streams despite a wetter climate in woody-encroached grasslands", Journal of Hydrology, 627, (Part B)
- Li Li, 2023, "Is macroporosity controlled by complexed clay and soil organic carbon?", Geoderma, 437
- Li Li, 2023, "Root distributions, precipitation, and soil structure converge to govern soil organic carbon depth distributions", Geoderma, 437
- Li Li, 2023, "Widespread deoxygenation in warming rivers", Nature Climate Change, 13, pp. 1105-1113
- Li Li, 2023, "Differentiable modelling to unify machine learning and physical models for geosciences", Nature Reviews Earth & Environment
- Li Li, 2023, "Leveraging Groundwater Dynamics to Improve Predictions of Summer Low-Flow Discharges", Water Resources Research, 59, (8)
- Li Li, 2023, "High Dissolved Carbon Concentration in Arid Rocky Mountain Streams", Environmental Science & Technology
- Li Li, 2023, "Temperature outweighs light and flow as the predominant driver of dissolved oxygen in US rivers", Nature Water
- Li Li, 2023, "Machine-Learning Reveals Equifinality in Drivers of Stream DOC Concentration at Continental Scales", Water Resources Research
- Li Li, 2022, "Riverine nitrate concentrations predominantly driven by human, climate, and soil properties in US rivers", Water Research
- Li Li, 2022, "Hydrologic connectivity and source heterogeneity control concentration–discharge relationships", Hydrological Processes
- Li Li, 2022, "Soil CO2 Controls Short-Term Variation but Climate Regulates Long-Term Mean of Riverine Inorganic Carbon", Global Biogeochemical Cycles
- Li Li, 2022, "Climate Controls on River Chemistry", Earth's Future
- Li Li, 2022, "Supplementary material to "CAMELS-Chem: Augmenting CAMELS (Catchment Attributes and Meteorology for Large-sample Studies) with Atmospheric and Stream Water Chemistry Data""
- Li Li, 2022, "Streams as Mirrors: Reading Subsurface Water Chemistry From Stream Chemistry", Water Resources Research
- Dacheng Xiao, Susan L Brantley and Li Li, 2021, "Vertical Connectivity Regulates Water Transit Time and Chemical Weathering at the Hillslope Scale", Water Resources Research, 57, (8)
- Hang Wen, Susan L Brantley, Kenneth J Davis, Jonathan M Duncan and Li Li, 2021, "The Limits of Homogenization: What Hydrological Dynamics can a Simple Model Represent at the Catchment Scale?", Water Resources Research, 57, (6)
- Leila Saberi, G.-H. Crystal Ng, Leah Nelson, Wei Zhi, Li Li, Jeff La Frenierre and Morgan Johnstone, 2021, "Spatiotemporal Drivers of Hydrochemical Variability in a Tropical Glacierized Watershed in the Andes", Water Resources Research, 57, (5)
- Wei Zhi, Dapeng Feng, Wen-Ping Tsai, Gary Sterle, Adrian Harpold, Chaopeng Shen and Li Li, 2021, "From Hydrometeorology to River Water Quality: Can a Deep Learning Model Predict Dissolved Oxygen at the Continental Scale?", Environmental Science & Technology, 55, (4), pp. 2357-2368
- Li Li, Pamela L. Sullivan, Paolo Benettin, Olaf A. Cirpka, Kevin Bishop, Susan L Brantley, Knapp, Julia L. A., van Meerveld, Ilja, Andrea Rinaldo, Jan Seibert, Hang Wen and James W. Kirchner, 2021, "Toward catchment hydro-biogeochemical theories", WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS-WATER, 8, (1)
- Li Li, 2021, "Toward catchment hydro-biogeochemical theories", WIREs Water
- Wei Zhi, Kenneth H. Williams, Rosemary W. Carroll, Wendy Brown, Wenming Dong, Devon Kerins and Li Li, 2020, "Significant stream chemistry response to temperature variations in a high-elevation mountain watershed", Communications Earth & Environment, 1, (1)
- Wei Zhi and Li Li, 2020, "The Shallow and Deep Hypothesis: Subsurface Vertical Chemical Contrasts Shape Nitrate Export Patterns from Different Land Uses", Environmental Science & Technology, 54, (19), pp. 11915-11928
- M. Botter, Li Li, J. Hartmann, P. Burlando and S. Fatichi, 2020, "Depth of Solute Generation Is a Dominant Control on Concentration-Discharge Relations", Water Resources Research, 56, (8)
- Bonnie McDevitt, Michael Cavazza, Richard Beam, Eric Cavazza, William D Burgos, Li Li and Nathaniel R. Warner, 2020, "Maximum Removal Efficiency of Barium, Strontium, Radium, and Sulfate with Optimum AMD-Marcellus Flowback Mixing Ratios for Beneficial Use in the Northern Appalachian Basin", Environmental Science & Technology, 54, (8), pp. 4829-4839
- Bonnie McDevitt, Michael Cavazza, Richard Beam, Eric Cavazza, William D Burgos, Li Li and Nathaniel R. Warner, 2020, "Maximum Removal Efficiency of Barium, Strontium, Radium, and Sulfate with Optimum AMD-Marcellus Flowback Mixing Ratios for Beneficial Use in the Northern Appalachian Basin", ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 54, (8), pp. 4829-4839
- Jason Kaye, Susan Brantley, Jennifer Williams, Li Li and SSHCZO team, 2019, "Proposed Best Practices for Collaboration at Cross-disciplinary Observatories.", Biogeosciences
- Dacheng Xiao, Yuning Shi, Susan L Brantley, Brandon Forsythe, Roman DiBiase, Kenneth J Davis and Li Li, 2019, "Streamflow generation from catchments of contrasting lithologies: the role of soil properties, topography, and catchment size", Water Resources Research
- Li Li, 2019, "Distinct Source Water Chemistry Shapes Contrasting Concentration-Discharge Patterns", Water Resources Research
- Wei Zhi, Li Li, Wenming Dong, Wendy Brown, Jason Philip Kaye, Carl Steefel and Kenneth H Williams, 2019, "Distinct Source Water Chemistry Shapes Contrasting Concentration-Discharge Patterns", Water Resources Research
- Samantha Weintraub, Alejandro N Flores, William R Wieder, Debjani Sihi, Claudia Cagnarini, Gon\ccalves, Daniel Ruiz Potma, Michael H Young, Li Li, Yaniv Olshansky, Roland Baatz and others, 2019, "Leveraging Environmental Research and Observation Networks to Advance Soil Carbon Science", Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
- Leila Saberi, Rachel T McLaughlin, GH Crystal Ng, Jeff La Frenierre, Andrew D Wickert, Michel Baraer, Wei Zhi, Li Li and Bryan G Mark, 2019, "Multi-scale temporal variability in meltwater contributions in a tropical glacierized watershed", Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23, (1), pp. 405--425
- Hang Wen and Li Li, 2018, "An upscaled rate law for mineral dissolution in heterogeneous media: The role of time and length scales", geochemica et cosmochimica Acta, 235, pp. 1--20
- Zhang Cai, Hang Wen and Li Li, 2018, "Clay Distribution Patterns Regulate Natural Attenuation of Marcellus Shale Waters in Natural Aquifers", Energy & Fuels, 32, (9), pp. 9672--9682
- Hang Wen, Zezhen Pan, Daniel Giammar and Li Li, 2018, "Enhanced Uranium Immobilization by Phosphate Amendment under Variable Geochemical and Flow Conditions: Insights from Reactive Transport Modeling", Environmental science \& technology, 52, (10), pp. 5841--5850
- Pamela L Sullivan, M.W. Stops, G.L. Macpherson, Li Li, D. R. Hirmas and W. K. Dodds, 2018, "How landscape heterogeneity governs stream water concentration-discharge behavior in carbonate terrains (Konza Prairie, USA)", Chemical Geology
- Yiwei Cheng, Yuxin Wu, Hang Wen, Christopher G Hubbard, Anna L Engelbrektson, Lauren Tom, Li Li, Yvette Piceno, Markus Bill, Gary Andersen and others, 2018, "Microbial Sulfate Reduction and Perchlorate Inhibition in a Novel Mesoscale Tank Experiment", Energy \& Fuels, 32, (12), pp. 12049--12065
- Zhang Cai, Hang Wen, Sridhar Komarnenic and Li Li, 2018, "Mineralogy controls on reactive transport of Marcellus Shale waters", Science of The Total Environment, 630, pp. 1573--1582
- Li Wang, Hang Wen and Li Li, 2018, "Scale dependence of surface complexation capacity and rates in heterogeneous media.", Science of The Total Environment, 635, pp. 1547--1555
- 12. Baatz, R., Sullivan, P. L., Li, L. and and others, 2018, "Steering operational synergies in terrestrial observation networks: opportunity for advancing Earth system dynamics modelling", Earth Syst. Dynam., 9, pp. 593--609
- Susan L Brantley, Tim White, Nicole West, Jennifer Z Williams, Brandon Forsythe, Dan Shapich, Jason Philip Kaye, Henry Lin, Yuning Shi, Margot Wilkinson Kaye, Li Li and others, 2018, "Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory: Shale Hills in the context of Shaver’s Creek watershed", Vadose Zone Journal, 17, (1)
- Li Li, Roman DiBiase, Joanmarie Del Vecchio, Virginia Marcon, Beth Hoagland, Dacheng Xiao, Callum Wayman, Qicheng Tang, Yuting He, Perri Silverhart and others, 2018, "The Effect of Lithology and Agriculture at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory", Vadose Zone Journal, 17, (1)
- Yiwei Cheng, Christopher G. Hubbard, Liange Zheng, Bhavna Arora, Li Li, Ulas Karaoz, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin and Nicholas J. Bouskill, 2018, "Next generation modeling of microbial souring – Parameterization through genomic information", International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 126, pp. 189-203
- Li Li, 2017, "Understanding watershed hydrogeochemistry: 1. Development of RT-Flux-PIHM", Water Resources Research
- Peyman Heidari, Li Li, Lixin Jin, Jennifer Z Williams and Susan L Brantley, 2017, "A reactive transport model for Marcellus shale weathering", Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 217, (Supplement C), pp. 421-440
- Hang Wen and Li Li, 2017, "An upscaled rate law for magnesite dissolution in heterogeneous porous media", Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 210, pp. 289-305
- Li Li, Kate Maher, Alexis Navarre-Sitchler, Jenny Druhan, Christof Meile, Corey Lawrence, Joel Moore, Julia Perdrial, Pamela Sullivan, Aaron Thompson, Lixin Jin, Edward W. Bolton, Susan L Brantley, William E. Dietrich, K. Ulrich Mayer, Carl I. Steefel, Albert Valocchi, John Zachara, Benjamin Kocar, Jennifer McIntosh, Benjamin M. Tutolo, Mukesh Kumar, Eric Sonnenthal, Chen Bao and Joe Beisman, 2017, "Expanding the role of reactive transport models in critical zone processes", Earth-Science Reviews, 165, pp. 280-301
- Yiwei Cheng, Christopher G Hubbard, Liange Zheng, Bhavna Arora, Li Li, Ulas Karaoz, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin and Nicholas J Bouskill, 2017, "Next generation modeling of microbial souring--Parameterization through genomic information", International Biodeterioration \& Biodegradation
- Chen Bao, Li Li, Yuning Shi and Christopher J Duffy, 2017, "Understanding watershed hydrogeochemistry: 1. Development of RT-Flux-PIHM", Water Resources Research, 53, (3), pp. 2328--2345
- Li Li, Chen Bao, Pamela L Sullivan, Susan L Brantley, Yuning Shi and Christopher J Duffy, 2017, "Understanding watershed hydrogeochemistry: 2. Synchronized hydrological and geochemical processes drive stream chemostatic behavior", Water Resources Research, 53, (3), pp. 2346--2367
- Qiao, C., R.T. Johns, and Li Li, 2016, "Modeling low salinity flooding in mineralogically different carbonate reservoirs", Energy & Fuels
- Jean-Patrick Leopold Brunet, Li Li, Zuleima Karpyn and Nicolas J. Huerta, 2016, "Fracture opening or self-sealing: Critical residence time as a unifying parameter for cement–CO2–brine interactions", International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 47, pp. 25-37
- Yiwei Cheng, Christopher G. Hubbard, Li Li, Nicholas Bouskill, Sergi Molins, Liange Zheng, Eric Sonnenthal, Mark E. Conrad, Anna Engelbrektson, John D. Coates and Jonathan B. Ajo-Franklin, 2016, "Reactive Transport Model of Sulfur Cycling as Impacted by Perchlorate and Nitrate Treatments", Environmental Science & Technology!!!, 50, (13), pp. 7010–7018
- Peilin Cao, Zuleima Karpyn and Li Li, 2016, "The role of host rock properties in determining potential CO2 migration pathways", International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 45, pp. 18-26
- Zhang Cai and Li Li, 2016, "How long do natural waters “remember” release incidents of Marcellus Shale waters: a first order approximation using reactive transport modeling", Geochemical Transactions, 17, (1), pp. 6
- Changhe Qiao, Russell Taylor Johns and Li Li, 2016, "Modeling Low-Salinity Waterflooding in Chalk and Limestone Reservoirs", Energy & Fuels, 30, (2), pp. 884--895
- Susan Carroll, J. William Carey, David Dzombak, Nicolas J. Huerta, Li Li, Tom Richard, Wooyong Um, Stuart D. C. Walsh and Liwei Zhang, 2016, "Review: Role of chemistry, mechanics, and transport on well integrity in CO2 storage environments", International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 49, pp. 149--160
- Hang Wen, Li Li, Dustin Crandall and Alexandra Hakala, 2016, "Where Lower Calcite Abundance Creates More Alteration: Enhanced Rock Matrix Diffusivity Induced by Preferential Dissolution", Energy & Fuels, 30, (5), pp. 4197--4208
- Li Li, 2016, "How long do natural waters "remember" release incidents of Marcellus Shale waters: a first order approximation using reactive transport modeling", Geochemical Transactions
- Changhe Qiao, Li Li, Russell Taylor Johns, Jinchao Xu and others, 2015, "A mechanistic model for wettability alteration by chemically tuned waterflooding in carbonate reservoirs", SPE Journal, 20, (04), pp. 767--783
- Changhe Qiao, Li Li, Russell Taylor Johns and Jinchao Xu, 2015, "Compositional Modeling of Dissolution-Induced Injectivity Alteration During CO2 Flooding in Carbonate Reservoirs", SPE Journal
- Li Wang and Li Li, 2015, "Illite spatial distribution patterns dictate Cr (VI) sorption macrocapacity and macrokinetics", Environmental science \& technology, 49, (3), pp. 1374--1383
- Peilin Cao, Zuleima Karpyn and Li Li, 2015, "Self-healing of cement fractures under dynamic flow of CO2-rich brine", Water Resources Research, 51, (6), pp. 4684--4701
- Fatemeh Salehikhoo and Li Li, 2015, "The role of magnesite spatial distribution patterns in determining dissolution rates: When do they matter?", Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 155, pp. 107--121
- Christopher Duffy, Yuning Shi, Ken Davis, Rudy Slingerland,, Li Li, Pamela L Sullivan, Yves Godd\'eris, Susan and L Brantley, 2014, "Designing a Suite of Models to Explore Critical Zone Function", Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 10, pp. 7--15
- Li Zhang, Danning Li, Li Li and D. Lu, 2014, "Development of a new compositional model with multi-component sorption isotherm and slip flow in tight gas reservoirs", Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 21, pp. 1061--1072
- Yuxin Wu, Vikranth Kumar Surasani, Li Li and Susan Sharpless Hubbard, 2014, "Geophysical monitoring and reactive transport simulations of bioclogging processes induced by Leuconostoc mesenteroides", Geophysics, 79, (1), pp. E61--E73
- Christopher G Hubbard, Yiwei Cheng, Anna Engelbrekston, Jennifer L Druhan, Li Li, Jonathan B Ajo-Franklin, John D Coates and Mark E Conrad, 2014, "Isotopic insights into microbial sulfur cycling in oil reservoirs", Frontiers in microbiology, 5, pp. 480
- Peyman Heidari and Li Li, 2014, "Solute transport in low-heterogeneity sandboxes: The role of correlation length and permeability variance", Water Resources Research, 50, (10), pp. 8240--8264
- Li Li, Fatemeh Salehikhoo, Susan L Brantley and Peyman Heidari, 2014, "Spatial zonation limits magnesite dissolution in porous media", Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 126, pp. 555--573
- Chen Bao, Hongfei Wu, Li Li, Darrell Newcomer, Philip E Long and Kenneth H Williams, 2014, "Uranium bioreduction rates across scales: Biogeochemical hot moments and hot spots during a biostimulation experiment at Rifle, Colorado", Environmental science \& technology, 48, (17), pp. 10116--10127
- Vilcaez, Javier, Li Li and Susan S Hubbard, 2013, "A new model for the biodegradation kinetics of oil droplets: application to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico", Geochemical transactions, 14, (1), pp. 4
- Vikranth K Surasani, Li Li, Jonathan B Ajo-Franklin, Chris Hubbard, Susan S Hubbard and Yuxin Wu, 2013, "Bioclogging and Permeability Alteration by L. mesenteroides in a Sandstone Reservoir: A Reactive Transport Modeling Study", Energy & Fuels, 27, (11), pp. 6538--6551
- Peilin Cao, Zuleima Karpyn and Li Li, 2013, "Dynamic alterations in wellbore cement integrity due to geochemical reactions in CO2-rich environments", Water Resources Research, 49, (7), pp. 4465--4475
- Jean-Patrick Leopold Brunet, Li Li, Zuleima Karpyn, Barbara G Kutchko, Brian Strazisar and Grant Bromhal, 2013, "Dynamic evolution of cement composition and transport properties under conditions relevant to geological carbon sequestration", Energy & Fuels, 27, (8), pp. 4208--4220
- Fatemeh Salehikhoo, Li Li and Susan L Brantley, 2013, "Magnesite Dissolution Rates at Different Spatial Scales: the Role of Mineral Spatial Distribution and Flow Velocity", Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
- Vilcaez, J., Li, L., Wu, D., and S. S. Hubbard, 2013, "Reactive transport modeling of induced selective plugging by L. Mesenteroides in carbonate formations.", Geomicrobiology Journal, 30, pp. 813--828
- Liwei Zhang, David A Dzombak, David V Nakles, Jean-Patrick Leopold Brunet and Li Li, 2013, "Reactive Transport Modeling of Interactions between Acid Gas (CO2+ H2S) and Pozzolan-Amended Wellbore Cement under Geologic Carbon Sequestration Conditions", Energy & Fuels, 27, (11), pp. 6921--6937
- Li Li, 2013, "Reactive Transport Modeling of Induced Selective Plugging by Leuconostoc Mesenteroides in Carbonate Formations", Geomicrobiology Journal
- Evan Frye, Chen Bao, Li Li and Seth A Blumsack, 2012, "Environmental Controls of Cadmium Desorption during CO2 Leakage", Environmental science & technology, 46, (8), pp. 4388--4395
- Li Li, Nitin Gawande, Michael B Kowalsky, Carl I Steefel and Susan S Hubbard, 2011, "Physicochemical Heterogeneity Controls on Uranium Bioreduction Rates at the Field Scale", Environmental science & technology
- Kamini Singha, Li Li, Frederick D Day-Lewis and Aaron B Regberg, 2011, "Quantifying solute transport processes: Are chemically “conservative” tracers electrically conservative?", Geophysics, 76, (1), pp. F53--F63
- Li Li, 2011, "Quantifying solute transport processes: Are chemically "conservative" tracers electrically conservative?", Geophysics
- Li Li, Carl I Steefel, Michael B Kowalsky, Andreas Englert and Susan S Hubbard, 2010, "Effects of physical and geochemical heterogeneities on mineral transformation and biomass accumulation during biostimulation experiments at Rifle, Colorado", Journal of contaminant hydrology, 112, (1-4), pp. 45--63
- Jinsong Chen, Hubbard, S. S., Williams, K. H., Pride, S., Li, L., Steefel, C., Slater and L, 2009, "A state-space Bayesian framework for estimating biogeochemical transformations using time-lapse geophysical data"
- A Englert, SS Hubbard, KH Williams, Li Li and CI Steefel, 2009, "Feedbacks between hydrological heterogeneity and bioremediation induced biogeochemical transformations", Environmental science & technology, 43, (14), pp. 5197--5204
- Li Li, Carl I Steefel, Kenneth H Williams, Michael J Wilkins and Susan S Hubbard, 2009, "Mineral transformation and biomass accumulation associated with uranium bioremediation at Rifle, Colorado", Environmental science \& technology, 43, (14), pp. 5429--5435
- Carl I Steefel, Kenneth H Williams, Li Yang and Li Li, 2009, "Thermodynamic controls on the bioreduction of U, V, and Fe", Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement, 73, pp. A1265
- Li Li, Carl I Steefel and Li Yang, 2008, "Mineral dissolution kinetics at the pore scale"
- Li Li, Carl I Steefel and Li Yang, 2008, "Scale dependence of mineral dissolution rates within single pores and fractures", Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72, (2), pp. 360--377
- Li Li, 2007, "Reply to "Comment on upscaling geochemical reaction rates using pore-scale network modeling" by Peter C. Lichtner and Qinjun Kang", Advances in Water Resources, 30, (3), pp. 691-695
- Li Li, Catherine A Peters and Michael A Celia, 2007, "Applicability of averaged concentrations in determining geochemical reaction rates in heterogeneous porous media", American Journal of Science, 307, (10), pp. 1146--1166
- Li Li, CA Peters and MA Celia, 2007, "Effects of mineral spatial distribution on reaction rates in porous media", WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 43, (1), pp. W01419
- Li Li, Catherine A Peters and Michael A Celia, 2007, "Reply to" Comment on upscaling geochemical reaction rates using pore-scale network modeling" by Peter C. Lichtner and Qinjun Kang", Advances in Water Resources, 30, (3), pp. 691--695
- Li Li, Catherine A Peters and Michael A Celia, 2006, "Upscaling geochemical reaction rates using pore-scale network modeling", 29, (9), pp. 1351--1370
- Susan H Xu, Li Li, Y Tan, J Feng, Z Wei and Li Wang, 2000, "Prediction and qsar analysis of toxicity to Photobacterium phosphoreum for a group of heterocyclic nitrogen compounds", Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology, 64, (3), pp. 316--322
- Li Li, LS Wang, SK Han and Zhihua Zhang, 1999, "Comparison of four methods of predicting newly measured octanol/water coefficients (log k(ow)) for heterocyclic nitrogen compounds and the partition mechanism", ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY, 18, (12), pp. 2723--2728
- Li Li, Hong Yang, Yanbing Ding, Liansheng Wang and Zheng Zhang, 1999, "Prediction of log KW using mcis and LSER methods for heterocyclic nitrogen compounds", Journal of liquid chromatography \& related technologies, 22, (6), pp. 897--907
- Hang Wen, Julia Perdrial, Susana Bernal, Benjamin W Abbott, Remi Dupas, Sarah E Godsey, Adrian Harpold, Donna Rizzo, Kristen Underwood, Thomas Adler and Li Li, , "Temperature controls production but hydrology controls export of dissolved organic carbon at the catchment scale"
- Adam N. Wlostowski, Noah Molotch, Suzanne P. Anderson, Susan L Brantley, Jon Chorover, David Dralle, Praveen Kumar, Li Li, Kathleen A. Lohse, John M. Mallard, Jennifer C. McIntosh, Sheila F. Murphy, Eric Parrish, Mohammad Safeeq, Mark Seyfried, Yuning Shi and Ciaran Harman, , "Signatures of Hydrologic Function Across the Critical Zone Observatory Network", Water Resources Research
- Wei Zhi, Yuning Shi, Hang Wen, Leila Saberi, Gene-Hua Crystal Ng, Kayalvizhi Sadayappan, Devon Kerins, Bryn Stewart and Li Li, , "BioRT-Flux-PIHM v1.0: a biogeochemical reactive transport model at the watershed scale", Geoscientific Model Development, 15, (1), pp. 315-333
- Hang Wen, Pamela L. Sullivan, Gwendolyn L. Macpherson, Sharon A. Billings and Li Li, , "Deepening roots can enhance carbonate weathering by amplifying CO<sub>2</sub>-rich recharge", Biogeosciences, 18, (1), pp. 55-75
- Leila Saberi, Rachel T. McLaughlin, G.-H. Crystal Ng, Jeff La Frenierre, Andrew D. Wickert, Michel Baraer, Wei Zhi, Li Li and Bryan G. Mark, , "Multi-scale temporal variability in meltwater contributions in a tropical glacierized watershed", Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23, (1), pp. 405-425